Global Warming or Climate Change ????

Started by Ross, March 07, 2015, 04:35:00 PM

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Why Models Run Hot:
Results from an Irreducibly
Simple Climate Model
Lord Christopher Monckton, Willie Soon, David Legates, William Briggs

Global warming predictions made by the IPCC and other climate alarmists organizations are unreliable because the climate models they use incorporate flawed feedback mechanisms in their math and, as a result, grossly overstate the amount of warming we should expect from introducing any amount of additional CO2 into the system. Using a simpler model that does not use the faulty feedback amplification mechanisms produces a prediction of future climate that should worry no one.

PDF at:


Climate change: Seven indisputable facts
By Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas)

Below are seven irrefutable facts about climate change that are ignored because they do not fit into the alarmists' scare tactics. These facts are not disputed.
1.     For the past 18 years, weather satellites have not measured a global increase in temperatures although carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased over that same period.  Weather satellites are the most advanced instruments for measuring global temperatures.  The fact that these satellites have not detected a measureable temperature increase despite an increased concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere calls into question the correlation climate change alarmists preach between carbon emissions and temperature.

2.     According to EPA's own data, U.S. carbon emissions have decreased nine percent since 2005.  These carbon reductions have occurred as a result of technological advancements and free market forces, which will continue. This raises the question of whether burdensome regulations are necessary.

3.     The natural cycle of global temperatures has resulted in both higher and lower temperatures over the past 1,000 years than exist today.  These temperature fluctuations occurred before significant fossil energy use.  So temperatures the Earth is experiencing now have been seen before.

4.     If implemented, the Obama administration's Climate Action Plan would reduce global temperatures by only 0.01, or one one-hundredth of a degree Celsius.  President Obama's former Deputy Secretary for Fossil Energy at the Department of Energy, Charles McConnell, said that EPA's carbon rules will have only a minor impact on global climate change.  Yet regulations will cost billions of dollars and jeopardize thousands of jobs.

5.     The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has reported that there is little or no connection between extreme weather and climate change.  According to a 2012 report, IPCC stated that there is "high agreement" that long-term trends in weather disasters "have not been attributed to... climate change."  Climate change alarmists point toward hurricanes, tornadoes and other global weather disasters as a proof that man-made carbon emissions are hurting our planet.  However, as the IPCC report stated, the opposite is true. There is scientific agreement that weather disasters are not caused by climate change, despite President Obama repeatedly trying to connect the two.

6.     Population growth, especially in the developing world, will account for even more global carbon emissions. Carbon emissions from developing countries are projected to increase by over 125 percent by 2040.  And world population is expected to surge by over 2 billion people by 2050, an increase of more than 30 percent. Yet few climate scientists acknowledge the potential impact of population growth on carbon emissions.

7.     Carbon dioxide accounts for a very small part of the Earth's overall atmosphere and those levels have fluctuated throughout the Earth's history. Carbon dioxide currently accounts for only .038 percent of our planet's atmosphere. And human-made carbon dioxide only makes up about three percent of that. Put another way, if all the gases in the atmosphere were represented by the length of a football field, only the last 1/10 of an inch would be carbon emissions caused by humans. It's hard to believe that such a small amount would supposedly have such huge consequences.

The EPA and other government agencies too often fail to present all the facts. Their agenda comes first, accuracy comes second.  Climate change has many explanations - and unanswered questions.  The American people need good science, not science fiction promoted by alarmists.

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