Police States

Started by Ross, February 20, 2014, 08:04:56 AM

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'I'm Shocked, I've Never Seen
a Murder Captured on Videotape Before':
New Footage Raises Questions of Excessive
Force by Albuquerque Police

The Albuquerque Police Department's use of deadly force is under fire again, after officers fatally shot a homeless man camping in the foothills last Sunday following a long standoff with officers.

"I'm shocked," attorney Joe Kennedy told KRQE-TV of a new tape showing officers fatally shoot James Boyd. "I've never seen a murder captured on videotape before."

The full video, released by APD, shows officers repeatedly giving instructions to Boyd, who refused to comply and allegedly threatened the lives of officers in the hours before the shooting. After deploying a flash bang, K9 and non-lethal rounds, Boyd is seen in the video slightly turning away. That's when two officers fired three bullets each, causing the homeless man to collapse to the ground.

Kennedy, who previously won a $10 million lawsuit against APD for a wrongful shooting death, told KRQUE-TV that he's "never seen anything quite like this."

"You can contain, create distance and time, distance and time every police officer knows benefits the police officer," he said.

The shooting also comes amid a U.S. Justice Department investigation over allegations of excessive force by the police department.

Peter Simonson of the American Civil Liberties Union told KRQUE-TV that the federal investigation into the department should include this case.

"Was there another way to approach this situation that didn't have to result in someone dying?" Simonson asked. "I think that is a serious open question and its a different question than that of whether is was justified or not."

APD police chief Gorden Eden, however, adamantly defended his officer's use of force in the shooting, emphasizing that multiple attempts were made to use non-lethal force.

"It was when the canine officer was down directing the canine dog that the suspect pulled out the two knives and directed a threat to the canine officer who had no weapons drawn," he said.

The incident started when officers approached Boyd to talk to him about illegally camping. Boyd refused to comply and threatened the officers.

"I'm almost going to kill you right now. Don't give me another directive. Don't attempt to give me, the Department of Defense, another directive," Boyd reportedly said at the beginning of the incident.

Hours passed, according to KRQE-TV, and both the APD's Crisis Intervention Team and a state police liaison were brought to the scene. Boyd still refused to comply, continuing to issue threats.

"In a private world, if you were down at a bar or a bus stop, I would have the right to kill you right now because you're trying to take me over. Don't get stupid with me!" he warned, according to KRQE-TV.

That's when officers began moving in on the homeless man and started deploying non-lethal rounds, before shooting him.

It wasn't immediately clear how many live rounds struck Boyd, but because video shows that he was turning away after the non-lethal force was used, the shooting is raising questions.

"The big lie is anytime our officers shoot, they had a right to shoot because they felt threatened, and if this doesn't convince this chief and this mayor that officers are out there killing people without justification, I don't know what will," Kennedy said.

Nevertheless, Boyd does have a violent past, extending up to 20 years. According to KRQE-TV, he once punched an officer and sliced another man with a box cutter during a fight.

Earlier this month, new graphic footage was released showing the moment APD shot and killed a man who charged at them with a hammer after attempting to evade authorities.

(There there are two flash video's that are worth watching. I don't know how to transfer flash videos over to this post. Sorry.)



Tyrannical Alabama Cop
Shoots Unarmed 20 Yr Old Airmen
Holding Wallet In The Air

Monday, March 24, 2014 16:31
by Guerilla Girl Ashley

The Amerikan Police state is getting worse by the day. On March 6,2014 20 yr old First Class Airmen Michael Davidson was traveling on I-85 near Opelika, Alabama when he got into a minor traffic accident with a trailer truck. Davidson then got out of his vehicle to go and talk the the truck driver, when he was about half way there, he heard someone hollering behind him, which later turned out to be officer Hancock of the Opelika Al Police that was shouting at Airmen Davidson to put his hands in the air. Airmen Davidson with wallet still in hand put his hands in the air and started to turn around towards the officer to tell him that he was an Airmen heading back to his base in N.C, but thats as far as he got, as he turned around he felt something hit him in the stomach, which turned out to be a bullet from Officer Hancock's gun.

