East Coast Happenings

Started by Diane Amberg, March 22, 2013, 01:21:17 PM

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What is the value of a low-digit license plate, such as #14? Just to prove they've been around awhile?

W. Gray

Back when new Kansas license plates were issued each year, I can remember my uncle Waldo Gray would get to the courthouse very early in the am on January 2, or whenever, to get a low numbered EK plate. He got EK - 10, one year.

Thinking on it, though, I would think the elected commissioners and officers would get the lowest numbered plates before they were ever offered to the public. He must have lucked out to get 10.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Diane Amberg

Thanks Waldo.That's interesting too.
Mom, I'm not sure why low digit numbers have such artificial value. Delaware is so small that we don't have that many cars, so nobody has very high digits. Snob value? But $325,000? Oh my! Some have gone to expensive vanity plates, which can have most anything on them, even though there is still a regular number on file. I like my 4 digit plate because it's easy to remember. As you might guess, the governor has plate number one. We don't have front plates.
The ice and snow dumped on us yesterday, so Bingo was cancelled, which was fine with me. During the storm we had a very serious fire in one of the big apartments complexes. It went to a third alarm.The weather made it hard on everyone. Now the temp. has started to rise and it is raining hard, but the ground is still frozen. It's a mess.
I know you all have had some memorable ice storms where you are over the years.


Diane, we WILL NOT TRADE WITH YOU, our High for the next 10 days is Forecast to be 77, and our low 40. Our highest night time low is forecast to be 60. I think the GOOD LORD IS MAD AT YOUR AREA BECAUSE YOU HAVE JOE BIDEN LIVING IN IT.HEH!!!!!!!HEH!!!!!!!!!

Diane Amberg

That's Ok, we're used to being picked on. At least, thanks to Joe, most people know where Delaware is now and we are less likely to be asked what state it is in.
We have nice beaches, great seafood, wonderful real subs and cheese steaks, the best fresh oysters and mushrooms, a kazillion chickens, truck farms, and all kinds of history.
After all, we are the "First State" for a reason. HA!

Diane Amberg

We tipped over 60 degrees yesterday and the local creatures slowed down their eating.
I suddenly have lots of snow crocus and other little bulbs popping up in sunny warmer areas.
Bingo tonight and a much needed hair appointment tomorrow. It's gotten long and needs "the works." We have our tax appointment on Thurs. It should be fairly simple this year. Al puts everything together and our CPA goes over it to be sure we didn't miss anything. Basically we take out what we need and send the rest to the IRS....HA!
I started taking out my IRS distribution at long last. I'll be paying out more in taxes than I had figured based on what we were told many  years ago.I shouldn't complain though.
Hope the good people there have a wonderful day. The rest can just stick it. Who needs 'em? 8) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Diane Amberg

A gloomy rainy day..but it's not snow. I guess I'll be blamed for that too. HA! I really didn't know there were such weak spined people there that they need a fat little old lady to blame everything on... and I do mean everything.
If your cow dies, it's Di's fault. If the "wrong" person becomes President, I'm somehow to blame.
If someone leaves the forum, it's not because of the constant, never ending bashing, it's because of me!     
People have been taught that for certain ones to have an opinion  it is a social death sentence. So why stick around?   The mud mouths are so jealous it's sad. They don't want to share the spotlight.
That is so funny. I'd blame the Elk County Creeper, but it's vegetarian. Perhaps zombies ate their brains. I've already been told not to talk to certain people because it just encourages them.
So they are to be allowed to just blather on? Non stop? Ok so be it. They will assume silence means acceptance. Too bad. Bye.


The problem is, you never let any thing rest, just like your last post. You could have just talked about what is going on, and what you are doing in Delaware. You had to made snide remarks. So just leave stuff alone and it will be OK.

Diane Amberg

 We'll see. Some of you need to lighten up...much too down in the mouth.There are days when the only posts are ugly politics and that gets old quick.

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