Elk County schools

Started by Wilma, December 27, 2006, 09:49:58 AM

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Stoney Point was located on the River Road just south of the Hitt place.  The Kilpatrick place is on the east side of the road.  Guy Morgan Denton had it.  It was a big 2 story white house.  Sally, ask my mother and she can tell you exactly where it was as she and her 2 sisters went to school there.  The Hitt place is gone now.  Mike and Irvina Harrod lived there in later years; and I believe it was lost in the flood of 1976. 



Myrna thanks.  I need to take the quilt top out to show your Mother.  She probaly knows most of the names on it, if not all of them.  The women in the community gave it to my Aunt Marie and she never did quilt it.  Hope your day goes well tomorrow.  My prayers will be with you.



Sally, I know that Mother would really enjoy seeing the quilt.  She probably will know a lot of them and will probably have some interesting "tid bits" to pass on.  So sorry to read about your dog on another thread.  It is always so hard to give up a family pet.
We appreciate your thoughts and prayers as we will go to Lubbock tomorrow.


Janet Harrington

While I was researching some stuff in the Howard Citizen, I ran across a list of the schools and teachers for the 1929-1930 year.  This was in the September 4, 1929 issue.  Is anyone interested in having that list put on this forum?  If so, I'll got back on Monday and get it.


Janet,  I, for one, would be interested in that list.  Also, while you're there, if you could look at the
editions from late January, 1912, there are a couple of articles relating to the Old Boston School.  One
written by Tom Thompson and another he reprinted from a Moline newspaper that was written by my
great grandmother, Metta Durbin.  I have a copy of the latter, but the left side is 'cut-off'.  I'd like very
much to get a clean copy and see fully what the article says.  If you could help out, it would be most
appreciated.  Thanks,  Dan Durbin


Of course she will do that, Dan, because I said.

Jo McDonald

Janet --- if at all possible I would like confirmation when the last school year of Illinois School --- north of Longton was in session.  I think it was in 1942....Thanks, sweetie -- I would appreciate it VELLY - VELLY MUCH !!!
Mama Jo

Janet Harrington

Welp, I went to the library and printed off the teachers from 1929-1930 school year.  I didn't read the forum until I got back, so I will go again tomorrow and see what I can find for Dan and Jody.  I am going to type out the teacher list, so that you all can see who was working and who was not.  ha ha

