Political Opinions from the East Coast

Started by Diane Amberg, August 14, 2015, 09:47:11 AM

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Quote from: proelkco on August 31, 2015, 05:23:30 PM
Nice to hear from you Diane. I am proud of you for standing up for yourself and asking questions. HE is the one that cannot comprehend. Typos are excusable for HIM but no one else.

Now you know that is not true about the typo's Proelkco.

Diane iis always correcting everyones spelling because at one time she was a teacher. She has been doing it for a long time and has been scolded by several posters as the spelling police.

I just gave her a little taste of what it is like. And I have not made a habit of it as she did.

I have said many times, I am human and make errors.

Have you or Diane said the same thing?

And i see it's alright by you for Diane to ask questions --- how is that if it is not okay for me to ask questions?

Oop's that was a question!

Oh well!

Diane Amberg

Hi Pro. As you know, one cannot have a conversation with "you know who." He turns everything into a battle and loves the challenge of trying to make people look bad, according to his personal set of rules. Of course his rules are set to give him an advantage.
I wonder who he thinks I'm a mouth piece for? I don't think he knows what the word means. I speak just for me and my own opinions.
I see he posted here again. I didn't read it..put him back on ignore . I don't need the insults and put downs today, just because I'm here and not there.
  He'll never stop me from being interested in what goes on out there. I'm too connected to Elk County to stop caring.
I do make lots of typos, but I can spell...he can't do either and doesn't even try, hoping I'll rise to his bait.  I truly don't know why he seems to have to have the last word on anything I write. I shouldn't be that important.
I gave up on trying to help him with his spelling and grammar some time ago. He didn't even notice.
In the meantime, I feel so sad about Roma Jean's passing. I really enjoyed her.  Have a nice day! It's getting hot here again.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 01, 2015, 08:45:37 AM
Hi Pro. As you know, one cannot have a conversation with "you know who." He turns everything into a battle and loves the challenge of trying to make people look bad, according to his personal set of rules. Of course his rules are set to give him an advantage.

Hi Pro, As you may not know is it is Diane that runs around on the forum trying to back-stab people over politics. Such as the statement above, "you know who.". LOL

And you may not know how she twists everything to make her appear the victim of everyone on the forum.
And you may not know what a drama queen she is.
And do you know she calls everything a battle, not a conversation.

Really Pro I don't set any rules on this forum, they are set by the owners, who I greatly respect for their ethics and morals and for providing this method of communications.

I have never contacted the owners to complain about this free tool as some have and been denied their demands. Some people have no shame.

If you notice in the statement above it is Diane that is trying to limit communications, not me.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 01, 2015, 08:45:37 AM
I wonder who he thinks I'm a mouth piece for. I don't think he knows what the word means. I speak just for me and my own opinions.

Sure Diane I know well what the word means here is a definition from Merriam Webster just for you:
"one that expresses another's views :  spokesman". See it was nothing bad, as I am to assume you thought it was. I was not being ugly, now do I need to define "ugly" for you?

And your friend Proelkco recognized me as a mouth-piece which I thanked him for. You see I am not a name dropper without the consent of the person who owns the name. I respect the person.

You spent a great deal of speaking for Elk Konnected as second hand knowledge because you live in Delaware instead of in Elk County, Kansas and had no first hand knowledge and you put down everything that anyone said about Elk Konnected you didn't like. And spent a great deal of time being the spelling and grammer police in an attempt to confuse matters.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 01, 2015, 08:45:37 AM
I see he posted here again. I didn't read it..put him back on ignore . I don't need the insults and put downs today, just because I'm here and not there.

Oh sure Diane everyone is going to believe that you did not read my post, just like they are going to believe that I have ocean front property in Elk County, Kansas for sale. ROFLMAO!

And we all know that ignore has never worked for you, so that drama doesn't work either.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 01, 2015, 08:45:37 AM
  He'll never stop me from being interested in what goes on out there.

Now that statement makes a whole lot of sense  I'm not trying to stop you from being interested but you see,
it is my civic duty as a property owner and voter to be very interested in what goes on here.
You don't see me sticking my nose in your local affairs in Delaware do you?
Why do you suppose I don't?
Because I don't live there and I don't vote there. In other words I have no say, so why waste my time.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 01, 2015, 08:45:37 AM
I'm too connected to Elk County to stop caring.

Caring about what Diane?
Caring about the wrong doing and correcting it or being apart of the wrongdoing?
Even, if you have no real say, no vote? What do you have to gain?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 01, 2015, 08:45:37 AM
I do make lots of typos, but I can spell...he can't do either and doesn't even try, hoping I'll rise to his bait.  I truly don't know why he seems to have to have the last word on anything I write. I shouldn't be that important.

