Elk County schools

Started by Wilma, December 27, 2006, 09:49:58 AM

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It looks like the same map I have in the 1903 Atlas of Elk County.  I wish I had the names of all the schools it shows.


it must be possible, to sort out the schools at the map with the elk county teacher list of the year 1927 from mrs. niles.


every teacher is arranged there to his special school district and that must be also the name of the school during that time.

open question can be answered, if you have more as one school in a district, by search engines of the us federal census 1920 and 1930 for example by ancestry.

...it´s just a idea. :)

...it´s never too fast and heaven can wait till I die.


Okay Elk Countians, it's time for a group project.  We have the map showing school locations and the list of schools and their numbers.  Let's start matching them up.
#7     Cunningham    sect. 32   4.5 miles S. and 1.5 miles W of Elk Falls
#17   Harmony         sect. 2     1.5 miles E. of Moline
#26   Pershing/Prairie Gem     sect. 7   between Moline and Elk Falls
#37   Bellview          sect. 30    2.5 miles S. and 2.5 miles W of Moline
#63   Pleasant Hill     sect. 22    1.5 miles S. of Moline
#76   Wildcat           sect. 27    2 miles N. of Moline
#139 Star                sect. 7     3 miles W. of Moline
#141 Border            sect. 26    3.5 miles S. and 1 mile E. of Elk Falls
#160 Wilson/Hardscrabble  sect. 24  2 miles S. and 1.5 miles E. of Moline

#18  Boston    4.0 miles S. and .5 miles W of Moline

When we get them all located, then we can make a master listing.  Who's next???


okay, thats a nice employment for todays evening,...i will do my very best ;)
...but i must wait till my kids are tired, i´m not the boss of my own computer. >:(
...it´s never too fast and heaven can wait till I die.


Looks like the project I proposed will be relatively simple.  Pam Niles has already done most of it and has it listed out on the following site:   www.kansasheritage.us/orsh/byco/orshcoek3.htm.    Good job, Pam.


Unless they have changed the townships since 1885, we believe an error has been made in listing the Fiat School in Howard township.  Fiat school has been in Paw Paw township every since we can remember.

In looking into this closer, in the Elk County History book, page 119, column 2, it states " The Rural Vale School, located one mile east and one half mile north of Fiat, was relocated in 1921 near Fiat and the name changed to Fiat School District 112."  So apparently there was no Fiat School in 1885. But both schools would still have been in Paw Paw township.


With this list and my map, I can locate all of the schools that are on the list.  One of these days I will do that and see if any of them disappeared between 1885 and 1903.


i hope it works...

if i made mistakes... sorry...i will change it immediatly,
and if anybody knows the names of the churches and cemeteries i will write them also down.
...it´s never too fast and heaven can wait till I die.


I have a question about the Fiat School.  It is listed in the Howard Township, but the legal description places it straight east of the Cresco cemetery which is 2 miles north of the Howard Township line.  I thought Fiat was further south than that.  Which is it?


Cresco cemetrey is on Rock  Rd. and Fiat is on Pioneer. PQR that makes 2 miles. Fiat is almost east to 19th. We own where Fiat used to be and it is in Paw Paw township.

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