Sheriff Election

Started by Mcordell, March 27, 2016, 02:43:31 PM

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Thank you to everyone that came out to Grenola to the forum. I was the only sheriff candidate in attendance with Mr. Hanks declining earlier in the day but I think it was still quite productive and I got a chance to talk to a lot of people.


Enoughisenough: I don't very often post things on the site, but I did concerning this year's Sheriff Election. Mr. Cordell has spoken with me since my post and I respect him for doing so. I will grant I was wrong about one of the things I posted, and did apologize to Mr. Cordell for this, when we talked. I am at a loss; however, as to how you believe I am part of some kind of a set up as you stated. I don't think you know me, or you would know I arrive at my own opinions (and I have many) and have been known to share them. I do interact with the Sheriff and Deputies, but not over coffee as I never acquired a taste for the stuff. The conversations which take place there rarely are about Mr. Cordell, as this is a subject the Sheriff does not want to talk about. My post was not to degrade Mr. Cordell; it was in defense of the character of Sheriff Hanks, from other post on the forum, not by Mr. Cordell. I don't think you and I would agree on everything but if you choose to identify yourself I would be happy to share my opinions with you.


I do appreciate the support that has been expressed and I value the discussions that have been had on here, however I truly am not concerning myself with the private conversations had about me or the election.  It would be perfectly understandable for some at the Sheriff's Office to have discussed the election or my campaign and I understand if some of those conversations cast me in a negative light.  As I have said before, politics brings out passionate opinions, especially for those with a stake in the outcome.  Change can be a scary thing for some and it would be easier for someone who is afraid of impending change to see that change, or the person bringing it, as the bad guy.  I do not hold that against anyone and one of the great hallmarks of our country is that we have a right to speak out and express our opinions.  I have immense respect for our constitution and those rights it serves to protect.

Joe, none of that is to say I am accusing you of anything and I definitely understand your previous post refuted that claim.  My post is not directed at that accusation in any way, but rather is intended to convey that either way, it doesn't matter.  I am glad to live in a place where people are so intensely involved in the local political process.  Far too many people around this great nation are disinterested in politics and make no effort to ensure they have a voice in who represents their interests.

Thank you to everyone, whether you support me or not, for taking some interest in this election.  Please get out on November 8th and vote and while you are there, I would be honored if you would vote for me.


joe I didn't mean you drink coffee I guess I meant you sit with them and talk to them about stuff and they drink coffee.  id rather not tell you who I am becase I don't want john and doug to know who I am.  but I got a broshur in the mail today with dougs picture and some info about him for his election.  I saw what he put on there and I talked to mike cordell on facebook to tell him hwo its not true and he said he knew but he wasn't going to post about it and I think people should know that what he said wasn't true.  in his acomplishments  It sais he upgraded the 911 system and trained all the dispachers to the newest and best system but they were forced to upgrade it because the state made them do it and doug was mad about it. it really makes me mad that he is trying to make it look like he has worked hard for people and the only things he did he was forced to.  it also sais he made a special account to buy stuff but he didnt say that account is set up becaue the law makes them do that and he didn't pick it. and some of what he sais it paid for wasn't paid with it.  and where he sais he visits children in the schools and taught them to wear their seatbelts and did the identity kit things he didnt even do any of that stuff.  he went to the stuff but he had john do those things and he didnt do anything and it wasn't even his idea.  john told him to do stuff because john is trying to keep his job and he said he is quitting if mike wins.  I just don't think its fair after how hard mike cordell has worked for doug to try to say he did all these great things he didn't even do.  the rumor I have heard is that doug is planning to run this time and then he is going to retire early before 4 years so john can take it over without votes and then he can run next time and he will already be sheriff.  I think if john walker is sheriff things will be even worse and I wish I could tell people about everything that happens in the sheriff department but I can't.  I sure hop mike cordell wins because I think he will make it alot better


I appreciate the support as always. The reason I elected not to make a public statement is because I chose to focus on what I WILL do for the county rather than anything negative about the current administration. I believe the voters to be smart enough to recognize the issues for themselves. Again, thank you for the support and for reaching out to me. I understand your situation.


Well I didn't go into last night with a post prepared for if I lost. It's simply not how I work and, quite honestly it was not what I expected to happen. That being said, the night ended with me only receiving 42% of the vote. I don't know the how or the why, nor do I know what I could have done differently, if anything, to affect the outcome. In the end it really just boils down to the majority of the voters not being ready for change.

I do want to thank all of you who supported me. To those of you who had conversations with me expressing your concerns, and to those who were counting on my campaign's success, I'm sorry to have let you down.

If you see Sheriff Hanks around town, be sure to congratulate him, regardless of which side of the election you were on. Much like our country, our community needs to stand together in moving forward. Politics seems to bring out some very strong feelings in people and it's important when all the turmoil is over that we continue to be neighbors and treat one another with respect.

Thank you again to each and every one of you. I am still here for you if you need anything.

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