Political Opinions from the East Coast

Started by Diane Amberg, August 14, 2015, 09:47:11 AM

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Diane Amberg


You must be really hard up for attention to call me back so soon!

You called?
I promised when you call I'll respond and I don't like going back on my word.
Did you like my post? LOL
Thanks for the confirmation.

Diane Amberg

Would some please tell this computer dummy I'm not reading, or going to read anything he says.He should go bug someone else.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 15, 2016, 12:41:00 PM
Would some please tell this computer dummy I'm not reading, or going to read anything he says.He should go bug someone else.

Why you must be the computer dummy and no one can tell me you are not reading what I post?

All you have to do is smartin up a little and stop calling me.

You read it !
See you can no longer deny the truth. LOL

DYN - 0 - MITE !

if you want this bull shit to end all you have to do is politely release me from my promise to respond when you call me and stop the back stabbing,  then never call me again.

If you call me you then break the release.

Can you comprehend that?

That does not mean I will not respond to your posts about politics or anything else.

Try real hard to comprehend what is written here. I am good for my word as you have experienced!

It's all your game and you can end it.

Diane Amberg

It's a nice day and I hope things have simmered down so I can post this without problems.
  I was amazed to find out that "The Donald " will be appearing at our state fair grounds. That is very unusual as most candidates don't bother with Delaware as we have so little influence and delegates, in spite of having the VP right now. I doubt any Repub. candidates will bother, and I can see why.Too much cost without enough return. We don't do official polls here, but our primary is Tuesday. There is a move afoot to combine primaries, school referendums and local voting here to just one day in May to save a lot of money. Sounds good to me, even if they will fight over it for awhile, I'm sure.
Sadly, we had a  15 year old female high school student killed in Wilmington's Howard Technical High School yesterday. Supposedly, they were fighting over a boy before classes started.They were in the girl's lavatory. Several girls jumped the one girl, beat the heck of her and smashed her head into the lavatory. This will have huge consequences as details unfold. Such a sad state of affairs.
Have a good, quiet uneventful day.

Diane Amberg

Surprise! Hillary and Bernie did show up in Delaware, with one day's notice. I was surprised when Trump showed up, but the other two? Amazing! We have so few delegates in a winner take all race that we don't ususally get any notice to speak of. Trump and Hillary swept the state. Now on the the next one.

Diane Amberg

Oh my, what will the Republican party do now? Trumphf has caused such divisiveness, I just can't imagine how they will pull this off. His own party is starting to whistle and count their shoe laces. Quite a few of my staunch Repub. friends just can't see Trumpf representing our country at anything international, and some countries may take away the welcome mat if they believe his nastiness, arrogance and condescending attitude is really how he is. (Talk about the "Ugly American.") They do not accept him as a true Republican.
He is very much a liar, and seems to have no grasp on how things really work in American Gov't. He just can't buy everything and everybody he wants to, in spite of his vast wealth.
I've been watching and listening to everything I can find on every radio and TV channel and I'm still just shocked at what Trumpf is doing. Even the ultra conservatives are backing off. I don't think he would know the Constitution if he fell over it
I'm waiting for his first go 'round with  Paul Ryan. That's where most of the power really lies and he is not about to give it up. Congress may yet have to slam the door on Trumpf.
Some are wondering about a fast run by a third party candidate.
Some just can't see a "foreign" Barbie doll as a first lady either.
Trumpf better start figuring out how to woo the many, many Independents like me who have seen through his antics and aren't impressed. Especially his nonsense about using "his own" money to run his campaign....what a crock! He has leagues of lawyers to make sure it looks that way, but isn't costing him any personal $ at all... all smoke and mirrors. He indeed does have donations he uses, and now will come all the super pac money.
He scares me. There is no way I'd ever vote for him, ever. I'll vote for an odd party candidate first.
Between Hillary and Bernie, I'm still not sure. There are things I don't care for about both of them, but I'm sure either would try their best. Time to take another antacid.


Trump would be no worse than what we have now. Hilary and Bernie are worse than Trump but better than what we have now. So it leaves us with not much to choose from. They all scare me for our future. Nice and sunny here today. Hope you have a great weekend.

Diane Amberg

More rain here and awfully cold. Hopes for improvement tomorrow.Thanks for your thoughts.

Diane Amberg

I just can't stand it. The Donald actually made fun of a disabled news journalist who is rather spastic.. Has that man no heart at all? How incredibly rude and common. He wants to represent us on the world stage? Yikes!
On the other hand, Joe Biden came back to town to walk in the nearby Hockessin Fourth of July parade. It's a real small town event with music, bands, scouts and decorated bikes. It was nice to see him home again. They got the parade in before the rain came.

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