How Many Kids Pledge Like This Today? . . .

Started by redcliffsw, November 19, 2015, 08:00:39 AM

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I am not old enough to remember saluting the flag like this when I was in school. Since we now live in a fascist state, perhaps we should bring back the old Pledge salute. The sad thing about the Pledge is that some of its biggest supporters are conservative Christians.
-Laurence Vance



Red, I remember well saying the Pledge of Alliegance to the Flag every Morning, from the 1st Grade thru the 8th. on nice Days we raised the Flag on a Pole outside and the entire Class said the Pledge, On days the weather was Cold or the weather was bad we said it in the Classroom, there was a Flag in the Corner of the Room, the Flag in the Room was always there, the one outside two students would lower it in the evening after school let out, it was a Ceremony in itself lowering the Flag,It had to be Folded perfect in Military style. My late brother Dwight spent 25 years in the Navy, when he moved back home to Howard he got into the American Legion, and I think he was the Commander, the Flag was sacred to him. Every Memorial Day, the American Legion would line some of the Cemetery Roads with Flags on poles, the places to put the Flags had Pipe buried and the Flags were put in the Pipes. Then a small Flag was stuck in the Ground next to the Tombstone of every .military Person, including the Graves of Civil War soldiers from both the North and the South. It was such a big thing to my Brother, that Myrna and I drove 700 Miles each way from Midland Tx to help with it. They also had a big Ceremony, With a raising of The Flag on a permanent pole, the raising of this Flag was accompanied by a 21 Gun Salute by Legionares. The whole ceremony was very touching, it made a big Lump in my throat. I never see a Flag without thinking of my four Deceased Brother that Proudly served this Country they served. When I lived in Bartlesvilleville I had a 50 Foot flag pole that we raised several days before and after Memorial Day, we also lined our Sidewalks with Small Flages What a sight. The first thing I did after I got moved in to this House in Prosper, Texas was Mount Prackets on the Garage for Flags, I had them in Bartlesville when I lived there.


Why all the prominence to the U S flag?  Of course, it's a dual purpose flag - it's the flag of the Fed's and it's the flag of the veterans.  On the appropriate days it's flown in honor of the vets.  Otherwise, is it being flown to honor the Fed's?  Why not fly the State flags?

And why do we have the Pledge of Allegiance?  Who invented it?

Why not honor the Constitution instead? 

Diane Amberg

You sure do like to annoy folks don't ya? You know as well as I do the history of "the pledge."
We here do fly the state flag.  Especially on Dec.7th. Being the first state, with all it's history is a big deal.
The Confederate Flag or its relatives are not flown, as they are neither national nor state.  On one's own property, of course you can.


So you don't have any Confederate veteran memorials on State or County property.

There's U S veterans memorials on some county squares or courthouses in Kansas and some them fly the U S flag.

The Confederate veterans ought to be honored just as the U S veterans - they're all American veterans.  The Confederate army was the last American army to defend the Constitution -then the Republicans took over and now look what we have.

Yes, the Pledge of Allegiance was created by a socialist.  Most people don't know that, but even some that do know that Pledge is socialist, recite the socialist Pledge anyway. Indoctrination works up to a point.  How can we say that our country is not socialist?

Diane Amberg

Of course we do. The ''Delaware Greys" have a monument downstate in Georgetown.
We just aren't as attached to human labels as you are.
Perhaps you want Jews to start wearing yellow stars again. Muslims can wear crescents, Hispanics can wear serapes, I can wear my plaid, Hindus can wear turbans and elephant pins, etc.
I prefer to know people by their personalities and how they live their lives.


Diane Amberg

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