Tyrannical Alabama Cop Shoots Unarmed 20 Yr Old Airmen Holding Wallet In The Air


Police shoot man holding his wallet after minor traffic accident

OPELIKA, AL — While on an interstate drive to his next assignment in the USAF, a young man got in a minor traffic accident.  When police arrived to help, they told him to raise his hands.  An officer "perceived a threat" presumably because he was holding his wallet — and opened fire.  The young airman was shot him in the stomach and will now live the rest of his life attached to a colostomy bag.  The department "fully supports" the shooting.



Tyrannical Albuquerque New Mexico
Police Murder Another Man
In Cold Blood

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

In a little over a week, on Tues night March 25,2014, the Albuquerque New Mexico police  murdered another man in cold blood as multiple witnesses watched in horror. This horrifying event was started by a neighbor who made a 911 call to the police alleging a man was pointing a gun at someone.  However, several eyewitnesses and family members that were on scene dispute that account, and say the man had never threatened anyone with a gun. In fact, the witnesses say when the man exited his apartment to speak with the officers while holding a gun to his own head, the police shot and killed him without giving him a chance to surrender.

Prior to killing the man,police used his sister to get him to exit the apartment, where he and his to nephews were held up.

Wynema Gonzagowski, a neighbor who was on scene, and witnessed these events unfold told this story to the news media.

"She (the sister) tells him (a police officer) 'I've got my brother on the phone. I'm talking to him. He wants to come out. He's scared. He's going to send the boys out and then he's going to follow them out.'"

"...She (the sister) kept telling her brother over and over 'They're not going to shoot you, they're not going to shoot you. They're not going to hurt you.

"The cop tells her (the sister) to tell him to drop the cell phone, so obviously the cop knew he had a cell phone in his hand. She (the sister) starts to tell him (the suspect) to drop the cell phone, and the cop grabs the phone out of her hand and hangs it up. He hung it up. He could have talked with the guy and told the guy himself to drop the cell phone, but he (the cop) hung up."

"Not even a minute later, they just shot him," another neighbor recalled, noting he had heard family members "begging" officers not to kill Redwine. "I didn't expect this to happen, for them to shoot him right away."

APD chief provides details on latest officer-involved shooting

Neighbors who witnessed a man getting shot and killed by Albuquerque police late Tuesday night said they saw the man holding a gun to his head — but never pointing or shooting it at officers — when he stepped out of an apartment in southwest Albuquerque, and they said police officers shot and killed him without giving him a chance to surrender.

Neighbors who watched the shooting unfold within 20 feet from behind windows also confirmed that the suspect, whom family and neighbors identified as 30-year-old Alfred Redwine, was holding a gun to one ear and a cell phone to the other when he exited the apartment behind his two teenage nephews, who walked out of the apartment with their hands up.

The neighbors' accounts contradict preliminary information APD Chief Gorden Eden gave during an early-morning news briefing, in which he said the suspect shot at officers and that officers returned fire.

Read Here: http://www.abqjournal.com/374422/abqnewsseeker/apd-chief-suspect-in-hospital-after-officers-fire-at-him-2.html




Out Of Control
Albuquerque Police Shoot
Third Unarmed Man
In 9 Days

Thursday, April 3, 2014 10:52

(Before It's News)

by Guerilla Girl Ashley The Pete Santilli Show & The Guerilla Media Network

While Albuquerque residents were taking to the streets to protest against the ongoing killings of there fellow citizens by their local police department, federal marshals decided to get into the act by shooting an unarmed fugitive Tuesday morning April 1, 2014, then seizing cameras from witnesses of the shooting in an attempt to cover up their crimes. But more witnesses with cameras showed up on scene, much to the dismay of the US Marshals.

U.S. Marshals Shoot Unarmed Man in Albuquerque, Seize Cell Phone Cameras from Witnesses

But more citizens with cameras arrived on the scene as a group of U.S. Marshals stood around the victim, Gilberto Angelo Serrano, proving unafraid to voice their displeasure at the trigger-happy culture that apparently has seeped into all levels of law enforcement in Albuquerque.

Realizing they were outnumbered by cameras, the U.S. Marshals could only ask people to  stand back, not bothering to try and stop them from recording as they tried to wrap a bandage around the head of the man they had just shot, who was laying on the sidewalk bleeding.

