Taxation = Slavery . . .

Started by redcliffsw, July 09, 2015, 05:22:37 AM

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The slavishly-statist, lying, Pravda-esque "mainstream media" are going nuts over Senator Rand Paul's recent comment that if you pay 50% of your income in taxes, then you are 50% a slave.  Another racist comment from a privileged white oppressor, they bark.

But consider the question posed by the great Walter Williams at a speech he gave (at my invitati0n) at Loyola University Maryland several years ago (paraphrasing):  "What would you call forcing one person to work for the benefit of another person (or persons)?"  After a few seconds of head scratching, the hundred or so students in the room seemed to agree that "slavery" was the best answer.  Walter then made the point that this of course is exactly and precisely what the welfare state is all about.
-Thomas DiLorenzo

Diane Amberg

Then how does the entire group pay for the services that all can receive?  What becomes of the local miitary ,such as the Coast Guard? The National Guard? How about the military in general? Who do people think pays for all that? We all do of course.  Shall we sell off all the parks to the highest bidder? Who becomes the watch dog for safety, such as potable water? There are many, many more services that people are so used to they don't even notice. I am always amazed at the services we receive here that are included in our tax bill. If I had to pay for them individually, it would cost so much more.
There are always sticky issues and places where tax money could be better used and the bloggers poke at them constantly. Generally though, I think we do better at combining moneys and going for a better deal.
   I'd like to see a flat tax. It would be much cheaper to administer and collect, and all would be accountable.
The connection to "slavery" is just silly. We live now, not then....and most of us live where there are more people, not in isolated pockets of "empty spaces." besides ,I think we are much happier people. Complaining all the time is bad for your health. ;) Now go ahead, it will make you feel better to toss those cheap labels around again. HA!


You think big - big government that is.

The country ran just fine before your kind of thinking was predominant.

If socialism saves us so much money, then why is the government broke?

You think that forced pooling of our money is American.  Where did you learn that?

Diane Amberg

Wow, you sure can tie unrelated things together. I never said only America pools it's money....and it does make sense. Do you know anything about finance and economics? We actually do better than many countries though, who have much higher taxes and public costs than we do. Remember Great Britain's famous death taxes?
Where did you get the idea that the government is broke? Hardly.It does need to be more efficient and "bring the boys home," among other things.The costs of endless wars and  the forced purchase of planes and equipment the military doesn't want or needs to stop, among other things.
Congress plays games and always's traditional. Do I agree with everything they do? Of course not. Sending jobs overseas to appease big business was and still is a travesty. Sending Chinese crap here is ridiculous and some businesses are already rebelling because of the poor quality.
   You think you have me all figured out, but you don't.
Slowly but surely the Federal Gov't will return much to the state's control. Isn't that where you've always wanted it? Succeed or die locally? But, as I said before, and won't repeat, and you ignored, there are things that should remain in national hands. Look at what your own governor did....and that's your state, not national. What a joke.
Our country is hardly perfect, but you don't have to worry about that late night knock to drag you away. I'll take that any time.
Have you noticed you still have your guns? Folks make all kinds of predictions, yet the guns are still out there, unfortunately sometimes killing innocent people.At this late stage, I don't see anything changing about that.
I still hear "Obama has to go"....What's that all about? Are some people living under rocks? He's a lame duck and will be gone next year anyway. Now go wave that battle flag on your front porch, as you should be allowed to do, visit the flags at graveyards, as should be allowed too. Visit the monuments, which should be left alone, and visit the museums, which should be allowed to sell whatever the museum's history is about.But keep that battle flag off the statehouses please.


You're Keynesian - government money drives the economy.

Yer right, it is a joke what the governor did in Kansas and his Republicans assisted him.
They never cut spending when they reduced taxes.  It's how the Republicans and reconstructed Democrats think.  They're socialists.

And keep the U S flags off the Statehouses and county courthouses.  The U S flag belongs on the local Post Office, FSA, Farm Credit, etc.


Diane Amberg

You have very unusual thinking. Where would be if you couldn't label everyone with something? Do you keep notebooks and lists?
I know a young autistic adult who is just like that too. He's great when it comes to computers, but has no social skills and has to have labels for everyone since they have to be safely put into categories to keep things organized. You even seem to have to find some reason to label me in the "unacceptable" category when I agree with you.HA!


both Ross and Redcliff think they have the answers to one is supposed to have an opinion or think for themselves. If they don't know something they make up lies to embellish it. My husband says he would like to come to a Town meeting in Howard so everyone can have a showdown with both IDIOTS. If they don't want that then he will hunt them down on his own. you two rude Idiots have virtually ruined the Forum for most people, everyone is afraid to post or comment because they don't want your rude criticism.

Diane Amberg

    Joesue, they wouldn't show up. I don't think Red even lives in Elk County, but I might be wrong. I think Ross is only interested in the county, not so much in Howard....Again, I might be wrong. He's still smarting over the original Elk Konnected meeting, years ago, where he didn't get his way on something. He has never gotten past it. He set out to destroy it and anyone associated with their ideas. Unfortunately, he was fairly successful.
   Ross will continue to poke at some of us whenever he thinks he can. I'm not sure what he gets out of it.
Quite frankly, our town oddity ,who had Tourettes and other problems, had a nicer personality. He used to sit on a wall for hours every day verbally attacking people on Main St. as they walked by. People were very understanding though, until he started walking out into traffic and beating on people's windshields. His family had to have him institutionalized then for his own safety.
I just try remember him when those two make me angry.

By the way, Red, I don't really think the military dead and their families would appreciate the idea of the US flag not being any more important than to fly just on the Post Office. Shall we furl the flag at Fort McHenry in Baltimore as not being important? IMHO


Diane, you'd just as soon see the U S flag dominate every aspect of our lives.  You're working pretty hard for it.  Your desire for an all powerful supreme central Federal government may soon be a reality.  Perhaps it already is.

The north used the U S flag during their so-called Civil War.  The yankees took over America just like the Bolsheviks took over Russia.  The Bolsheviks' socialist system has failed just as the yankees' socialist system will fail too as the Republicans and reconstructed Democrats continue their control over us.

There are American veterans who fought under the U S flag and there are many of those same veterans whose ancesters who fought in the Continental army against the British and
whose ancestors served in the Confederate army for American liberty.  Today, there are many U S veterans who understand the meaning of the Confederate flag and want it flown to honor the Confederate veterans and the South.

Diane Amberg

Wow, Red ,I didn't think I was that all powerful. I'm just a middle of the roader living my life as I want to every day. I'm a giver not a taker.I have plenty for my own needs and enough to happily share without feeling put out about it. In my life $ isn't, friends and community are. Of course there are always things that can be improved upon, and should be. Remember in 4-H...make the best better? I'm not one to see bogeymen behind every tree. I'm not suspicious of every stranger and assume everyone is out for themselves.
So, you be sure and tell me who I you know. HA! I'll be me and you be you and I guarantee I'll be the happier one.

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