Started by Ross, January 14, 2016, 06:24:07 AM

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This is what our government has come to!
First the Bundy Ranch and now a county in Oregon.
Brave men taking a stand.


January 11, 2016

By: Rene' Powers investigative journalist and hostess of One Mom On A Borough

The following is an interview with Gloria Keys, a rancher's daughter, 4th generation rancher. She is from Malheur County and has a vested interest as her family's property borders the proposed monument. Gloria attended yesterday's meeting where Ammon Bundy spoke and gave educational information to the community. This shows all of us how important knowing the facts and educating the public at large is. A Rancher's daughter's notes and thoughts....

A Rancher's daughter takes notes at the Meeting with Ammon Bundy on January 10, 2016 and says,

"Yesterday we had the opportunity to stand together, (locals, ranchers and friends) to share what we can do to take back our lands and lives from the BLM.  We met in Fields, Oregon at a local school and there were many in attendance. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer. It was a meeting that was colorful in discussion as the people voiced their opinions and thoughts, agreeing the government has not honored their people. Not all agreed with the methods taken, but the one united thought was the people cannot stand by and just let our lives be ruined. The words were fast and gave us hope and knowledge, so I took notes for later reference. The education gives us the courage. Without the courage to take a stand this would not be a possibility. Education is so important.

Before the men came into town, many felt hopeless and afraid, seeing no light at the end of the tunnel, but praying for a change. We saw land stolen, jobs in mining and timber stolen away. Then we saw our friends abused, in what i believe was an attempt at making an example out of us to keep our mouths shut. The Hammonds were abused right in front of all of us. We saw the new meaning of Framers and to frame good people as the Hammonds amounts to tyranny and it must end.

The Framers of our country gave us the foundation for our Constitution:
o The Founding Fathers of the United States of America were political leaders and statesmen who participated in the American Revolution by signing the United States Declaration of Independence, taking part in the American Revolutionary War, and establishing the United States Constitution.

o In 1973, historian Richard B. Morris identified seven key Founding Fathers: John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington.

o In the winter and spring of 1786–1787, twelve of the thirteen states chose a total of seventy-four delegates to attend what is now known as the Constitutional Convention. Of these seventy-four delegates, only fifty-five helped to draft what would become the Constitution of the United States of America.

More than half of the delegates had trained as lawyers, although only about a quarter practiced law as their principal means of business. Other professions included merchants, manufacturers, shippers, land speculators, bankers or financiers, three physicians, a minister, and several small farmers.

Several notable founders did not participate in the Constitutional Convention. Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Patrick Henry, John Hancock and Samuel Adams did not attend the Convention.  Source:

The Bundy family, the Pacific Patriot Network, the militia, other American men and women and all who are coming to town are the key to everyone in America gaining the courage, and gaining the education to stand without fear. I was afraid of what would happen with them coming to the Refuge, so we took the time to go meet them. What we found were other ranchers, other Americans who were not scary or threatening, but helpful and caring. This is what Americans are supposed to do! To help each other, and protect each other.
As the days have passed since standing to be interviewed by Ammon, a short week ago, our lives have taken on new hope and energy to stop the theft of our lands, livelihoods and homes.

We are excited to share our courage and our hope with all who are ready to support this nation again. Please see the pictures of the notes i have taken, they are attached to this article. Read for yourself, learn and see that we are able to live free of tyranny, we were just taught to trust in a government that has overstepped its territorial bounds. We want to see the people treated with dignity and respect, with attention to the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and our unalienable rights. Natural Law is being shared and "WOW" what happens when we are reminded that the people, "We the People" are truly who are to be served.

Thank you Ammon for the education yesterday, thank you for helping the people, for helping get our lands back and most of all, for giving America courage.

"Not via Anarchy, but simply making it right."-Ammon Bundy
Thank you for reading this American rancher's words. Please see my notes at this link: http://imgur.com/a/UmPSY . I hope you may all take notes and learn what I am through this experience."
Well readers, i hope Gloria's words help you see how important it is to see things for yourself. She took the time to step out of her comfort zone and go meet the Americans at the Malheur Refuge, now renamed by the people as "Harney County Resource Center".

A special thanks and credit to Brandon Thomas for his technical assistance as this Mom may be a journalist but he gave the help needed to finish this article. Thanks Brandon!


Irish Lass/rp



SUBJECT: Assemblywoman Michele Fiore:

"FBI Agents in Oregon posing as Militia."

The Coalition of Western States represents over 50 legislators and grass roots leaders predominantly in the Western United States dedicated to stopping federal overreach. Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore of Nevada & COWS (Coalition of of Western States) has released a statement regarding the Oregon Standoff. I just got off the phone with the former Fire Chief of Burns, Chris Briels, the Burns Fire Chief from 1984 to 2006. When he retired in 2006 the county asked him to stay on as the county Fire Marshall. According to the conversation I had with Chief Briels today at 12:26pm Pacific time, he disclosed to me that the Sheriff's office and Judge Grasty has been telling the community that the "militia" have been following and harassing people. Chief Briels observed what he thought was "militia" poking around the Armory and following townspeople so he took it upon himself to pull them over. According to Chief Briels these men posing as "militia" were the FBI. Chief Briels was so upset he has just resigned as the county Fire Marshall. He has gone public with this information.

[End press release]
The above brief press release from the Coalition Of Western States is an apt introduction for this video coverage of Chief Briels as he explains to media why he has resigned as Fire Marshall. His resignation, and the reason why he resigned, is a positively huge gesture of traditional American values at work in the heart of a public servant.

Some public officials have been spreading, or caused to be spread, rumors of "militia men" following local citizens in cars or pick-up trucks, harrassing or frightening people.  Now we learn that plain-clothed FBI agents have been doing that sort of dirty business. Learning just how insidiously corrupt government agents have become, Chief Briels resigned in disgust and has taken this discovery public. In the name of God, I must ask — How can a damned FBI agent do this sort of thing to an American community and face himself in the morning mirror? Why were FBI agents posing as "militiamen" and poking around the local Armory?

This footage is from the Pete Santilli Show.
Video at: 


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