But a witness named Gabriel Valdez said the Marshals confiscated his cell phone camera as well as his mother's camera as "evidence," when he did not even start recording until after the shooting.

The incident took place around 10 a.m. when a group of Marshals were trying to apprehend a fugitive who was driving his truck.

Read Here: http://photographyisnotacrime.com/2014/04/02/u-s-marshals-shoot-unarmed-man-albuquerque-seize-cell-phone-cameras-witnesses/


"You Answer To Me!"
Cop Tells Home Owner,
As He Breaks Into His Home
And Arrests Him.

Thursday, April 3, 2014 13:44

(Before It's News)

by Guerilla Girl Ashley The Pete Santilli Show & The Guerilla Media Network

In the latest police state news of the day comes a truly remarkable example of our out of control unconstitutional police. On Tuesday April 1,2014 a video of cop breaking into a mans home without  a 4th Amendment search warrant was posted on Facebook, and his since gone viral. The video actually shows the cop forcing his way into the mans home and following him into his living room, and tackling him to the couch and trying to cuff him. Another man that also lives there and is the one that filmed this latest police state incident is told by the cop "Get out of here, I'm not talking to you," to which the youth responds, "This is my house though".  When the homeowner asks the officer his name, the cop responds, "I'm not answering you, you answer to me," before tackling him and attempting to handcuff him.

RIVER RIDGE, La. —A man arrested during a videotaped incident in Jefferson Parish tells the WDSU I-Team he believes a deputy clearly crossed the line.

In the video, 26-year-old Donrell Breaux asked the deputy why he was trying to enter a River Ridge home. What followed was recorded on a mobile phone.

The video was posted to Facebook Tuesday night and quickly went viral. The video was shared on Facebook thousands of times within hours.

The I-Team talked with Breaux Wednesday night.

When asked why the deputy was at the home, Breaux said, "I think one of the neighbors called them because we was cussing and cutting up on the porch."

Read Here: http://www.wdsu.com/news/local-news/new-orleans/man-seeks-answer-for-jefferson-parish-arrest-after-video-goes-viral/25296730?utm_source=hootsuite&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=wdsu%2Bnewschannel%2B6#mid=18739132


Corrupt Cop Goes Free!
62 Year Old Black Man
Jailed For 15 Months.
Dashcam Proves
He Was Framed By Cop

Thursday, April 3, 2014 16:04

DALLAS, TX — An innocent pedestrian was attacked by police, beaten up on camera, framed with 2 felonies, and then sat in jail for 15 months.  He was finally exonerated when the dash-cam video showed that everything the police had claimed was a lie.  That officer blatantly attempted to ruin a man's life but was never  charged with a crime.

A Night to Remember

Ronald B. Jones, age 62, was walking down the street on December 18, 2009, when his life was changed forever as he was singled out by a ruthless predator employed by the Dallas Police Department.

Ron Jones following his beating.

DPD Officer Matthew Antkowiak was supposed to be in the area looking for two white males who were fighting.  Instead he saw Mr. Jones, a black male who was doing nothing wrong and did not match either suspects' description.

Officer Antkowiak begins the encounter by ordering Mr. Jones to the front of his police cruiser.   Jones complies and places his hands on the hood.  For no apparent reason, Antkowiak began to place Jones in handcuffs.  When the officer aggressively wrenched Mr. Jones' arms behind his back, he spun around, as if to try and understand the cause for the arrest.

Officer Antkowiak escalated the violence by slamming Jones backward onto the hood and placing him in a chokehold.  The unhinged officer had placed a hand around his victim's neck.

As the struggle continued, the pair tumbled off of the hood onto the concrete street.   Soon after, more officers arrived and began to repeatedly kick the 62-year-old man.

When all was said and done, Mr. Jones was badly bruised and taken to jail.

Read Here: http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/ronald-jones/



Judge excuses wealthy
from prison because
"he would not fare well"

Is justice for sale in Delaware?

Posted on March 31, 2014 by PSUSA in News

Judge Jan Jurden lets the rich and famous
rape children without consequence. 
(Source: The News Journal / Jennifer Corbett)

DELAWARE — A member of a billionaire family who received a felony for raping a child is dodging prison time because a judge says "he would not fare well" behind bars.  The judge's preferential treatment exposes a glaring crack in the justice system.

