Climate Change - Global Warming No! Money Yes

Started by Ross, June 10, 2015, 06:16:33 AM

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The New
Climate Carbon Economy

By Pat Carlson
Eagle Forum Environmental Chairman

Monday, June 1, 2015, the United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC) began the latest climate change conference in Bonn, Germany. This conference is being held mid-way between the Conference of the Parties (COP20) held in Peru last December and COP21 to be held in Paris, next December.

Its purpose is to tweak the COP20 document so nations will sign-on to a legally-binding agreement in Paris.

In the minds of human-induced global warming advocates, Paris must not fail. They see this as the last ditch effort to save the world from warming more than 2 degrees Celsius by the next century. According to their illogic, saving planet Earth from destruction can only happen if we eliminate all fossil fuels and become carbon neutral by 2050.

If it were possible to be carbon neutral, more has to happen than just a legally-binding document. Climate Change is about so much more than removing CO2 from the atmosphere. UNFCCC Executive Secretary, Christiana Figures says it better than anybody: "the climate change process is a complete transformation of the economic structure of the world." It is about power and creating global equity. The price tag for this transformation and equity is $90 trillion to be "invested" by 2030, but wait – there's a problem.

In 2009 at COP17 in Copenhagen, former U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, proposed establishing the Green Climate Fund (GCF) to be funded by developed nations at $100 billion per year until 2020. No money was contributed to the GCF so the $100 billion per year became $100 billion by 2020. Still 6 years later, less than $10 billion has been contributed or even promised.

Realizing developed countries were not going to contribute, U. N. Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon looked to the private sector by holding a conference for businesses in New York last September. Then the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) held a Business Climate Conference in Paris, June 20 and 21, 2015, just a week before the Bonn conference.

The Paris conference produced significant results. Twenty-five organizations representing 6.5 million companies are now calling for carbon pricing, disclosure of investments and agreeing to divest capital from carbon producing industries. Also, chief executive officers of Europe's big six oil companies, BP, Royal Dutch Shell, Statoil, Total, Eni and the BG Group issued a letter to Christiana Figures calling for carbon pricing. No one knows what was promised behind the scenes, but they signed a deal with the devil. They saw the climate change regulation train leaving the station and they wanted to be onboard, not left behind.

Putting a price on carbon has the potential of creating a new global cap-and-trade stock market. This allows companies to cut their emissions by investing less in Western countries with emission caps but still make money by investing in third-world countries having no emission caps. This process redistributes wealth from rich to poor while companies still make a profit. Citizens of Western countries will have a reduction in lifestyle with much higher energy prices.

Secretary of State, John Kerry said "we are looking at the biggest market in the history of humankind." Mary Robinson, Special Envoy for Climate Justice and former High Commissioner of the UN Human Rights Commission, says, "I believe carbon is the new currency."

Encouraged by the Paris business conference, Christiana Figueres says climate change is now "unstoppable and irreversible. It is going to happen no matter what we do."

It seems ironic the global warming advocates would build a whole economy around the very thing they are trying to eliminate – carbon.

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