Not much Difference Between Democrats & Republicans . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, December 23, 2015, 06:50:40 AM

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Burke believed that "our rights" were not just government grants, but also the result of "longstanding traditions."  Consequently, modern conservatives rarely, if ever, criticize let alone repudiate such things as FDR's New Deal.  Conservative Newt Gingrich even once hailed FDR as the greatest president of the twentieth century.  "Some day, conservatives will defend Obamacare," Mullen quotes Tom Woods as saying.  For conservatives, "to challenge the sovereign power, regardless of how objectionably it is wielded, is to endanger all of civil society."  This helps explain the extreme hatred that conservatives have displayed toward Yours Truly in particular, and in general.  "Conservatives from Hobbes to Burke to Rick Santorum believe government power should regulate all areas of life," Mullen accurately concludes.

Conservatives are also centralizers, following Hobbes's belief that "the sovereign power should never be divided."  They are therefore enemies of another important part of the American Creed, federalism or states' rights.

Conservatives in general also embrace various forms of mercantilism as their preferred economic policy.  They will support competititon, but then they call for government intervention to make sure "the right people" win.

Read on:


Several of you have asked me if I had read several of Redcliffe's  Posts, no I have not read any of his Posts for quite awhile, I DO NOT agree with him, so I ignore him, he has every right to Post what he wants to and I have every right to ignore him. Life on the  Forum goes on, hope you all have a great Christmas.


How do you really know that you don't agree if you don't read them?  Oh, I forgot you're not reading this. 

However, I've read some of your postings and recognize some Elk County names.  Interesting for sure.  As for your politics, I'm thinking that you're liberal.   

Somebody want to send this to Frawin so he'll know that we like him even if he is a Republican.


I well remember all of the Political BS you Posted in the past. The only reason I saw this one is because someone PMed me and told me about it. You have every right to post what you want and I have every right to ignore who I want. You are so full of Horse Poop, you think everyone is Liberal but you. I have voted  Republican all my life. I came from a hardworking Family that believes you take no Government aid, that you work for everything you want
Four of my Brothers served this Great Nation with honor. Nearly all of our Presidents have been Democrat or Republican, by your Standards we have almost never had a good President. Keep posting your Political crap all you want. My guess is there are very few People in Elk County that agree with you. And I know there are others that tell me they never read your BS.


Everybody must be traveling for Christmas, there have been no posts on the Forum since 6:00AM this morning. Have safe travels and enjoy your Loved ones. The older I get the more I think Christmas is for the Little ones. We are having Christmas tonite with our Daughter and her Family, she has 3 really special little Girls, Rylan is 4, Brett is 2 and Leighton is all of 5 weeks. I love watching the little ones opening their presents, they get so excited, they start playing with whatever the new toy is and they don't want to stop longer enough to open another present. For the first 10 or 12 years of my life I was lucky to get 2 or 3 presents, I never thought anything about it because lots of kids I knew got nothing or very little. My  wife buys the Grandchildren 10,15 or more. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and safe travels to wherever you are going for Christmas.
Wishing Kjell and Teresa a very special Merry Christmas for all that you have done in furnishing the Forum for everyones  use. You do it all at your expense and I am sure there is considerable expense for the Computer System and all the up keep that goes with it and keeping the forum going. Darn it there was a time around 45 Years ago I thought Teresa was going to be my Niece, but it didn't work out. I think she has a really good spouse now, I love guns and I know Teresa and Kjell do also. We might all be in the Trenches shooting at Isis Killers someday. Well I need to get cleaned up to go enjoy Christmas with my Neat and Special Grandaughters. 

W. Gray

Merry Christmas everyone. We were supposed to have a white Christmas, but it did not happen. It is 17 out this morning, though.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Waldo, it is supposed to be around 70 here today. I see in the 10 Day Forecast We have Cooler Weather coming.
Well it is Christmas Day and it should be getting colder. One thing I really like about our area is they get very little Snow, I DO NOT like Snow and Ice. When I was a young boy Gtowing up in Howard I loved the Snow and Ice, for the Main reason was that we got out of School and the  other reason it was Fun to Play in. There was a big Hill at the far Northwest part of Howard , called Hinkle Hill and Kids from all over Howard would gather there to go Flying down that Hill. I would like to hear from some old Timers, that remember doing that. Hope all of you are enjoying your Family and having a Merry Christmas.

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