Robert H. Richards IV admitted to both molesting his infant son and raping his daughter between the ages of 3-5.  He ultimately plead guilty to a single count of fourth-degree rape in a deal struck with prosecutors.   Richards is legally a rapist and is listed on the sex-offender registry.
Robert H. Richards IV, admitted child rapist. 
Robert H. Richards IV, admitted child rapist.
He also happens to be fabulously wealthy, and apparently impervious to punishment.  His family owns the du Pont chemical company and has a net worth in the billions.  Richards is heir to the du Pont fortune.  When not sexually-abusing innocent children, Richards lives in a multi-million dollar mansion, surviving off of the wealth amassed by his forebearers.

The Class C felony of which he was plead guilty to could have brought him up to 15 years in prison.   Instead he will face zero years in prison, thanks to the suspicious leniency of his judge, Superior Court Judge Jan Jurden.

In her sentencing order, Judge Jurden wrote, "Defendant will not fare well in Level 5 setting."  In Delaware, Level 5 refers to prison.

While offenders are occasionally given such treatment for non-violent crimes, and in extenuating circumstances such as failing health, it is perplexing to write off the sentence of a rapist.

"I've never heard of the judge saying in general that he is not going to do well," attorney Michael W. Modica said to Delaware Online. "Who thrives in jail?"

Instead of hard time in prison, Richards will receive a slap on the wrist.  He will keep his freedom, participate in a "treatment" program, and continue to live a comfortable lifestyle — with orders to stay away from children.

While a great many crimes are over-punished in the United States, violent crimes such as rape and child molestation are not among them.   Millions of people have suffered much harsher sentences for offenses which had no victim and had no violent component.  In fact, a number of people in the USA are serving life without parole — for marijuana.

Some would suggest mandatory minimum sentencing, but there are compelling arguments against these one-size-fits-all policies, which many contend lead to prison overcrowding and a number of unforeseen injustices.  The best solution seems to be the hardest to attain: competency and integrity at the bench.

Was justice served by letting the billionaire rapist escape a day in prison?  Is justice for sale in Delaware?


Diane Amberg

Try reading this in the paper that ran it instead of some slanted rag. Money had nothing to do with it. It happened 6 years ago. He's been in treatment ever since. Unfortunately it was a very weak case. One can only do what the law allows based on evidence and there was none. Check out delawareonline for the News Journal paper.
I only saw what you wrote because some one wondered if I'd seen it. Normally I don't read this thread  because it's mostly stuff I don't care to read....Disturbing crap on all sides.
Now don't go deciding to put words in my mouth about what I think about this article or don't. Just because I'm an elite rich lady, according to your comments, ;D ;D ;D doesn't mean you can read my independent mind. Why don't ya pick on California or Oklahoma or  Colorado or Texas for awhile. They have their share of terrible people too.
   Care to have an opinion of Fort Hood? Why, doesn't it mean that all military personnel have the potential to go nutz at any time and kill us all? Wanna throw around some labels? HA!


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 05, 2014, 01:49:10 PM
Try reading this in the paper that ran it instead of some slanted rag. Money had nothing to do with it. It happened 6 years ago. He's been in treatment ever since. Unfortunately it was a very weak case. One can only do what the law allows based on evidence and there was none. Check out delawareonline for the News Journal paper.
I only saw what you wrote because some one wondered if I'd seen it. Normally I don't read this thread  because it's mostly stuff I don't care to read....Disturbing crap on all sides.
Now don't go deciding to put words in my mouth about what I think about this article or don't. Just because I'm an elite rich lady, according to your comments, ;D ;D ;D doesn't mean you can read my independent mind. Why don't ya pick on California or Oklahoma or  Colorado or Texas for awhile. They have their share of terrible people too.
   Care to have an opinion of Fort Hood? Why, doesn't it mean that all military personnel have the potential to go nutz at any time and kill us all? Wanna throw around some labels? HA!


You sure do focus on telling other people what to do, don't you?

For someone that has put me on ignore
you sure do a lousy job. LOL

Diane Amberg

I only read your take on Common Core and this one because some one told me it was here,otherwise I wouldn't have. The rest of your complaints I don't bother with. Same old, same old, ad nauseaum. Yawn... ;)

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