Janet Harrington

taken from the Citizen, Howard, Kansas


District                                      Teacher                                            Address
1. Union Valley
       (Consolidated)                   Catherine Early....................................Severy
1.  Clear Creek                         Aline Speer.........................................Howard
1.  Elk Falls R. H. S.                  Carl Igle.............................................Elk Falls
                                            Mr. Cooper.........................................Elk Falls
                                            Goldia Harness....................................Elk Falls
                                            May Jo Rogers....................................Elk Falls
2.  Union Center                       Harold Anderson..................................Howard
3.  Baner                                No School
4.  Fairview                             Audrien Wilson.....................................Howard
5.  Howard                              J. W. Wallace, Supt..............................Howard
                                            George H. Sharp..................................Howard
                                            Jessie Bond.........................................Howard
                                            Irma McCollough..................................Howard
                                            J. A. Watson.......................................Howard
                                            Nora Baird..........................................Howard
                                            Warren Jones......................................Howard
                                            Valda Coltrane.....................................Howard
                                            H. A. Gilmore......................................Howard
                                            Gertrude Hamar..................................Howard
                                            Mary Cheney......................................Howard
                                            Mary E. Peterson.................................Howard
                                            Hazel Dudgeon....................................Howard
                                            Mrs. Ethel Yantis.................................Howard
                                            Fern Gitchell.......................................Howard
                                            Minnie E. Whitaker...............................Howard
6.  Lower Paw Paw                   Ralph Young.......................................Howard
8.  Busby                               Vera Bruton........................................Howard
9.  Hartford                            John Trimmell......................................Longton
10. Ohio                                Susie Duckworth..................................Longton
11. Longton                           R. L. Conway, Supt...............................Longton
                                           Roy D. Barnes.....................................Longton
                                           Ethel Jolly...........................................Longton
                                           Mrs. E. S. Haworth..............................Longton
                                           Nellie Jackson.....................................Longton
                                           Floribel Lancaster................................Longton
                                           Paul J. Foster.....................................Longton
                                           Jess B. Dodson..................................Longton
                                           Ruth Davis........................................Longton
                                           Irma Ferguson...................................Longton
12. Elk Valley                          Maybelle Williams................................Longton
13. Clear Creek                       Gertie Howell......................................Longton
14.  Stone                              Mary Ellen Nelson...............................Longton
15.  Elk Falls                           Nora E. Arnel.....................................Elk Falls
                                           Mrs. Orva Lyons.................................Elk Falls
                                           Mrs. Marie Leckliter..............................Elk Falls
16.  Fairview                           Esther Maben....................................Howard
17.  Harmony                         Mary Fuller........................................Moline
19.  Pleasant Hill                      Marian Sliker......................................Howard
20.  Dinger                             No School Held.
21.  Greenfield                        Gladys Thompson...............................Grenola
22.  Canola                            Marie Stiles.........................................Grenola
24.  Highland                          Margaret E. Brown...............................Howard
25.  Morehouse                      Ruth Peterson......................................Elk Falls
26.  Pershing                         Goldia Barnaby.....................................Elk Falls
27.  Grenola                          H. S. Troup, Supt.................................Grenola
                                          Faye Archer........................................Grenola
                                          Leroy Triggs........................................Grenola
                                          Clark Herrin..........................................Grenola
                                          Anna Tomlinson....................................Grenola
                                          Grace Piner..........................................Grenola
                                          Pauline Davis........................................Grenola
                                          Altha Riley............................................Grenola
28.  Starr                              Hazel Moore........................................Piedmont
29.  Lone Star                        Nellie Davis.........................................Longton
32.  Hide Out                         Marie Scott.........................................Fall River
34.  Cove                             Mary Duckworth...................................Longton
35.  Cedar Summitt                Mary Lewis.........................................Howard
36.  Pleasant Hill                    Lois E. Royse......................................Elk City
37.  Bellview                          No School Held.
40.  Viola                              Mrs. Beryl Shurtleff..............................Longton
41.  Hickory Creek                  Mrs. Beatrice Stephenson......................Oak Valley
42.  West Hitching                 No School Held.
43.  Oak Grove                     Patti Barnard.......................................Grenola
45.  Oak Valley                     Ruby Hill..............................................Oak Valley
                                         Leona Harris........................................Oak Valley
49.  Bunker Hill                      Cecil Green.........................................Howard
60.  East Caney                    No School Held.
63.  Pleasant Hill                    Mrs. J. N. Clark....................................Moline
64.  Victor                            Clara Evans........................................Fall River
65.  Pleasant Valley               Lola Sanderson....................................Fall River
66.  Rule                             Ruth Portenier.....................................Fall River
68a.  Oak Ridge                   John Klingel.........................................Howard
68b.  Pleasant Plains              Howard Reed......................................Severy
70.  Lima                            Lyda Jontra.........................................Howard
73.  Independent                  Ruby Ray...........................................Grenola
76.  Wild Cat                        Leslie O. Thorpe................................Elk Falls
77.  Rock Creek                   Beatrice Kaiserling...............................Howard
78.  Fairview                        LaVina Davis.....................................Grenola
81.  Oak Ridge                     Agnes Weber....................................Longton
102.  South Falls                   Lester Wicker....................................Elk Falls
103.  Needmore                   Grace Gerrard................................New Albany
105.  Mound Branch              Leah Hebb......................................Howard
106.  Green Valley                 Norman May..................................Howard
107.  Upper Paw Paw             Pearl Gertrude Neese.......................Severy
110.  Antioch                       Mrs. Nola Nix..................................Howard
112.  Fiat (Rural Vale)            Lois Speer......................................Howard
115.  Stony Point                  Stella Davis.....................................Howard
117.  Excelsior                      Mabel Neff.....................................Howard
118.  Elk Valley                     Jennie Burt.....................................Piedmont
           Porterville                  Winifred Crane................................Piedmont
119.  Frog Hollow                   Eva Dunbar...................................Longton
133.  Independence               Fern Cougher.................................Piedmont
134.  Forest                          Opal Moore...................................Piedmont
136.  Merry Bell                     Sadie Ginn.....................................Howard
139.  Star                             Mabel Olson..................................Moline
141.  Border                          Doris Hamilton..............................Longton
142.  Hard Pan                      Vernal Keplinger...........................Grenola
144.  Moline                          C. A. Templer, Supt.....................Moline
                                          Mrs. Vina Fuller Mitchell.................Moline
                                          Helen Evers...............................Moline
                                          Mary Ann Neeland......................Moline
                                          Chas. Rapp...............................Moline
                                          R. K. Jaquith.............................Moline
                                          Gerald N. Weaver......................Moline
                                          Henrietta Mann.........................Moline
                                          Ethel Wooddall..........................Moline
                                          Ethel McCluskey........................Moline
                                          Leona Brown............................Moline
                                          Virginia Spease..........................Moline
145. Chaplin                          John Bacus...............................Howard
147.  High Hill                         Violet L. Stone..........................Howard
148.  Cresco                          Hazel Clum..............................Howard
149.  Pleasant Hill                    Valetta Clum............................Howard
150.  North Pole                      Marguarite Swartz.....................Fall River
154.  Pearl                             Henry Edwards.........................Piedmont
160.  Wilson                           Mildred Weyrauch.....................Moline
161.  Illinois                            Irris Haggard...........................Howard
Parochial School                      Sister Mary Anoysius.................Moline
      (St. Mary's Convent)         Sister Mary de Chantal...............Moline


You might want to look at your previous message and correct your mispelled word in it.  Should I tell you what it is? ::) ::)

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