Political Opinions from the East Coast

Started by Diane Amberg, August 14, 2015, 09:47:11 AM

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I had a great visit this morning with our EMS personel this morning and was given a tour of their facility.

I have always been on great terms with these folks and had a terrific talk with them.

I very much support on of their major concerns, which i will address on the thread
Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25 soon.
Click here to go there:
Quote from: ROSS on October 13, 2015, 10:32:03 AM

Diane Amberg

 Mr. "Winkle",yes, please ask your "First Responders" and you'll find response time is only one part of the equation. Your EMT's are trained much further than first aiders/First Responders. A system that dispatches the nearest ambulance, and stop gaps by the Sherriff's Dept. LEO's and others who respond can also make a huge difference.
On the road dispatches are common too.The ambulance sometimes never makes it home before the next call. You probably don't see as many of those as we do though.  Why so grouchy? Those EMT's and Paramedics are highly trained professionals and should be treated as such.
You make it sound like a leaky ol' garage on a dirt floor and an outhouse is good enough. >:(


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 13, 2015, 02:32:10 PM
Mr. "Winkle",yes, please ask your "First Responders" and you'll find response time is only one part of the equation. Your EMT's are trained much further than first aiders/First Responders. A system that dispatches the nearest ambulance, and stop gaps by the Sherriff's Dept. LEO's and others who respond can also make a huge difference.
On the road dispatches are common too.The ambulance sometimes never makes it home before the next call. You probably don't see as many of those as we do though.  Why so grouchy? Those EMT's and Paramedics are highly trained professionals and should be treated as such.
You make it sound like a leaky ol' garage on a dirt floor and an outhouse is good enough. >:(

Try to communicate deceently with you and what do I get shity city talk.
We are rural and better for it.
I give up on you Diane.



    I stated that response time is most important . Why were MASH units close to the front? We have many disabled vets that would have died in early times. They are given worse treatment than illegal immigrants.

    The main question is, what is wrong with the current facility? It houses the EMS and the Extension office and the Rural fire station.

   Evidently someone thought that was a good idea at an earlier time.

Diane Amberg

M.A.S.H. units are/were military of course and Civilian EMS is totally different. Remember what the "M" stands for?
Why does your area need or want to build a new building? I can't possibly answer that.Outgrew it? Political? Tossed out by the other tenants? Beats me.
Our situation here is totally different. Mixed urban, suburban and rural...my district has it all..About 40 square miles. Until it became developed, our one area was more than ten miles from the nearest station. One can't predict where something might happen and have an ambulance sitting there, but between the police, fire fighters, first responders giving immediate care, EMT's and helicopters, we get it done.
  What do you do when the local ambulances are already out on calls? Here the next due ambulance takes it, from where ever they are, even perhaps from a different state. It's all preplanned.The most serious are flown.
If you are very rural, one has to accept that services are going to be further away, that's just the way it always had been...here too.
We have career full time Advanced Life Paramedic Units, who are are owned and operated by New Castle County. They don't transport.The other two counties have the same. All non emergency calls are handled by privately owned transport vehicles.
The emergency basic life support units are, for the most part, owned and operated by our fire companies.(One unit downstate is owned and operated by the local VFW.)The Gov't, state and local, provide major funding, as do we ,by our fund drives, and the billing of people's insurance.
We have both paid EMT's and some volunteers, as I always was.Years ago I did pick up part time paid work on a private service.
You all are so rural, don't you have helicopters? They can drop in most anywhere and drop the travel distance to about nothing.
Remember, not every call is immediately life threatening. In most, a few minutes more or less doesn't matter in the final outcome.
If closeness was the answer, then people would never die in hospitals. Most don't go by ambulance anyway, they are driven to the care center.That is especially true of acute heart patients. Some 80% or more do not go by ambulance. (from an AHA study a few years ago.) Good luck with the final decision.

Diane Amberg

Well, I'm told Ross had something to say to me. He knows he's on ignore, so why would he think I read it?    Didn't get my daily verbal bashing? Who needs it!
Al and I were the project managers for our last two firehouses. One in 1984 and a rural one more recently.In fact, I think the mortgage on that one will be paid off very soon.YAY!
This area of Delaware has been growing quite rapidly and we have been suffering growing pains trying to keep local services reasonable and not too expensive.It's quite a balancing act.
I'm still waiting to see if Joe Biden declares soon.I hope he stays out of it. He can go out on top and still work behind the scenes. I thought the recent "debate" was interesting, but a waste of time too.Nothing that ever comes later has any relationship to anything said in those public forums.

Diane Amberg

Now I'm really disgusted, which I suspect it the whole idea.Thank goodness I do have real friends out there. I'm told Ross is out to stir things up with me again with all manner of lies. I refuse to read him no matter how many lies he tells. I hope his family is safe from him if this is "normal"for him.
No, I was never ever banned from the forum, not even close. No, I never let anyone else use my thread and pretend to be me. I wouldn't know how.
This isn't the first time he has posted that nonsense and I still don't know why. So, go back friends, and read whatever piece of nastiness he wrote, if you care to. If it doesn't sound like me, then you know it's him. I have no idea what he is tying to do.I'm not running for office or anything. HA! What does he get out of trying to smash me? He wouldn't know me if he fell over me.
I feel sorry for any new members trying to see what this forum is all about.They will have to judge all the threads on their own merits.It didn't used to be almost all ugly, mean politics with only a couple of posters every day.
     I will say what I wish about EMS. After 46 years I think I know something about how it works. Some details may be different of course, but the goals are the same nation wide.
Oh, and I forgot the generator when I was writing about the needs of any most any new separate  ambulance station. "He" has nothing decent to offer me, so he can stay on ignore.



Get him Diane. What is new about him being after you, he has been doing that almost from the first time he came on to Forum. He has been doing the same thing to me, don't you know you are not supposed  to question him or disagree with him. This is his forum.

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