And my typo's are mispellings, I get it. Good show ole girrl.
I don't bait you, you set yourself up with your drama queen attitude, don't blame me.
You have blamed plenty of people for your own errors, suck it up.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 01, 2015, 08:45:37 AM
I gave up on trying to help him with his spelling and grammar some time ago. He didn't even notice.
In the meantime, Have a nice day! It's getting hot here again.

First to be honest and open I removed the remark about the deceased, out of respect for the deceased. I won't even quote that in this political section. I find it rather tacky in politics.

But now Diane did I or anyone else on this forum ever ask you to be their mentor, did any of them ask you to correct their grammar or spelling?  "NO" !

And before you can mentor anyone you should correct your own errors. That long bar at the bottom oof your key board is called a space bar, you might familiarize yourself with it.

As always it is my pleasure to respond to your posts.
I really enjoy trying to communicate with you.
It is a real challenge do to your problems.

T patiently await your response or you telling someone else, you know what it's all about "you know who".
That method of calling me is so cute of you. I know your infatuation with me won;t let you stop calling me.
Perhaps that's because I'm not one of those figments of your imagination but a real person.

Bye-bye until you call again.


Diane thank you for continuing to care about Elk County. And yes I do believe when you put HIM on ignore. Any idiot would know you are just interested.


Diane, you must be talking about Ross, I still ignore the rude idiot. From what the people I know in Howard and Elk County, tell me you have way more ties to Elk County than Toss does. Your family were long time Elk County and Howard Residents and your Uncle  and Granddad worked for one of Elk county's prominent families. You need to ignore Ross.


Quote from: Joesue23 on September 01, 2015, 07:18:51 PM
Diane, you must be talking about Ross, I still ignore the rude idiot. From what the people I know in Howard and Elk County, tell me you have way more ties to Elk County than Toss does. Your family were long time Elk County and Howard Residents and your Uncle  and Granddad worked for one of Elk county's prominent families. You need to ignore Ross.

ROFLMAO        ROFLMAO        ROFLMAO         ROFLMAO         ROFLMAO        ROFLMAO            ROFLMAOROFLMAO        ROFLMAO        ROFLMAO         ROFLMAO         ROFLMAO        ROFLMAO            ROFLMAO


They was and I is!  LOL

Elk Konnected was talking about Quality of Life but could not define it.

I on the other hand am trying with a lot of time and effort to help senior citizens maintain their present Quality of Life.

Can you or your was-es or Diane say the same thing?

I have recieved calls from people wanting to help and I have recieved an awful lot of thank yous for my efforts.

Once again I ask, "Can you or your was-es or Diane say the same thing?"

The people you know in Howard are apparently imaginary or why don't they speak up?
What are they afraid of ?   Diane says the same things and it really goes nowhere.

You just keep trying to pput me down, I find it humorous.  I enjoy it!
Because who does it really make look bad?   

                                                                    It sure isn't me. LOL

But if being honest and doing for others is rude, I enjoy being rude!

I just finished baking a big cassarole of old fashioned bread pudding for my family and they are loving it.

So I'm out of here to enjoy a big helping of it myself.

Bye-bye Joesue.

Oh I had to come back and ask how's Montgomery County, Kansas treating you?


Quote from: proelkco on September 01, 2015, 06:51:38 PM
Diane thank you for continuing to care about Elk County. And yes I do believe when you put HIM on ignore. Any idiot would know you are just interested.

I have some ocean front water here in Elk County, Kansas, can I get a bid on it?


Oh boy was that home made old fashioned bread pudding turned out really delicious.

I screwed up and got it right, yummy ---gotta go back for more.

Shame on me, huh?

I'll burn it off tomorrow. LOL


Quote from: proelkco on September 01, 2015, 06:51:38 PM
Diane thank you for continuing to care about Elk County. And yes I do believe when you put HIM on ignore. Any idiot would know you are just interested.

Oh well . . . . . .

Diane Amberg

Thanks Pro and JS. I appreciate the kind comments. I have never felt like an outsider there. :-*
I have not read any of Ross's last few posts and I'm sure I don't need to. I can just guess what he had to say, none of it nice or complimentary and all of it refuting anything I or anyone else said.
I'm sure he got another crack in about how I don't live there and don't pay taxes there, as if that's all there is to it.
I am very interested in how his petition business turns out. Apparently ,except for showing it to the school board it, has no weight at all and can cause nothing to happen. I thought it might legally force a voter referendum, but I'm told that isn't correct.I wonder what the school board with do with it?

  On a totally different subject, I'm glad Denali is going to officially get it's name back. The people of Alaska tend to call it Denali, "The Great One" as it is. It was given its name eons ago and should have been allowed to remain. IMHO

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