Partial Distribution of Wind Farm Income

Started by W. Gray, March 30, 2016, 10:30:21 AM

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Quote from: W. Gray on April 06, 2016, 07:35:31 AM
Now, I think it has been mentioned on the forum a total of thirty-three times as to where I live.

But, me not living in Elk County should not prevent you from doing your math correctly.

Or, keep you from saying that you do not like socialism.

Or, even keep you from donating a little to the Howard pool. You might even want to take your grandkids for an outing at the pool someday.

What was it that told you to move to Elk County in the first place? What inspired you?

None of what you say has anything to do with the improper use of Elk County taxpayer money!

Giving County taxpayer money as in Socialism instead of returning it to taxpayers is tantamount to theft by Politics.

And by the way, you are not really appreciated by Kon nected Kounty Kommissioner Kaminska who used you and others like you, saying, "If we return money to the taxpayers most of the money would leave Elk County !

County." Oh yea she made that statement at the Commissioners meeting as an excuse not to return money to the proper people and for using Socialism to give money away. How does it feel to be used in such an improper way? , Which is saying you are an outsider, in my way of thinking, you and the other outsiders don't count during County Commissioners meetings. She just blew you off as any kind of meaning except as an excuse. Think about it.

No matter how you twist the use of the Howeird Swimming Pool it still belongs to Howard and is their financial responsibility. It is not the financial responsibility of every one in Elk County. It appears that very few people in Elk County use the swimming pool of they would be making a profit and be able to pay for their responsibility.  In other words it is a financial liability kept afloat for the use of very few people. Hardly worth the expenditure is it?

Nope you are wrong about me using that swimming pool for my grand kids ---- you just assume too much.
And it is a failure to try to support Socialism in such a manner.

Yep, you will keep pushing this type of Socialism won't you?

What ever happened to conservatives in Kansas, especially in Elk County?

I think what happened to conservatism is greed and ego!


Quote from: Wilma on April 06, 2016, 08:46:01 AM
Mr. Gray is not an outsider.  He has had extensive ties to Elk County.  The fact that he does not live here does not make him an uninterested party.  The same can be said of Diane.  Her people and I believe that at least one of her near relatives still own Elk County property.  A great deal more property than most of us self proclaimed Elk Countians own.

It all depends on how you wish to twist the word doesn't it?

I could care less how many people he know or how much land he owns.

He doesn't live here does he?

He doesn't vote here does he?

Diane doesn't live here, does she?

Diane does not vote here does she?

And apparently Diane doesn't own land here or you would have mentioned it.

All that adds up to more of an outsider than myself !

Unless you can find a way to twist the meaning even more, to make me more of an outsider.

Lets not forget the joke that floats around Elk County:
You might be an outsider if you are not inbred !
But before you go off on me I must say the following:
Yes, I thought it tasteless as a joke the first time I heard it.
But, I laughed and won't deny it Q
And I still think it is tasteless!
But it still floats around.
And I bet the joke has been around for many, many decades.

Perhaps that has something to do with the desire for Socialism in Elk County !

Just saying, it's something to think about ! LOL


I just now received this in an e-mail and I think it is quite appropriate for the Socialist topic and FREE MONEY !

        I have never heard this said as simply or as well.

The folks who are getting the free stuff don't like
The folks who are paying for the free stuff, because
The folks who are paying for the  free stuff  can no longer
Afford to pay for both the  free stuff  and  their own stuff.

And the folks who are paying for the free  stuff  Want the free stuff to stop.

And the folks who are getting the  free stuff  want even more   Free stuff  on top of the  free stuff   they are already getting!

Now... The people who are forcing the people who pay
For the free stuff  have told the people who are RECEIVING
The free stuff  that the people who are PAYING for the
Free stuff  are being mean, prejudiced, and racist.

So... The people who are GETTING the free stuff  have been convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for the Free stuff  by the people who are forcing some people to pay for their free stuff  and giving them the free stuff in the first place.

We have let the free stuff  giving go on for so long that there are now more people getting  free stuff  than paying for the   Free stuff .

Now understand this.  All great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200  and 250  years after being founded.
The reason?

