Partial Distribution of Wind Farm Income

Started by W. Gray, March 30, 2016, 10:30:21 AM

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Frawin, I read your posts and it's easy to see that you're a liberal.  No question about it.

Distribution is part of your vocabulary.


Quote from: frawin on March 31, 2016, 07:45:17 AM

Where is the conservative on the Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners giving County Money away?

Quote from: frawin on March 31, 2016, 07:45:17 AM
Quote from: frawin on March 31, 2016, 07:45:17 AM

Really ? What does that have to do with being conservative?
What branch did you serve in?
I served 10 years during Vietnam and was in 7 or 8 Vietnam Campaigns. How many did you serve in?

But that has nothing to do with being conservative does it.
Nor does it have anything to do with saving and investing taxpayers money versus giving it away Bernie Sanders Socialistic way, does it?

Quote from: frawin on March 31, 2016, 07:45:17 AM

So are you going to tell Diane and the rest of your friends that post here, that they don't live here and should post where they live? How about them folks that own land but don't live here to post where they live.

Sure sounds like an angry Liberal having their say and their own way.
But who knows, I may be wrong !

Quote from: frawin on March 31, 2016, 07:45:17 AM

Overly polite aren't you? LOL Just kidding !

Quote from: frawin on March 31, 2016, 07:45:17 AM

How sweet of you Frawin to take time from your busy day for such caring sentiments !

W. Gray


We can ignore Redcliffsw, he is only whistling Dixie.

As for Ross, he does need to stick right in there. He needs to get organized, though. If my RAM is working okay today, he has at least seventeen followers that I can recall. He may have a point; the commissioners ought to at least consider lowering taxes in lieu of or in addition to making distributions. It is going to be up to him, though.

He needs to organize a meeting of his seventeen. He could get them together in his barn to save wear and tear on the other half or the house. He could even rent the Cox Building in Howard. It does not cost that much, but he has to remember to clean up afterwards.

He needs to tell those seventeen how bad Elk Konnected has swept through and ravaged Elk County and convince them of the evils of that organization and the corrupt decision making allowing this distribution. He needs to remind them of the group of Communists, headed by the son of a Russian major general, that used to live south of him. That will get their attention. Then he needs to send them out among the voters and spread the word, convert them to his way of thinking.

Come election time, he has a chance to turn Elk County around.

But, if he is not successful, who knows, the wayward commissioners might make the next distribution $101,000.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


       You right,Waldo. Organized opposition is the correct way. It can be difficult to do, however. Informing all of the people of issues should be easy in these times of internet and social media, but it has been shown not to be the case, even in the presidential elections. Too much bad data can be put forth. Garbage in, garbage out as they say.


Quote from: W. Gray on March 31, 2016, 10:19:32 AM

We can ignore Redcliffsw, he is only whistling Dixie.

You can also ignore Ethics and Principles and everything else as well. Because as you said it makes no difference.

Quote from: W. Gray on March 31, 2016, 10:19:32 AM
As for Ross, he does need to stick right in there. He needs to get organized, though. If my RAM is working okay today, he has at least seventeen followers that I can recall.

Is that all you folks recognize and understand?

Having organizations thinking for you is not a good thing, now is it?

N0, Ma'am Ross does not need to get organized as in an NGO like Elk Konnected, so do you really  think another such thing is needed in Elk County?

You have been shown in another thread how hateful and wrong they are in their practices.

And I'm sorry to inform you, I have no followers, that is a figment of your imgination. Also your RAM would in no way Know that, it is not one of its prescribed duties. It does have ethics! LOL

Quote from: W. Gray on March 31, 2016, 10:19:32 AM
He may have a point; the commissioners ought to at least consider lowering taxes in lieu of or in addition to making distributions. It is going to be up to him, though.

Oh, so now you want to talk about putting money in your wallet.
Well, it's not up to me!
It is up to the voters in this county and perhaps the voters will take you up on your advice and vote a
Kon nected Kounty Kommissioner out of his position on the County Commissioners Board this fall.

But about those county property tax cuts, you have recieved a few County Property Tax cuts. 
But apparently not aware of them.
Read your property tax form you receive every year ---- it's all right there.
And observe the property tax hikes by West Elk USD-282 that sucked them right up and you never benefited from the County property tax cuts.

Mr. Moore West Elk School Superintendent informed every one that it cost $8,000 a year for each of the 38 kids he imported from another district. That was simply fudging the actual cost. West Elk USD-282  has the highest per student cost in the State of Kansas, making them Number 1 (one) in the State of Kansas.   

