This REALLY d!ss,s me off...

Started by Warph, February 10, 2014, 10:05:58 PM

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When I was a child, when someone was caught in a lie, we hand a little jingle.
Liar, liar , pants on fire---hang by your ------ ( Fill in the blank ) from a telephone wire-

What's up with this ending everything with "period "? Oh yea, from Obama down it's a liberal thing-- poke-poke.

Diane Amberg Re: Classrooms vs Number of Students
« Reply #52 on: December 12, 2013, 08:06:02 pm »
(Addressing Ross ). I will never converse with you again, period.

« Reply #31 on: Today at 12:52:59 pm »
No Ross. It's your constant referrals to EK that are boring!!!!!.


      It does not matter where the food comes from.

     It does not matter whether it promotes any US farm.

     It does matter that we can't afford it.

     Most of today's responsible households have a tight budget, and when something doesn't fit the budget, you don't spend the money.

     THAT IS THE POINT !   Nimrod. Sheesh!

     And, we all have been eating potatoes all our lives and don't need a dissertation on them.



Quote from: Bullwinkle on February 15, 2014, 06:18:21 PM

Your analysis is spot on in all areas except the quote above, methinks.  Ann Coulter has repeatedly pointed out that progressive thinking is a mental disease.  Perhaps help will be available under ObamaCare.  We can only hope.  ::)

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Back to the rude name calling again I see. Yes, sometimes I do respond when asked a question.You are once again showing your own true characters. Go ahead, bust a vein. It won't change a thing, will it. If there are things you can't afford ,do what you tell others to do...go get another job...and ignore me please....both of you. You can sit out in a shack somewhere and discuss how awful your lives are. Oh boo hoo. You control your own lives and you make who you are. Ya don't like it, do what needs to be done to improve it. I planned for my life more than 50 years ago and took the paths that got me there. It didn't just happen, I worked for it! Why didn't you? Blame yourselves, not me.


       Once again , you just don't get it.


      So once again, Washington raised the debt limit. When will that debt will ruin us? BIG question.

      As for WE, individuals, it has nothing to do with how well we are living. I'm doing just fine , thank you, but it isn't about me. Otherwise, Warph would have posted about my last extravagant steak dinner followed by a bottle of Fume Blanc  ;)

      Lady Di has a propensity for steering a topic away from it's intended topic and BLOWHARDING about what she purports to know and how well off she is. Nothing new here, move along, this is not the droid you're looking for.


Bullwinkle, Jarhead and Patriot.
After reading all of this, I have decided that Diane just gets on here because truth be know she has nothing else to do and she loves to be the center of attraction on the forum. So if all us just leave her along she will have no one to fight with. She has her own thread and needs to stay on it which I thought she was going to do but she fibbed a big one.  ;D

Diane Amberg

I hope you are having fun.
This a hugely wealthy country, especially when it comes to political wealth.... Billionaires by the bucket.They spend their money as they choose. Why do you assume the tax payers paid for those gold plated carrots and radishes? Don't you understand how much of that kind of thing is taken care of under the table by Gov'ts enormously rich "friends and patrons?" And it isn't new. Nixon was known for it..political favors anyone? Remember, I said these dinners are partly to show case our states? Ya ever ask yourself if Maryland crab meat was ever sent to the White House gratis?  How about Delaware chicken? If supposedly stupid me knows all this, why don't you? As far as people not being able to afford it, it depends on how you look at it. Some sectors are indeed in deep doo-doo, but many aren't. Did you buy super bowl tickets? Me neither, but look how many individuals and companies did. People spend what they want, how they want. I'm sure you do too. You, as many, hate the Gov't. Well duh. I'm not happy with them either, but probably in much different ways than you.
Jane, I doubt you know anything about debating. I'm not fighting with anyone, they are fighting with me. I know how to debate issues and not get mad....they apparently don't. Then they get all righteous when the poster has had enough and pushes back.  My, my. The Kansas double standard...real top drawer.
But most Kansans aren't like that at all. They are tolerant and kind to everyone, even the scum that doesn't deserve it.. Thank goodness I know plenty of the nice ones and they know me. ZING! Tarwater huh...hmmmm. ;) Center of attention? Ross has that one sewn up.
I hadn't posted on any other threads in a long time.  My choice. I was interested in the post on the State Dinner so I posted back. Who asked any of you to jump in anyway?. You do not own this forum!
Hope you enjoy being so miserable and grumpy. Go ahead ,shoot a few more personal attacks my way. It's an indication of who you really are. Intolerant and self absorbed. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Now I've got some things to do since the sun is out at last. You negative people sure can a make a nice day gloomy.


State dinner, seriously? 

Everything thats going on in this country and you guys are worried about the menu on a state dinner?
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


      Only worried about our country going further and further in debt. PERIOD.

      CCTP, not enough of them. Anyone with an education should follow suit.


Quote from: Jane on February 16, 2014, 10:34:53 AM
Bullwinkle, Jarhead and Patriot.
After reading all of this, I have decided that Diane just gets on here because truth be know she has nothing else to do and she loves to be the center of attraction on the forum. So if all us just leave her along she will have no one to fight with. She has her own thread and needs to stay on it which I thought she was going to do but she fibbed a big one.  ;D

    You are quite right.

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