A study in American Sheeple... or is that lemmings

Started by Patriot, May 09, 2013, 06:37:09 PM

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Quote from: Bullwinkle on May 29, 2013, 05:12:13 PM
      And ......... once again the wise and powerful "Oz" takes a thread and makes it about her. The wizard of Oz was a fake and baffled everyone with his BS and so is she.

      Go back to your east coast happenings with your personal crap. Geeeze, as Sruzich would say.

And you call me a hoot? ROFLMAO

Diane Amberg

 Nope, not about me, but about another successful school that gets it and will open this fall.
  Since Newark Charter is a Blue Ribbon School, ya might wanna pay attention. Ross wants a Blue Ribbon School there so bad he can just taste it.   I wish him well on that; it sure would be nice.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 30, 2013, 09:05:06 AM
Nope, not about me, but about another successful school that gets it and will open this fall.
 Since Newark Charter is a Blue Ribbon School, ya might wanna pay attention. Ross wants a Blue Ribbon School there so bad he can just taste it.   I wish him well on that; it sure would be nice.

No, seriously, I'd just like our school board of education to wake up and pay attention to education as much as sports and construction and spending money on things other than education.

I'd like to see them working in far exceeding the lowered standards of the state rather than just meeting them.

Would you please provide us with a link to the Newark Charter Blue Ribbon announcement ?

Oop's what is this here? Please go and read the whole story, " ya might wanna pay attention."

Special report: Born in hope, Newark charter school now embroiled in controversy

May 05, 2013 at 2:05 PM, updated May 09, 2013 at 7:38 PM
NEWARK — Linda Newton enrolled her 8-year-old son at Adelaide L. Sanford Charter School to shield him from the ills that afflict many of Newark's regular public schools.

She has regretted that decision every day since.


Give me a break.


Oop's is that the right Newark school.
I'm searching deeper.
Perhaps Diane you could provide a link.


Quote from: ROSS on May 30, 2013, 11:15:49 AM
No, seriously, I'd just like our school board of education to wake up and pay attention to education as much as sports and construction and spending money on things other than education.

I'd like to see them working in far exceeding the lowered standards of the state rather than just meeting them.

Would you please provide us with a link to the Newark Charter Blue Ribbon announcement ?

Oop's what is this here? Please go and read the whole story, " ya might wanna pay attention."

Special report: Born in hope, Newark charter school now embroiled in controversy

May 05, 2013 at 2:05 PM, updated May 09, 2013 at 7:38 PM
NEWARK — Linda Newton enrolled her 8-year-old son at Adelaide L. Sanford Charter School to shield him from the ills that afflict many of Newark's regular public schools.

She has regretted that decision every day since.


Give me a break.

Ross, you have your states mixed up.  Your story is about Newark, NJ.  Diane is from Delaware and is talking about the Newark  (Delaware) Charter School which is a Blue Ribbon School. 

Page 5, left column of this document shows that it is:  http://www2.ed.gov/programs/nclbbrs/2010/national.pdf

Try again.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Quote from: flintauqua on May 30, 2013, 01:46:05 PM
Ross, you have your states mixed up.  Your story is about Newark, NJ.  Diane is from Delaware and is talking about the Newark  (Delaware) Charter School which is a Blue Ribbon School.  

Page 5, left column of this document shows that it is:  http://www2.ed.gov/programs/nclbbrs/2010/national.pdf

Try again.

What didn't you notice I said:
Quote from: ROSS on May 30, 2013, 11:36:50 AM
Oop's is that the right Newark school.
I'm searching deeper.
Perhaps Diane you could provide a link.

Would you try again that was 2010 Blue Ribbon Schools this is 2013.
I do believe they get graded each and every year.

And I did politely ask Diane for a link.


       Again, a new school has nothing to do with the story about a student questioning the teaching methods he was experiencing.

      Not about you? We have all heard about this school building as nauseum. Wonder who brought it into any conversation?

     Nothing more to say about teaching practices pro or con ? Feel the need to just tell everyone how the east coast is doing?

     There's a thread for that.

Diane Amberg

Ross, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
I should be really pissed that after all these years you still don't know where Delaware is. You can't  figure out the difference beteen Newark New Jersey ,which is pronounced "Newerk" and here  which is pronounced "New Ark," from The new Ark of the covanent.
Not feeling much like pampering you today,I'll ask you to Google Newark Charter School for yourself...it's all there.... or perhaps some other "'nice" person will do it for you.  You can thank Bull for my lack of cooperation. I don't care for the insults. You don't want to read what I say....then don't. Believe me, I don't care. When I post I do not take you into consideration any more than you and Ross do.


       Then perhaps you should take your own advice you have given Jarhead. You were told not to do it.

     Quit making everyone elses thread your personal "pity party", use your own. Oh that's right, no one goes there. Except your pals. No sport in that , Huh?

      You continue to look to spar with someone, instead of simply making lucid remarks about the topic. In other words, you enjoy trying to bully people with your page long dissertations of BS, and back biting remarks. Sad lonely woman.

Diane Amberg

Do what? Have a personal opinion?  This is an still an open forum. Talk about long winded. NOBODY can top Ross.  Better look in the mirror Bull...it's "Bull" alright.

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