Reasons for Locating West Elk Close to Howard

Started by frawin, October 23, 2013, 09:35:33 AM

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This thread was started as a factual thread about why West Elk is located where it is today.  Why has it degenerated into another rant about Elk Konnected?


Quote from: Wilma on October 25, 2013, 02:17:07 PM
This thread was started as a factual thread about why West Elk is located where it is today. Why has it degenerated into another rant about Elk Konnected?

What factual?
Let's look at the very first post, okay!

Quote from: frawin on October 23, 2013, 09:35:33 AM
In a recent discussion over the negative comments of West Elk being located close to Howard I learned the following:

This right here is a political opinion all by itself. I left out the polite bad mouthing of other peoples opinions.

Quote from: frawin on October 23, 2013, 09:35:33 AM
As far as saying it is Howard West Elk, that term is only to describe where it is located, what do the negative sayers want to refer it to, " it is 70 Miles SE of Wichita or maybe it is 180 miles South of Kansas City".

A political statement to assure everyone that it is not a Howard idea , when in fact it is and the reason to promote Howard, Kansas.

Quote from: frawin on October 23, 2013, 09:35:33 AM
I think the West Elk School board continues to do a great job. Another point is the Complaint by the negatives about the Superintendent setting with the School board, probably 90 % of the school board meetings are about topics that the Superintendent is involved in and he should be there with the board.

This statement is in support of elected officials and tries to justify the School Superintendent sitting on the School Board even though he was not elected to do so.

Very political from the get-go, wouldn't you say?

Just like when Elk Konnected controlled the County Commissioners Board with two out of three votes.

And now with Elk Konnected members on the School Board, that is why Elk Konnected was brought up. Elk Konnected in my personal opinion is political by their membership being elected to offices.

Politics is politics is politics.  Right?
FACT: Anytime you mention elected officials you are entering the realm of politics.
Have a Great Weekend.


I;m  not sure what your beef is about west elk built out side of Howard ,I moved here in 1982 ,Severy had no high or jr. high  ,Moline  must have been a reason the old school needed  replaced .CANT BLAME IT ELK CON. OR MISS LIZ SHE WAS ACHILD THEN and the deal about the sign get over it maybe it should be put county line ,wait that wont work 2 high schools  in county.Igive up take it down

Diane Amberg

Ross, why are you pot stirring again? The kids in school will move on and nobody will care who was on the school board this year,  or who sat where and when.... or what team won what or where the sign was placed. It's all just a moment in time. You seem to be assigning great value to things that have none what so ever.
Your questions were answered and you refuse to accept them from people who know. Perhaps your aluminum foil hat needs a new battery?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 26, 2013, 03:45:29 PM
Ross, why are you pot stirring again?

Well hi Diane, how ya doing? Fine I hope.
What pot stirring? I simply responded to a political post in the coffee shop that I felt was placed there for all the wrong reasons and lacked any real substance. In fact they could not show one thing that the school board has accomplished that deserved such high praise.

It's like the name calling, calling people negative or nay sayers how ridiculously childish, when they can not back it up with anything.

It's lie the words negative and positive, it is a perception. If you perceive saying that the school board needs to raise the educational standards as negative, I think your perception is askew. A negative can be a very constructive and a positive can be very destructive. Can you comprehend that teacher?

Diane, why are you stirring the pot the wrong direction? I think perhaps because your compass is off. Perhaps you are being misled by being a follower?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 26, 2013, 03:45:29 PM
The kids in school will move on and nobody will care who was on the school board this year,  or who sat where and when.... or what team won what or where the sign was placed. It's all just a moment in time. You seem to be assigning great value to things that have none what so ever.

I don't believe you have any values or you would understand that the City of Howard assigned the high value on the signs by placing them at the Howard City limits rather than at the school for the children. The City of Howard also wanted to move their city limits out beyond West Elk, remember that? Do you understand why? But for some reason backed out of doing it didn't they?

Haven't we heard from Elk Konnected for the last number of years, it's all for the children? Is that a lie? What about all that QUALITY of LIFE stuff? Is this how you get QUALITY of LIFE, by lacking scruples and saying no one will remember?

It sounds like you are saying screw the kids; we will take whatever we want and do whatever we want with it.      But you don't even live here, do you?   Perhaps that is the way it is done where you live and the way you think on the east coast, but not everyone else does. I hope you can understand, there are still people with scruples and morals and honesty.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 26, 2013, 03:45:29 PM

Your questions were answered and you refuse to accept them from people who know. Perhaps your aluminum foil hat needs a new battery?

Diane, I don't accept B.S. and never have. Just like your B.S. stirring the pot backwards.
And ya got it wrong my hat is tinfoil which works far better and needs no power source.

Love communicating with you Diane, ya just keep adding fuel to the flames of distrust. Keep up the good work.

Diane Know This, I appreciate you.


Quote from: oldfart on October 26, 2013, 03:16:43 PM
I;m  not sure what your beef is about west elk built out side of Howard ,I moved here in 1982 ,Severy had no high or jr. high  ,Moline  must have been a reason the old school needed  replaced .CANT BLAME IT ELK CON. OR MISS LIZ SHE WAS ACHILD THEN and the deal about the sign get over it maybe it should be put county line ,wait that wont work 2 high schools  in county.Igive up take it down

I'm sorry oldfart, I think you totally misunderstood me.

I never mentioned why the old school needed replaced or not.
Also Inever blamed the placement on Liz or Elk Konnected.
I'm sorry to disagree with you about the signs, they belog to the childrens school.
Howard only took them to promote themselves and that to me is stooping very, very low.
The children and thier school should reap the glory of the signs, not Howard.
Howard should remain ashamed until they rectify this and place the signs where they rightfuly belong.

That's my opinion and I stand by it.



Diane Amberg

Ross, if you don't know what the school standards are, how can you demand harder/better ones? How could you judge? By what measuring stick? Why do you think the parents of the kids out there don't want to spend what it takes to have their kids ready to compete and succeed in the modern world? CCTP
Most people want to invest in their children. Why do you think your county is different?  Did you ask to have the school sign changed? Are you the only one for whom it has such importance? Can you prove it's where it is just so Howard can promote the town and insult the school? SEZ who? I'd think the winning would be much more important than the specific sign placement. Do you know people are calling the town "How weird?''
What REAL reason is there for having a hot dog toast tonight? It can't be just for having fun, now can it? There must be some dark political reason, right? Sheesh!

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