Started by frawin, November 21, 2015, 05:06:31 PM

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My Niece in Moline told me she had some Snow Today. We haven't had Snow but we have had up to 40 Mile Winds. We are supposed to get our First Frost Tonite. I am not ready for Winter. As a young boy Growing up in Howard I had to Milk Cows every Morning and every Night. Wintertime was the Worst Time, the Old Barn was Pretty Bad, the Wind Whistled thru it something Fierce and the Snow Blowed in Thru the Cracks. I thought I really had it bad, but you know I miss those Days. We separated the Milk part of the Time and I had to Clean the Separator, to this Day I can't Drink Milk. They called them the Good Old Days, and they were. Everybody keep on Keeping on. My wife remembers cleaning the Separator and she didn't like it either. I would like to hear from any of you that had some of the same "Good Old Days",


I lived the "Good Old Days", but I didn't have to go out to a freezing barn and milk cows.  I did have to clean up the separator and I didn't particularly enjoy it.  My mother skimmed the milk by hand until I was almost a teenager.  We thought that getting the separator was high rolling.  It was fun turning it by hand until it got old, then it turned into a chore.  She finally got an electric separator about the time they quit milking.


I milked when it was hot and there were a lot of flies.  Been swatted by cow tails with cockleburrs.  Probably was kicked too.

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