Who Is ROSS?

Started by lovemypts, October 11, 2015, 11:24:04 AM

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Hello Everyone.
I graduated from West Elk in 1980's and still have many friends who live and work in the West Elk District. I am always coming across these incredibly toxic posts by "ROSS". For the life of me, I can not put a face with that name.
For a person who has much to say about the education of the West Elk Student body, maybe grammar and punctuation should have been more of a focus on a personal level for ROSS, whomever he or she is.


Welcome to the Forum, what is left of it.  You are right.  Ross is not a native of Elk County.  I don't know just what year he decided to move here, but it hasn't been too many years ago.  He is not familiar with the family connections in Elk County and how things are done here.  Once in awhile he is right about something, but usually he is so far off that I have stopped reading anything he posts.  There are more reliable sources for information.

Do stay with us.  Some of the posts are really worth reading.  I particularly like Diane's update on the East coast and I rely on Patyrn's obituaries.  She gets them on the Forum before the newspapers print them.

I am sorry that I don't contribute more, but my life isn't interesting enough to report about.  We would love to hear more about you, though.


Thank you Wilma.
I edited my post from this morning, simply because leaving it as it was would be stooping to ROSS's level.
It is ludicrous that someone who doesn't have roots here would use this great forum to spread their toxic attitudes publicly.
I love Howard. As a matter of fact, when passing through town just the other day, I stopped at Toot's for a burger and fries, which I ate while setting under a shade tree where my grandma's house used to be.


Agree with Wilma - welcome to the forum! :)

As with anything, there are parts you will like and parts you won't. There are still a few good posters around, so enjoy what you can and ignore the rest.  ;)

As for me, my mom grew up in Howard so I visited her during the summer time. We moved here about 25 years ago; my kids graduated from West Elk. Love the school, love the town.


Ross is the Forum Know-it-all, according to him he is Mr Right all the time. He knows more than the Commissioners
But he could never get enough votes to be the Dogcatcher. He has run a lot of the good people off of the Forum. Frawin was one of my favorites with his Posts "Better Fillup Today", Ross sickened him out of the Forum with his sick twisted posts.


Good Post Joesue, you are right I basically stopped posting and reading any of Toss's posts.I really enjoyed the Forum until Toss  came on. He will probably post some nasty remarks to me for this post. Proelkco, I know you and I really respect your judgment and wisdom, keep after Toss for his crap. Wilma, I liked your posts as well and really miss you on the Forum.


Thank you, Frank and I must say that I miss your daily "Better Fill Up Today", too.  I do think about ressurecting the "What Are You Doing For Excitement Today" thread, especially when the day is so dull I don't know what to do with myself.


      How, pray tell, is this an event or announcement ? ::)

Diane Amberg

New poster...Probably didn't know where to put it.I think we can afford to be generous.


It is an announcement.  It is an announcement of a new member.  Hopefully, one that will liven up the Forum a bit.

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