A whopping $17,000 per student !
This is where your County Property tax cut went !

I'd bet this school board members don't even realize this information.

Check the numbers at:

Quote from: W. Gray on March 31, 2016, 10:19:32 AM
He needs to organize a meeting of his seventeen. He could get them together in his barn to save wear and tear on the other half or the house. He could even rent the Cox Building in Howard. It does not cost that much, but he has to remember to clean up afterwards.

He needs to tell those seventeen how bad Elk Konnected has swept through and ravaged Elk County and convince them of the evils of that organization and the corrupt decision making allowing this distribution. He needs to remind them of the group of Communists, headed by the son of a Russian major general, that used to live south of him. That will get their attention. Then he needs to send them out among the voters and spread the word, convert them to his way of thinking.

Come election time, he has a chance to turn Elk County around.

But, if he is not successful, who knows, the wayward commissioners might make the next distribution $101,000.

I don't have to do any such thing. 

By wayward Commissioners, I take it you are referring to Elk Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners Kaminska and Liebau !
Because I feel certain that County Commissioner Hebb is the only true conservative on the Board.

I do appreciate your having fun at what you think is my expense. Keep laughing all you desire, it is a free country and it is your right.

I served our country for ten years (+)  to support that right and I am happy to see you practicing it.

That right affords you the right to support Socialism and ignorance as well.

It gives you the right to say that nothing matters or that it makes no difference.

Ethics, principles and boundaries apparently don't matter either.

By the way that is the same band wagon Obuma is on !   
Concerning Islamic Muslims Terrorists !

TTFN Enjoy your day !

W. Gray

There is no way you are going to get things changed merely by complaining to yourself about it.

You need to get your seventeen working and multiplying the support for you.

I haven't done a RAM check lately, but it seems to me that seventeen was the number of votes you received when you ran for county commissioner.

Get those seventeen to working for you to get out the vote and vote for your way of thinking. Convince the voters, both Democrat and Republican, you are right. Convince the people they have to rid Elk County of those wayward commissioners who are so negligent they are giving taxpayer money away.

Is there any other way?
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Quote from: W. Gray on March 31, 2016, 12:31:51 PM
There is no way you are going to get things changed merely by complaining to yourself about it.

I'm not complaining I'm just explaining what you don't seem to comprehend.
It is an education in ethics, principles and honesty.
It also provides transparency that your elected officials don't want.

Quote from: W. Gray on March 31, 2016, 12:31:51 PM
You need to get your seventeen working and multiplying the support for you.
I haven't done a RAM check lately, but it seems to me that seventeen was the number of votes you received when you ran for county commissioner.

That is simply amazing ! You are amazing thinking your RAM knows something and that you can check it. Good Job !

I suppose,  I should feel proud that you think I have seventeen followers, especially since I claim to have none.

And I suppose, I should be proud that you think, I've got seventeen votes for county commissioner!!

Because that really is an amazing accomplishment!

Since, I have never been on any ballot ever for County Commissioner.

Don't you think that is an amazing accomplishment !

I bet you were one of them that voted for me. Thanks!

Thanks a lot, that means a great deal to me. You actually do vote, right ?

Quote from: W. Gray on March 31, 2016, 12:31:51 PM
Get those seventeen to working for you to get out the vote and vote for your way of thinking. Convince the voters, both Democrat and Republican, you are right.  Convince the people they have to rid Elk County of those wayward commissioners who are so negligent they are giving taxpayer money away.

You seem to have a real problem with ethics, principles and honesty!

But I sure am glad to hear you say, "wayward commissioners who are so negligent they are giving taxpayer money away.".  LOL

You keep repeating the lie about seventeen followers! Why is that? Is that the best you got?

Quote from: W. Gray on March 31, 2016, 12:31:51 PM
Is there any other way?

Sure there is this way! Providing information and educating the voters to the truth.

And providing honest facts. And having decent conversations.

And then let them decide for themselves. No NGO thinking for them and telling them how to vote!

You never addressed, doing anything smart like saving the money and investing it, and let it compound to be used at a later date to lower property taxes for everyone even further. Eventually the county might not need a property tax!

You also did not address the fact that
Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Kaminska
stated that the county population is predicted to drop by 30 or 35% over the years and that it will make it very difficult to maintain County responsibilities.   
Why is that?         
Is it unfathomable to you?

