Trump: A Southern Conservative Perspective . . .

Started by redcliffsw, September 04, 2015, 05:20:48 AM

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Trump's campaign slogan is Make America Great Again. As an intelligent man he must know that to achieve that goal he must remove the government shackles, e.g., taxation, regulations, and centralization, holding Americans and America down, both domestically and internationally.

From a Paleo-Conservative perspective what is there to lose with Trump as POTUS? In the absence of a Trumpian paradigm shift in American politics, the status quo will indeed change, quite dramatically, but not in the direction favorable to the principles of 1776 and 1861. At least with a President Trump there is a chance, possible but not necessarily probable, for change in the right direction. As the presidential campaigning heats up, Middle America is bound to rise up. The collective wisdom of Middle America seems to understand that Trump is not the perfect candidate, but they also seem to realize (to paraphrase M. E. Bradford) "that all of us who will not take half a loaf will get a stone."
-Marshall DeRosa

Diane Amberg

Anybody wanna bet on when he drops out? Why would he actually want to be president?


He's starting to believe his own Hype.  I actually think his campaign is good for the country, he's exposing a lot of the corruption at the top of the republican party, as well as the frustration of the rank and file.  I also agree with some of his ideas, for example, he believes that people who earn a living on the stock market should be paying more than the 15% capital gains tax.  Its not right that people making millions per year are paying a lower tax rate than truck drivers.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


It's not right that the government that our founding fathers established is stealing from the people and regardless of how much the government takes.  Anmar, why do you favor such an un-American practice?  No wonder I keep thinking that you're a Republican. 
I think that Trump is really a Republican.  He's signed the Republican party pledge.
Watch him renege on that - he won't.  He's a true Republcian no matter what he says.

Diane Amberg

Donald Trump is his own party.I've enjoyed listening to his comments, but laughed at a lot of them too. He is not used to ever having anyone say "no" to him.
When he tires of this, I really believe he will find some reason to drop out.I just can't imagine him being successful on the world stage. He's too arrogant.
Ya know there are still those who think there was a political conspiracy that took out both Kennedys.  DT better be careful.


I think that if he feels he's been treated unfairly by the republicans (and really, he already has been), he'll wipe his ass with that pledge and run as a third party candidate.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

Diane Amberg


Trump is starting to go after corporations who send jobs overseas.  Those corporations are the same that fund republican campaigns.  For decades, republican politicians have secretly sold out their blue collar base in order to pander to wealthy donors, only so they could earn the money to buy ads to coerce the base into voting for them.  For decades, republican voters have fallen into the trap and voted against their interests. 

Trump is exposing the system, and I think some republican voters are starting to wake up.  Trump would make a terrible president, but damn I'm glad he's in the race.  Its time for the republican party to do some soul searching and get rid of the crooks who've hijacked the conservative movement.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


They're neocons - liberals, not conservatives and they're ready to start another war anytime.

The Democrats are right there with the Republicans - both together - blaming one another, all the while, they're both headed the same direction.  Sending jobs overseas to save their Ponzi scheme for a while longer until they've imposed New World Order.

In my view, it looks like a lot of people favor what Trump is saying, but he's changing so it ain't gonna last much longer.  He'll be a good Republican again.


"The chief source of problems is solutions"

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