District 1, County Commission

Started by Gadsden1775, August 08, 2014, 03:41:33 PM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 05, 2014, 08:14:16 AM
A very interesting outcome. Apparently the majority spoke.

A Brilliant and Highly Educated Assumption and Statement by a degreed scholar.

I am very impressed by your depth of and ability to express your comprehension of the situation.

But you failed to mention aw never mind, you would never understand.
It's far too complex for a degree holder from Delaware.

We just lost a fine and honest County Commissioner which is a detriment to Elk County, Kansas.
A very sad day for Elk County, Kansas.

But at least the Republicans gained cotrol of the Senate and maintained control of the House.
Now God willing something good may happen in the Nation's Capitol.

I hope you have a nice day Delaware Diane.

Diane Amberg

I broke my rule and read your post, as I had a feeling it was some unnecessary juvenile poke at me. I was right. So you are still trying to insult me? Why bother?  It doesn't affect me and makes you look crude and perhaps even jealous.
The elections are over, now go find something else and someone else to pick on. You tried, but your NGO lost. Get over it. Or will you and your little group be whining on the forum for the next four years? Put down that big box of tissues and have a nice day.


That danged ol ignore button just seems to never work---like "we" ever really used it. What a joke !!

Diane Amberg

I hope your remark wasn't aimed at me. ;D ;D ;D Ross's posts usually aren't worth my time and repeat over and over and over. Why should I waste my time rereading his same old "stuck needle" complaints and insults? "Ignore" means just that. I gave up on him quite awhile back. If I do read him for some reason I'll say so. You thinks it's a joke? You can laugh in your own pocket. Go judge someone who cares.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 05, 2014, 08:14:16 AM
A very interesting outcome. Apparently the majority spoke.

It sure does seem so, Diane.  Not just here in lil ole Elk County Kansas but around the country.

I must say, I have learned a lot in this election.  Rules, regulations, and even more about morals and values. I love this system called a Republic.  Awesome indeed even with it's flaws.

I know a lot of things happened over the last two weeks, some good, some not so good.  Let me fill you all in on a few details.

Starting with the day of election I know that some voters in District 1 were wrongly told that it was illegal for Mr. Ritz to be elected and if they wrote him in,  their vote would not count. Some complained that because he is the chair of the Republican Committee here in the county they didn't think that it was fair that he be too involved in his county, you see.  Since some were told that the write-in was illegal, they just didn't vote.  Sounds like subtle voter intimidation.  I have reason to believe that the Secretary of State will be investigating that aspect.

I was told that some people said they won't vote because it just doesn't matter anymore.  Things are always going to be they way they are because it has always been that way.  Wow.  Let me go on a rant here.....

First off,  too many Americans are lazy and ignorant for the most part.  They were born in a country that is the greatest country on the earth, even now.  They whine and complain about what is going on and believe the rumors in the coffee shops and businesses where they sit around during the day.  They believe the gossip and the rumor mills and don't find out the facts for themselves.

I watched for 10 years being unable to vote in this country.  I watched and learned and was disgusted at the attitudes of many.  I watched this country go from the strongest country economically and in military strength only to fall into financial weakness and being unable to even provide the quality healthcare their military rightfully deserves.  I've watched gross abuses of power foisted upon citizens largely because the citizens' lack understanding and engagement.  Other countries still try to emulate her and yet Americans whine about what they have, largely out of their own ignorance.

Let me tell every American this:  Until you no longer have the wonderful rights given to you by your forefathers and God almighty, you may NEVER understand what you have and what is slipping through your fingers.

The right to vote is precious and should be held dear to our hearts.  It gives us a voice in the storm, it gives us the power to put down wrongdoing.  It gives us FREEDOM.  It gives us POWER and STRENGTH to help those less fortunate and help ourselves to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

All too often Americans take their rights and liberties for granted and then wonder what happened.  I shake my head and say, because you did not inform yourselves and vote wisely, you did not really care.  You were fooled into believing that you would not make a difference.  You were miss-informed about truths and told a lie.  You were lazy and did not research it for yourself.  You did not ask the right questions.

End rant here.... for now :)

Now to those that were upset about the write-in movement.....

It was a long shot but well worth the effort for sure.  It brought out the worst in people and the good.  As for the worst, I say this with my best Paul Harvey voice.... and now the rest of the story.......

Some people in District 1, and maybe other Districts,  did not like the write in effort.  They did not like the truths being told or the effort that was being made, because that is 'not how things are done here in Elk County.'  In fact they were so upset, they called the Ethics Commission in Topeka, specifically about campaign finance.  They tried to silence those that were "getting out the vote" and putting out truths about what was really happening .  When people showed up at their "private" little campaign meetings, because after all it was claimed to be "invite only", they were concerned.  Truths revealed, lies told, and yet the people voted them into office. 