Here is one of those facts about Elk County, have you bothered to verify any of it?
So you know the truth!
Quote from: ROSS on March 31, 2016, 11:26:17 AM
But about those county property tax cuts, you have recieved a few County Property Tax cuts. 

But apparently not aware of them.

Read your property tax form you receive every year ---- it's all right there.

And observe the property tax hikes by West Elk USD-282 that sucked them right up and you never benefited from the County property tax cuts.

Mr. Moore West Elk School Superintendent informed every one that it cost $8,000 a year for each of the 38 kids he imported from another district. That was simply fudging the actual cost. West Elk USD-282  has the highest per student cost in the State of Kansas, making them Number 1 (one) in the State of Kansas.   

A whopping $17,000 per student !

This is where your County Property tax cut went !

I'd bet this school board members don't even realize this information.
Check the numbers at:

Does the truth matter even a little bit? Or  is another thing to you THAT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE?
Socialist think that way, don't ya know?
But it makes no difference, does it?

I'm enjying our little conversation and i sure hope you are too!

W. Gray

No, it does not matter what I say. It matters what the voters say.

I thought sure you filed to run for county commissioner. Are you saying that you did not?

You mentioned that you would provide information and educate voters to the truth. And you mentioned you were going to provide honest facts and have decent conversations with the voters. Then you want them to decide for themselves. Very good.

You also mention that you want to provide an education in ethics, principles, and honesty and you want to provide transparency that the elected officials don't want. Also very good.

Sounds like you are catching on.

When are you going to start with your program?

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Quote from: W. Gray on March 31, 2016, 06:17:16 PM
No, it does not matter what I say. It matters what the voters say.

I thought sure you filed to run for county commissioner. Are you saying that you did not?

You mentioned that you would provide information and educate voters to the truth. And you mentioned you were going to provide honest facts and have decent conversations with the voters. Then you want them to decide for themselves. Very good.

You also mention that you want to provide an education in ethics, principles, and honesty and you want to provide transparency that the elected officials don't want. Also very good.

Sounds like you are catching on.

When are you going to start with your program?

How very cute of you !

Have you bothered to pull out your property tax bills from the county?
To check out you property tax cut from the county?
Did you see where West Elk USD-282 sucked up that tax cut?
Huh! Did you do that? Here si the information once again:
Quote from: ROSS on March 31, 2016, 11:26:17 AM
And observe the property tax hikes by West Elk USD-282 that sucked them right up and you never benefited from the County property tax cuts.

Mr. Moore West Elk School Superintendent informed every one that it cost $8,000 a year for each of the 38 kids he imported from another district. That was simply fudging the actual cost. West Elk USD-282  has the highest per student cost in the State of Kansas, making them Number 1 (one) in the State of Kansas.   

A whopping $17,000 per student !
This is where your County Property tax cut went !

I'd bet this school board members don't even realize this information.

Check the numbers at:

Have you checked out the previous fact about the expense of educating on chile at West Elk USD-282 ?
Did you click on the link and read the fact for yourself ?

If so then I think I have done a pretty good job of educating you !
And I think we have been having a conversation that may have accomplished something.
If you have not bothered to verify the information and facts I have provided that is no fault of mine.

But just the same, many other people have also received the elusive information.
And my only hope is that they verify the information and discuss it with their friends and family.
Especially the information about the cost of educating one child at West Elk USD-282.
The School lacks transparency and that is why I posted the information.

No, Once again I have no program !
No, I have no following !
No, I have no organization and have NO plans of having one !

Yes, I do believe the more facts and I mean honest facts the voters have the better voting they can do.

W. Gray, Thanks for being a willing participant in the conversation !

Oh yes, W. Gray what you have to say means a great deal. Yes, it sure does. What you post is of great importance ! And I thank you very much for posting.

I sincerely wish you a Good Morning and a great day.


Quote from: W. Gray on March 31, 2016, 10:19:32 AM

We can ignore Redcliffsw, he is only whistling Dixie.

W. Gray:

That's right!  I'm whistling Dixie.

The USA has sent troops all over the world to fight socialism - communists and nazis.
There's nothing fair about socialism.  The least we can do here in America is to stand against socialism on the local and national levels.  It's good to see Patriiots like Ross trying to do something about it and I'm sure there are others in Elk County are concerned too.

Don't know if you're catching on - it's too early yet.  Hope you do and that you stand for the principles pf the Founders.


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