West Elk doing a great job Educating the students

Started by frawin, December 06, 2014, 01:13:42 PM

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If you take the Prairie Star you will see the great job West Elk is doing Educating the students. There are lots of articles on this. The 11-12-2014 Prairie Star has an article where West Elk Students beat out six schools to take first place in the Math Contest. Another article in the 11-19-2004 Prairie Star where West Elk High School Math team took first place in the Dexter invitational Math relays. I know that several West Elk students have gone on to Major colleges and have done very well in Engineering and other studies. Accolades to the West Elk School Board and Teachers for a job well done.


Some can't make change ,had couple at my yard sell that  told me Cuba was in Russia.


Frank, West Elk  is doing well. I wish the other area schools would put more in the paper. Love read about all the students.


Pro, I agree with you, I have had several relatives that graduated there and they have gone on to do very well in College and working at jobs. It is a great run and well kept facility and providing an excellent education to the students.

Diane Amberg

There will always be a few students who will struggle for many, many reasons. Kids are not produced by machines churning out identical kids with identical brains, natural interests and home situations.
A good teacher will take whomever they are assigned and take them from whence they came, as far as they can go in a school year, taking into consideration all the side bar issues that some kids have.
  I have no idea what has happened to American spelling and grammer.There are so many rules that now the teachers don't even seem to know. If ya can figure out what the person is trying to say, that's good enough? In beginning whole language that is fine, but by third and fourth grade that should be gone ,gradually replaced by proper grammer,spelling and dictionary use. Cell phone "spelling" isn't helping.


      I was taught to spell the word grammar with no e. ;)

Diane Amberg

HA! That's the point exactly.That's your "grandma" not your grammar.
Yes, I spell checked it and left it just for "annoience" value. ;) Now I know who reads me. :angel:
Seriously though, I don't understand either why certain spellings and grammar forms have gotten so lost. I understand typos...With my hunt and peck typing, it's bound to happen. But usually one can figure out how they happen. I know these things are still taught in school so why doesn't it stick with some?
My particular pet peeve is apostrophe use and the various there, their, etc. problems. Perhaps it's too much technology and leaning too much on  e-programs to pick up errors? The wrong word spelled correctly is still wrong. Now I see more and more ''are'' instead of "our." I'll bet some of you notice even more too, and I don't mean just in people who are truly dyslexic.I catch errors in printed materials that at one time would have never been tolerated. It just doesn't seem to have any importance. Even on here, if one can eventually figure out what is meant, certain ones will defend the lack of effort as being acceptable and nobody's business.Will they pass that attitude along to their kids? I still see even in the older kids' fire prevention essays "u" for you and "r' for are. Now why in the world would those kids expect that to be acceptable? ..and they write them and draw their posters in school, not at home.


       Not a convincing dodge ::). By the way, people don't come here to read "you". So, don't flatter yourself.

      The use of letters for words is the result of texting. It's not likely to change. As long as you think you can make excuses for poor spelling you have no business questioning others.

Diane Amberg

 Says you. I'm underwhelmed. >:(   No dodge needed .If I really make an error, I'll say so, always have. Why not teach some grammar and spelling to your pals since they weren't about to learn it in school?


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