Time for me to get off and completely away from the Forum

Started by frawin, December 23, 2014, 08:25:42 PM

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I signed on to Forum 7 1/2 years ago, at that time it was lots of fun and very informative. All of the good people have dropped it and/or quit posting. I am resigning from the Forum and have vowed to stop reading the current trash altogether . The Forum has become such a disappointment  it will be easy to stay awY from it completely. My wife has already stopped looking at it and hasn't looked at it for along time.


Sorry to see you go, but totally understand.

Sad, isn't it.


      Hmm, all of the good people, ???

     As far as I know, they are all good people.  ;)  Even if they don't have the same opinions. 8)


Yeah, it's changed.  Too much back stabbing and insulting has caused those who are "the good people" to back away in their disgust and quit posting all the fun and informative articles that used to be here.  I know or think that many of them still read the postings, but they choose not to comment.  Maybe because they don't wish to be ridiculed or feel they have nothing to contribute.  Remember what we were taught as kids....if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.  But if you have something that is beneficial to say it should be shared.

On an average there are less than 20 (and I am being generous) people who do nearly daily postings.  But if you look at the bottom of the home page you will see that there are many more actually reading or have read something on the Forum.

I have lately been questioning myself if it is worth it to do my own daily joke thread and sometime Observation thread.  Then I look at the number of hits to the jokes page (it averages 50-60 each day) and I see that there are a lot of people who read it.  I wouldn't want to disappoint.  So I stay.

Perhaps if those who feel the need to insult others would just realize that they are destroying something worthwhile by driving others away would just keep their insults to themselves, things would be better. 

The definition of forum is a place to debate issues (without the back stabbing), a place to share memories, a place to keep in touch with friends and relatives and a place to keep up on current happenings. 

I personally decided long ago that the Politics thread was not for me and I try very hard to stay away from it.  That doesn't mean I don't read it, I just keep my opinions to myself.  I am not always good at this, but I try real hard to keep my mouth shut. 

Our Elk County ancestors would wash our mouths out with soap if they could read what is said here.  At least, I know my grandmother would take me out behind the shed for some much needed discussion on the way I had behaved.

I hope that you will reconsider your decision to leave and stay with us.  If not, it is understandable and I will miss your input.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Quote from: larryJ on December 24, 2014, 12:16:44 PM
Yeah, it's changed.  Too much back stabbing and insulting has caused those who are "the good people" to back away in their disgust and quit posting all the fun and informative articles that used to be here.  I know or think that many of them still read the postings, but they choose not to comment.  Maybe because they don't wish to be ridiculed or feel they have nothing to contribute.  Remember what we were taught as kids....if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.  But if you have something that is beneficial to say it should be shared.

On an average there are less than 20 (and I am being generous) people who do nearly daily postings.  But if you look at the bottom of the home page you will see that there are many more actually reading or have read something on the Forum.

I have lately been questioning myself if it is worth it to do my own daily joke thread and sometime Observation thread.  Then I look at the number of hits to the jokes page (it averages 50-60 each day) and I see that there are a lot of people who read it.  I wouldn't want to disappoint.  So I stay.

Perhaps if those who feel the need to insult others would just realize that they are destroying something worthwhile by driving others away would just keep their insults to themselves, things would be better. 

The definition of forum is a place to debate issues (without the back stabbing), a place to share memories, a place to keep in touch with friends and relatives and a place to keep up on current happenings. 

I personally decided long ago that the Politics thread was not for me and I try very hard to stay away from it.  That doesn't mean I don't read it, I just keep my opinions to myself.  I am not always good at this, but I try real hard to keep my mouth shut. 

Our Elk County ancestors would wash our mouths out with soap if they could read what is said here.  At least, I know my grandmother would take me out behind the shed for some much needed discussion on the way I had behaved.

I hope that you will reconsider your decision to leave and stay with us.  If not, it is understandable and I will miss your input.


Larryj I personally enjoy your joke page, I have re-posted some of your jokes on my facebook page. No I don't read it every single day but when I do read it I enjoy it.

Your thread falls right in there with all the other statistics on the Elk County Forum - Statistics Center.

As far as my opinions, nobody says you have to accept them, and I believe that applies to everyone's opinions.

It is my personal opinion if someone wants to degrade Kjell and Teresa's work building this forum, perhaps they should study the statistics:

For instance:

Yearly Summary    New Topics   New Posts   New Members   Most Online   Page views
             2004                112                723            52                 47                   23360

             2014                832               7654           192                302                2595960

These are very impressive numbers showing considerable and continuing growth, so apparently Kjell and Teresa apparently are doing something right. Don't you think so?

So if a few of the people are unhappy with just one topic, that to me sounds like a personal problem.
Is it perhaps because they can not control the thread?

But still they have 831 other topics to choose from.

They also are allowed the ability to start another topic?

