Another take on events

Started by Mom70x7, July 14, 2014, 03:19:36 PM

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Just wanted to provide some different material.  ;)


Lincoln's war killed more than 600,000 Americans and the northern victory over America changed this country from its original intent. 

The government schooling and indoctrination is a result of that war and so is the Pledge of Allegiance.  Indivisible?  If this union is indivisible, then sooner or later you'll be surrendering your guns to your government because that's where your true loyalty is.


Jesus was an undocumented child refugee

The situation at the border is heartbreaking: tens of thousands of young children, fleeing horrific violence in their native countries, are being crammed into overcrowded Border Patrol jails and held for long periods with no access to family or to legal representation.

And our nation's response? Congress wants to take away children's right to a fair hearing. President Obama has asked for funds to deport the kids back to danger. Protesters have blocked and screamed epithets at buses of children.

At a moment like this, it worth remembering that Jesus fled King Herod's violence in his home country as a child -- without documentation. Christians cannot sit idly by while these innocents are sent back to be killed or forcefully recruited into violent street gangs.

Pope Francis has called the situation a "humanitarian emergency" requiring that these children be "welcomed and protected." We agree -- and we think it's time to show our leaders just how many Christians are outraged at this profound lack of basic human decency.

by Michael Sherrard, Faithful America


       These children are not getting here by themselves. We have enough trouble with those that do.


The Pope can say all he wants, however for years the Fed's have been giving millions of dollars, or billions, to the Catholic non-profit organizations.  He's more supportive of a huge centralized government to "welcome and protect" rather than to ever defend the liberty for Americans.   

Is Michael Sherrard assisting and/or accepting immigrants into his home?

How about this government deal - will this make 'em feel more welcome:

I think Christians have been outraged long before this latest wave of "immigrants" ever arrived and I don't think that some religious guy like Sherrard or the Pope can speak for all Americans.


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And . . . .


Quote from: Mom70x7 on July 16, 2014, 06:23:27 PM
Jesus was an undocumented child refugee

Pope Francis has called the situation a "humanitarian emergency" requiring that these children be "welcomed and protected."

How many of these tattooed, finger flipping, gang member, illegal children has Pope Francis and the Vatican offered airline tickets to? So they can become residences of the ultra rich Vatican city.

How many meals for these hungry tattooed, finger flipping, gang member, illegal children has Pope Francis and the Vatican provided for them?

How much health care has Pope Francis and the Vatican paid for, for all these hungry, tattooed, finger flipping, gang member illegal children?

Talk is cheap --- actions cost lots of money ---- has Pope Francis and the Vatican opened up there vastly filled vaults to help these hungry tattooed, finger flipping, gang member, illegal children?

Just asking?

Has Pope Francis and the Vatican taken any actions beyond prayer to stop the slaughter of Christians in the Middle East?

Pope Francis and the Vatican have vast amounts of money and money is power, how is that money and power being used to stop the senseless slaughters of Christians in the Middle East?

Is it just, because, Pope Francis and the Vatican say do it, that we as a nation should take on the full responsibility and he and the Vatican sit back and judge what we as a nation should do?

Where do you get that Jesus was an illegal undocumented alien? I sure would like to read that passage in my bible? Using those exact words, illegal undocumented alien!

Who was documented in biblical times as to the meaning of the term today? Biblical passage please!

No, I won't accept someone's personal opinion or personal interpretation as to what something means in the bible.

I really don't understand this thinking and judgment by outsiders to our nation.

Some of those 18 and 19 and 20 something year old, tattooed, finger flipping, gang member, illegal children could possibly get registered to vote in time to vote Democrat in the November elections. That's a possible isn't it?

Who but the liberal democrat politicians would benefit more, especially at election time, especially in 2016?

Obama keeps inviting more and more illegals? Why?


Illegal immigrant kids exposed federal agents to
lice, scabies, tuberculosis and chicken pox,
report says

(I bet those agents took it home to their spouse and children, who took it to work and daycare and the mall etc and spread it around. Don't ya reckon? How do we know ebola isn't in there somewhere? What is all this gonna cost the legal American families and the taxpayers to fix?)

Unaccompanied illegal immigrant children with communicable diseases have given or exposed federal agents to lice, scabies, tuberculosis and chicken pox, according to a report issued Thursday by the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General.

(Unaccompanied illegal immigrant children are being refered to as UAC! Why? What happened to the I for Illegal? Shouldn't it be UIIC for Unaccompanied Illegal Immigrant Children?

What is wrong with the term ILLEGAL, are we dropping it from the english language for the so called political correctness freaks? Wouldn't that mean no one in prison performed any illegal act and should therefore be released? Come-on folks. Are  children above the law? If so why do we put our children in the equivalent of jail or even in prison sometimes? And You can bet the Fed's story has been watered down! Check out all of the Fed's lies for the last several years. )

In two cases, the children of a border patrol agent got chicken pox contracted from their parents' exposure to unaccompanied children with chicken pox, according to the report on conditions of detention centers and border facilities.

The report, the first in a series, is based on 87 unannounced visits to 63 detention centers being used to house unaccompanied alien children (UAC) in Texas, Arizona and California during July 1-16.

"Many UAC and family units require treatment for communicable diseases, including respiratory illnesses, tuberculosis, chicken pox, and scabies," said the memorandum summarizing the report.

Read the rest of the story at:


Eleanor Holmes Norton:
'You don't have a right to know everything'
that goes on in the federal government.

SURE !!!

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