The voters figured out they could vote themselves money
From the treasury by electing people who promised to give
Them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them
.         (Elk Kon nected)

The United States officially became a Republic in 1776, 238 years ago.

The number of people now getting free stuff   
outnumbers the people paying for the free stuff.

Failure to change that spells the end of the United States as we know it.

A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves!
Take a Stand!!!
Borders: Closed!

Language: English only
Culture: God, Constitution, and the Bill of Rights!

Drug Free: Mandatory Drug Screening before Welfare!

NO  freebies to: Non-Citizens!


I thought that the $100,000 distribution was Wind Farm Income, not taxpayer money.  The taxpayers have not paid into this fund.  How is it that by the money being distributed to the different towns in the county, it isn't going to the taxpayers benefit?


Quote from: Wilma on April 06, 2016, 12:49:44 PM
I thought that the $100,000 distribution was Wind Farm Income, not taxpayer money.  The taxpayers have not paid into this fund.  How is it that by the money being distributed to the different towns in the county, it isn't going to the taxpayers benefit?

No it is no longer Wind Farm money or it would be in their bank account and not in the Elk County Bank account.

It is being issued based on the number of people in each community, in effect distributing  an amount of dollar for each person whether they are a taxpayer or not. That includes counting children who pay not taxes at all.

It does not include distribution to all the other people and children in the county.

Each community has it's own government and collects their own property tax to take of their city's business. That is why they have a Mayor and city council people elected by the citizens of the community.

What the county collects from the wind farm is called P.I.L.O.T. which basically says they do not have to pay their fair share of property tax. Their fair share would be based on a minimum of 130 mill or better, which I can only guess, would be about $6,000,000 instead of less than $1,000,000.

The money in the County bank account is property of all tax payers and belongs only for the use of County Business not the City's business. The same is true for the city bank accounts.

In other words my personal bak is for my use and your bank account is for your use. If some one took money out of your personal account and put it in my per/sonal account would you be happy about it?
Would you just shrug your shoulders and say it's okay because it is socialism?
Would you consider it aid or welfare and let it go?
Or would you consider it theft?

It is the very same thing between County Government and City Government.
Each has it's own account for their separate responsibilities to the tax payers.

It is basic common sense !

No matter what Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners Liebau and Kaminski excuses they fabricate.

You just try asking them to open their personal accounts to do the same thing. Ask each of them to cough up $50,000 to give to the city's and see what they say?

But they think it is okay to give away taxpayer money because it is not their money. And it is not their money to give away.

Because of principles and ethics and honesty Commissioner Hebb voted against giving away taxpayer money.
And because he is not Elk Kon nected.

I hope this clears the issue up for you a bit.
And thanks for asking.

Have a good afternoon and evening.


People that live in the city also pay county tax.


You are right about that PRO. I have Owned Property In Elk, and I am Working on Buying some more. And when I do Buy some I will gladly Pay my Taxes There. As a Former Taxpayer, and one that will be paying Taxes again, I think it was Great that they shared the  Money from The Wind Farms with the Towns in Elk County. After all everyone that owns Property also Pays Taxes there. PRO KEEP ON KEEPING ON, YOU ARE DOING GREAT.


My point was that the Wind Farm Money did not come from the taxpayers.  I am sorry that you couldn't understand that.

One other thing that you seem to not understand.  Having ties to an area does not mean that you live there, pay taxes there or vote there.  Ties to an area such as Mr. Gray has to Elk County come from memories that have been made over time.  Such as I still have ties to the little town in Sedgwick County where I grew up.  Since most of the people that I used to know there are dead or gone, I have only memories, but I still have an interest in what is happening there.  Sometimes there is a name that I recognize and can identify the family.  Those are ties that last and are just as important as actually living in the area.  Some ties are simply the place where your parents are buried or your grandparent's farm where you spent a lot of time.  There are endless places that you can have ties to as long as your memories last.



Quote from: proelkco on April 06, 2016, 04:38:34 PM
People that live in the city also pay county tax.

And those County taxes they pay, provides them the same benefits I receive.
If for some reason they deserve more benefits from the County so does every County Taxpayer.
So what is your point?

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