Be All that You Can Be . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, March 15, 2015, 06:53:20 AM

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As a sheman or a hewoman in the Army. Last year I predicted that the military would lift its ban on transgender soldiers and be flooded with people who want to change their genders—at taxpayer expense of course. I said that because then Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel had indicated that he was open to studying the transgender ban in the military and because a former SEAL who became a woman spoke at several high-profile events at intelligence agencies and the Pentagon to promote the integration of transgenders. The new Secretary of Defense, Ashton Carter, has now signaled that he would be open to lifting the ban. Current DOD policy bans service for transgender people under a regulation against those with a "current or history of psychosexual conditions, including but not limited to transsexualism, exhibitionism, transvestism, voyeurism and other paraphilias." The Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy recently told the Navy Times that if "transgender volunteers are deemed fit for duty by the Pentagon, the Navy should provide opportunities for them to serve and be successful." If the DOD allows transgender people to serve, then it's the job of "all the Navy's leaders not to judge people, but to ensure they can have a successful career."

Now, personally, I don't care whom the military accepts. I don't think anyone should join the military–gay, straight, trans, or whatever. But the greatest defenders of the military right now–evangelical Christians–are also the greatest opponents of the acceptance of transgender individuals. What will rule out? Love or hate? After the outpouring of praise by conservative Christians for the American Sniper movie, I suspect that their love for the military will win out over their dislike for transgenders.
=Laurence Vance

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