The people voted, the majority spoke.  So be it.  But note this fact:  Mr. Ritz, an undeclared candidate, solely through a grass roots effort, still garnered 41% of the votes counted for the District 1 position.  A truth not lost on most people outside the good old boy network.  The commissioner elect does NOT seem to have any kind of a mandate.

The direction this county takes in the next few years will be interesting.  But will it be forward or backward?  That remains to be seen. 
Integrity is doing what is right when no one else is watching.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 05, 2014, 09:13:36 AM
I broke my rule and read your post, as I had a feeling it was some unnecessary juvenile poke at me. I was right. So you are still trying to insult me? Why bother?  It doesn't affect me and makes you look crude and perhaps even jealous.
The elections are over, now go find something else and someone else to pick on. You tried, but your NGO lost. Get over it. Or will you and your little group be whining on the forum for the next four years? Put down that big box of tissues and have a nice day.

You have rules Diane, really?
What might that mean to you?
Because you even seem to have problems with dealing with other peoples problems that are actually none of your business.
I also lack any degree of couth in your involvement with the only NGO in Elk Countyand your lying for them.
The only NGO I know of in Elk County I am aware of is Elk Konnected, so I don't find your arrogant ignorance is the least bit appallling, just normal.

This is the county government of the people that live HERE, not of the people that live in Delaware or Montgomery County Kansas. I hope you can comprehend this information.

Oh and my dear lady we all know how much you love me and cannot ignore me.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 05, 2014, 10:33:28 AM
I hope your remark wasn't aimed at me. ;D ;D ;D Ross's posts usually aren't worth my time and repeat over and over and over. Why should I waste my time rereading his same old "stuck needle" complaints and insults? "Ignore" means just that. I gave up on him quite awhile back. If I do read him for some reason I'll say so. You thinks it's a joke? You can laugh in your own pocket. Go judge someone who cares.

You care to damn much for some one living on the east coast and has nothing to gain or loose in Elk County, Kansas politics. You are simply playing the part of a busybody. And your lies and fabrications benefit no one except possibly/maybe a local NGO. How come you can't involve yourself in your own area in the ignorant area of Delaware? Have they banned you?

How come you don't get involved in your husbands political position that you say isn't poitical? You know the one where everyone has been neutered by their wives so as to end the politics of politics.

Hug's and kisses Diane of Delaware. I was just shooting off my mouth, please don't take offense, it is all done with love. LOL


Nykkylsdymes that was an excellent post.

People do need to wake up and appreciate what they have.

And if we can't expect the best of our local politicians, how can we expect the best on the State and Federal levels.


I have tried to keep quiet on this forum for the most part during the two months leading up to the general election. The election is over, so:

Every two years, a Republican Committeeman and Committeewoman are elected in the townships. Two years ago I was written into the position of Republican Committeewoman for Longton. I forgot to register as a candidate for it this year, so after the primary election I was appointed into the position again. Several things happening with the politics of this great nation have compelled me to work a little harder to make sure things are done right.

We have been called whiners, sore losers and cry babies for the efforts in getting Mr. Ritz re-elected. We have been told to "deal with it." This is America. Why should we have to deal with something that we might be able to change if we roll up our sleeves and work for it? Why do we have to go along with something that doesn't fit with our morals and beliefs? We truly believe in Doug Ritz and believed in our efforts to back him. Why should we be belittled for those beliefs?

I would like to request that some of the people who backed Shari Kaminska, (the committee woman that threw fits in the courthouse about the Republican Committee man and woman of Longton, KS getting their stickers to be poll agents on election day; the "good Christian" man that told people that Doug Ritz had sent us to intimidate voters; those that told people write-in campaigns are illegal, votes don't count and he already "holds too many positions") I would like to request that you look up the definitions of committee men and women. Poll agents sit in on elections all over this country.

The main thing that we are against Ms. Kaminska for is the fact that she said taxes would have to be raised. She said it several times and some people agreed with her. We didn't turn people in for putting up signs. We didn't turn people in for lying to potential voters. We didn't accuse the sitting county commissioner of the felony fraud of voter intimidation and then turn around and try to apologize our way out of saying it. All we tried to do was get Doug Ritz re-elected by utilizing completely legal methods and if you think I did anything otherwise, you don't know me at all! We didn't use the tactics of the Black Panthers and ACORN. We didn't wear berets and battle fatigues with night sticks standing in front of the polling place to keep people from voting.

If sitting in the back corner of a room, quietly, while people come in to vote is voter intimidation, let me know. Out of almost 240 people, who was intimidated? We even asked Mr. Hoyt at the courthouse last night if we had caused any problems. He said, no you were good.

I observed the election process so that I could educate myself on it. It's time people start taking things seriously. So with my elected and appointed offices, that is all I am trying to do.---Jennifer Walker



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