Killed By PETA

Started by Warph, April 06, 2013, 03:16:50 AM

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PETA Headquarters A Giant Puppy And Kitten Slaughterhouse, 96% Of The Animals They Took In Were Killed

From the Huffington Post:

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is an organization that publicly claims to represent the best interest of animals — indeed their "ethical treatment." Yet approximately 2,000 animals pass through PETA's front door every year and very few make it out alive. The vast majority — 96 percent in 2011 — exit the facility out the back door after they have been killed, when Pet Cremation Services of Tidewater stops by on their regular visits to pick up their remains. Between these visits, the bodies are stored in the giant walk-in freezer PETA installed for this very purpose. It is a freezer that cost $9,370 and, like the company which incinerates the bodies of PETA's victims, was paid for with the donations of animal lovers who could never have imagined that the money they donated to help animals would be used to end their lives instead. In fact, in the last 11 years, PETA has killed 29,426 dogs, cats, rabbits, and other domestic animals.

Most animal lovers find this hard to believe. But seeing is believing. And if it is true that a picture speaks a thousand words, the following images speak volumes about who and what PETA really stands for.

The PETA headquarters is on the aptly named Front Street. While claiming to be an animal rights organization, PETA does not believe animals have a right to live. Instead, it believes that people have a right to kill them, as long as the killing is done "humanely," which PETA interprets to mean poisoning them with an overdose of barbiturates, even if the animals are not suffering. In 2012, 733 dogs entered this building. They killed 602 of them. Only 12 were adopted. Also in 2012, they impounded 1,110 cats. 1,045 were put to death. Seven of them were adopted. They also took in 34 other companion animals, such as rabbits, of which 28 were put to death. Only four were adopted.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Good post Warph.

I am not a bleeding heart animal rights activist, I do spoil my animals and no one will be allowed to abuse my animals. No, what I see here is the deception foisted on the American public at every turn. They operate on approximately $30 million a year and use 15.81 percent on fundraising efforts (that means deceiving the public) that is nearly $5 Million on deception.

I simply have to say thank you, you elite bastards.

Will you trust anything PETA says after reading this article?

I think they should loose their tax free status as a non-profit organization.
As long as there is a payroll, their is a profit, IMHO!
Whatever, happened to volunteers. Total Deception!
Oh, they are paid volunteers!


I never liked PETA. I was appalled that they had anything to do with killing animals. Just seems to go against their stated mission. Thanks, Warph. Ross, is right they have been deceiving the public. Never liked PETA, now I am opposed to PETA.



I am opposed by any and all kinds of deception.
If you get my drift.


Quote from: ROSS on April 06, 2013, 05:13:36 PM

I am opposed by any and all kinds of deception.
If you get my drift.

No I don't get your drift. That sounds a little cryptic to me. Surely you don't mean that [you] I am opposed by any and all kinds of deception. Could you elaborate on that.


Quote from: jacksonpollochjr on April 06, 2013, 08:38:40 PM
No I don't get your drift. That sounds a little cryptic to me. Surely you don't mean that [you] I am opposed by any and all kinds of deception. Could you elaborate on that.
No it wasn't aimed at you.
But other deceptions in our county.
As long as we have deceptions in our own backyards we can't clean them up on higher levels can we.


      Your paranoia is showing , David.


Quote from: Bullwinkle on April 07, 2013, 08:05:31 AM
      Your paranoia is showing , David.

LOL You can run but you can't hide.


PETA Plans to Fly Drones That Would 'Stalk Hunters'
PETA says it's actively shopping for a drone to monitor hunters.
By Jason Koebler
April 8, 2013

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is actively shopping for a drone that would "stalk hunters," the organization said Monday.

The group says it will "soon have some impressive new weapons at its disposal to combat those who gun down deer and doves" and that it is "shopping for one or more drone aircraft with which to monitor those who are out in the woods with death on their minds."

Don't they mean the people for Un-Ethical Treatment of Animals.


Quote from: ROSS on April 06, 2013, 05:13:36 PM

I am opposed by any and all kinds of deception.
If you get my drift.

That looks like you directed it to me, since you used my signon name. Bullwinkle, my name is not David. Bullwinkle you tell everyone your full name and I will tell mine. Bullwinkle if you prefer you can call me Rocky.

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