"Gender Bender Day" at School - Boys Dress as Girls... Girls Dress as Boys

Started by Warph, May 25, 2013, 02:58:34 AM

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Diane Amberg

Nah...  Ya gonna hate me because I'm not dirt poor? That's your problem!
We had a big mix here, including families who were driven out of farming by the drought and dust storms and in some cases bad farming practices and foreclosures. Also had very poor folks from the south who came up on the horse manure trains for the mushroom growing industry. Lot's of Italian and Jewish immigrants too. Lots of share croppers also.
Bull, I'm not the one with the problem. You are heavy into reverse snobbery apparently. We didn't take sides and didn't look down on anyone.  Remember many here were Quakers and didn't do such things
. All farming states would close school during planting and harvesting season, nothing special to you.
Remember, my body is full of Kansas blood too.I was fortunately lucky to have family that were, in some cases lucky, and in some cases smart enough to always do well...just as Kansas people do today. They aren't all dirt poor now any more than they ever were... Cattle and oil, big farms and the railroad, military contracts, and a stone quarry, bankers ,teachers and a dry goods store....all in my back ground.
Sounds normal to me. So what.  Everybody tried to better themselves....still do.....and for the last time I grew up OUT IN THE COUNTRY, not in town. I went to school about six miles away and there were still many one room schools still running until I was in mid elementary school. DuPont family money paid to close them and build the "consolidated" schools that exist now. So now you are bored. Tough Nobody made you read this.


     It is interesting you can percieve anything I have said here as hate.

     You obviously aren't aware of the diversity of culture here. Irish, German, Russian and of course Jews ( Amberg) among a plethera of others.

     I have related personal experience here, a lifetime of it, and in no way would slight any person who had less wealth or even intelligence.

     This was about clothes, and that is what I a"dressed" . I didn't bring up the fact that kids I grew up with had no bathroom and took their "baths" under the pump handle. They were just as much my friends and classmates as any others, with one being salutorian, though I didn't really care to be close on a hot day.

     When I am bored with you, I will cease to respond to your inaccuracies.

Diane Amberg

Sorry, my Amberg relatives were Lutheran, not Jewish. Inaccuracies? Ya think I don't know my own heritage? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Quote from: Bullwinkle on May 30, 2013, 04:39:32 PM
     It is interesting you can percieve anything I have said here as hate.

     You obviously aren't aware of the diversity of culture here. Irish, German, Russian and of course Jews ( Amberg) among a plethera of others.

     I have related personal experience here, a lifetime of it, and in no way would slight any person who had less wealth or even intelligence.

     This was about clothes, and that is what I a"dressed" . I didn't bring up the fact that kids I grew up with had no bathroom and took their "baths" under the pump handle. They were just as much my friends and classmates as any others, with one being salutorian, though I didn't really care to be close on a hot day.

     When I am bored with you, I will cease to respond to your inaccuracies.

I think it is more about attitude than money and comprehension there of.
And I can relate to what you say Bullwinkle.


Diane Amberg


        You know Ross, this is the first time you can actually hear those little smiley faces grinding their teeth.


Quote from: Bullwinkle on May 30, 2013, 05:43:22 PM
       You know Ross, this is the first time you can actually hear those little smiley faces grinding their teeth.

I just consider the source.

How humorous a one man NGO, see what I mean about comprehension Bullwinkle.
Can't even get the nakme calling right.


My error, ya know oldtimers and such.
I forgot the order to layoff.
My apologies.


       Doesn't seem to bother one people, if you get my drift.

     It's kind of like trying to pull a rabbit out of the hat and getting, well,......... not a rabbit.

      Ever hear of anyone refering to their family geneology as Lutheran ?


Quote from: Bullwinkle on May 30, 2013, 07:02:53 PM
      Doesn't seem to bother one people, if you get my drift.

     It's kind of like trying to pull a rabbit out of the hat and getting, well,......... not a rabbit.

      Ever hear of anyone refering to their family geneology as Lutheran ?

Stop it now, just stop it and go get your dress on. ROFLMAO

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