Klell and Teresa have been very generous in my way of thinking, to all that want to participate and deserve much more respect than what they are receiving. No, I do not personally know either Kjell or Teresa but that does not mean, I can not respect them for providing this forum

A small  hand full Threatening to quit the forum for personal reasons and what I consider actually trying to manipulate Klell and Teresa is just disgusting, deplorable and the worst kind of back stabbing I can imagine.
People that do this sort of thing surely will not be missed. Notice the growth in the statiistics.

What exactly do these people hope to gain with such threats?

Where is the critical thinking in any of this?

Perhaps people should say, thank you to Klell and Teresa once in a while.

I know, I am grateful to them.

I will close in saying:

I wish Kjell and Teresa

a very

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

And to all others as well.

Good night.


    Frank, I'm reminded of this little piece of British wisdom.  I've shorten a bit:

    "Over the course of one year, give a  shilling to each person who offends or upsets you," instructed the Abbot of a young man who wanted people to follow a more spiritual path.

    For the next twelve months, the boy gave a shilling to each person who offended or upset him, as he was instructed. At the end of the year, he returned to the Abbot to find out what the next steps were.

    "Go into town and buy food for me," the Abbot responded.

    Once the boy left, the Abbot changed his clothes, disguised himself as a beggar and went to the gate.  When the boy approached, he began to insult him.

    "Good!" said the boy, "for a whole year I had to pay the people who upset or offended me, and now I can be offended for free, without spending anything!"

    Hearing this, the abbot removed his disguise. "He who does not take insults seriously, is on the path to wisdom."

    Frank, I'll make this short and to the point... I enjoy reading your post so, don't you dare quit!  Look, I'm on two other forums and I have seen the same thing. There will be some people who will try to bring someone down.  There are some people who feel validated when they get to you or when you seemingly fall out of grace into the pit of despair where they swim.  It makes them happy for some odd reason.  It evidently gives their lives some sort of weird meaning.  If you tried to deal with them, you'd be playing right into their hand, you'd be swimming in the same pit with them.  I call them 'emotional vampires' who try to suck the life energy out of you.  (Saw that on MSNBC last night).  Don't give them that priviledge.  The best thing you can do is to ignore them.  If you spend any amount of attention and energy towards them whether by thinking of clever ways to get back at them or by berating them, you're feeding their insatiable appetite for your life blood.  (Saw that one on CNN). 
    I ignore them or say something humorous and in most cases, they don't know how to respond and that is the end of it.  I have to say this forum is quite mild compared to the others.  So forget about quitting or I'll get JarHead to toilet paper your beautiful house.

    I'll leave you with this:
   * "We shall pass through this world but once. Any good that we can do or any kindness that we can show to any human being, (except Obuma and his crooked Adm) let us do it now. Let us not defer it, nor neglect it, for we may never pass this way again."

    *Saw that on SpongeBob SquarePants and it makes alot of sense. 

    Merry Christmas to you and your family, Frank and I hope to see you posting again.

    P.S. We are down to 1.99 a gal. for regular here in Surprise, AZ.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


 ;D ;D ;D  Frank, I agree with Warph!!!!!  I have found that the loudest retort I can make to idiotic behavior is total silence...And it works unfailingly.  Here's hoping I get to read you again soon!!!  ;) ;) ;)


Catwoman, you seem to be saying that you favor censorship on the forum and that you can identify your so-called idiots?  And you haven't changed since your last appearance on the Forum.  So much for total silence.


Quote from: Catwoman on December 25, 2014, 03:48:20 PM
;D ;D ;D  Frank, I agree with Warph!!!!!  I have found that the loudest retort I can make to idiotic behavior is total silence...And it works unfailingly.  Here's hoping I get to read you again soon!!!  ;) ;) ;)

All This strikes me as childish behavior.


Because of the lack of critical thinking?

Think for a minute !

There is plenty to do on this forum, please observe once again:
Quote from: ROSS on December 24, 2014, 06:11:13 PM

Yearly Summary    New Topics   New Posts   New Members   Most Online   Page views
             2014                832               7654           192                302           2595960

Are you involved in all 832 topics?

Do you have to be involved in all 832 topics?

Do you need to control all 832 topics?

Do you wear big kids pants? Then perhaps ya'all can stop the disrespect !

Are you the least bit thankful to the owners of this forum for providing this free service?

If so use those big kids pants and take a moment to show a little gratitude.
Give a big thank you to Kjell and Teresa for this forum?

Try this:

Thank You
Kjell and Teresa

Diane Amberg

Frank, I will miss you and your fuel reports (and tomato progress reports.) know I'm not your cup of tea, but I do respect your postings. I agree with WARPH's comments on the emotional vampires and have tried to stay away from the sand traps and mud pits.  I am not always successful. I have accepted that, even though I didn't give up on several for a very long time.  The forum is better with you a part of it.

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