East Coast Happenings

Started by Diane Amberg, March 22, 2013, 01:21:17 PM

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 >:( Diana, if you do not like the way we old folk back here in Kansas use bad spelling and bad grammar.  Then I suggest you stay off the forum if it bothers you. I cannot believe you would even say anything. What is it to you? And why is it your business and why do you think you are better then the rest of the world.  :( I know you will have some smart remarks about this as you always put your two cents in on everything.

Diane Amberg

I'll be happy to answer you. When you read newsletters ,menus, posters and such don't you expect to see proper spelling? Why would anything less be acceptable?
The person/people in question expect to be taken seriously. They post a lot and in spite of what one says, expect to be believed and agreed with. They are very critical of your educational system, yet they themselves didn't care to work hard enough to learn to spell and write correctly most of the time. Teachers can't saw off the kids' heads and pour it in, ya gotta meet 'em half way at least!  The kids learned the difference between Capital and Capitol in second grade! ( I don't say as much about poor spelling as I used to.)  Then these same people cast themselves as experts and sit in criticism of your local school board and county commissioners as if they are uneducated hicks who can't run a meeting correctly and therefore can't be trusted to do anything right., BUT no criticisms should come their own way...DOUBLE STANDARD!.
I think my point really is that the same people who were poor students and expect to be let go about it are sitting in judgement of others who are brave enough to run for office or become leaders and aren't  ever given a break. Would you want to read misspelled, poorly written minutes?  So where is the problem really? Why aren't others complaining if things are so terrible?  There are many correct ways to run meetings, often it is just whatever has been customary. Roberts Rules can be used as guide lines and commonly are, but don't have to be. 
Of course if you are one of the conspiracy theorists, I can see why you would protect them. Ross in particular doesn't need your protection. He is who he is. Some of his ideas are worth thinking about, some  are just griping as far as I'm concerned. He doesn't believe it, but I rarely read him any more. It's nothing but gripes.
Is it really necessary to constantly refer to the old script."What did they really mean by that?" "Why did they REALLY cancel the meeting, and try to cast doubt on most everything anyone tries to say or do. It's a sneaky way of calling people liars and getting away with it. IMHO
    Why do you even read what I have to say? Why would you ever be interested?
As far as why do I care? Why do you care if I care?   Again....if you all would just decide at what grade the kids will no longer try to learn to spell, read and write, the teachers can use that time for some other subject! Especially if the parents don't care how their kids do. 
As I have said many times before, I have friends and family out there and even read the paper every week to see what's up. I enjoy what the kids' academic teams and sports teams are doing and know a number of the kids. I also check to see who is making honor roll...and in one case, who isn't.  I read the obits and some times see people I knew long ago.(I was sorry to see that the Chamber of Commerce won't be donating to the fire works this year.)  Regardless, this is an open forum made of  different kinds of people, as it should be, but it has gotten very heavily weighted on the negative, anti anything side. Some very interesting people, who knew how to debate issues, gave up and left because every word they said was personally attacked and criticized. I hear from some of them and they have gone on to live healthy productive lives. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  Yes, I know I've been rambling a bit. Now hit ignore and go on your merry way. I'm not your cup of tea. So what. As far as me being "better" than you, only you can allow yourself to feel lesser. I sure don't feel that way. and you know perfectly well I don't comment on "everything". That is incorrect. If there are some rules about that, ya better have Teresa post them.

Diane Amberg

It's still there. We got four inches yesterday and downstate got much more. So once again, schools had to close. It was down to 17 last night, so nothing has melted.We did go ahead with Bingo which worked out OK. We were missing a few regulars, but most came decked out for St. Patrick's Day. The cooks even made corned beef, ham, cabbage and potatoes that sold very well.
Al has his next surgery later this morning, so we need to head out soon.  My stomach has been in knots and I just coukdn't eat anything, and of course he wasn't allowed to. We'll see what happens this time. Gulp. Have a good day my friends.

Diane Amberg

Al's surgery went fine according to his doc. He called the excised mass " superficial" but we have to see what the biopsy results say. He goes back to find out in two to three weeks. He's still sore but the little bit of bleeding has stopped.I'm very grateful for the PMs prayers and good wishes.
We had a nice long gentle soaking rain yesterday and it took away the snow. YEAH!!!!! It's supposed to get to mid 60's on Saturday. Our accountant will stop by today and we'll finish our taxes, finally.
Now, something fun to share. My dining room table is being graced by a big,  white four layer wedding cake with a peacock on top and frosting peacock feather "eyes" around the sides.  The problem is, it's fake! ;D ;D ;D ;D ....frosting covering a styrofoam base.
My neighbor's daughter across the street is getting married on May 31st. Her bridesmaids tried to have a  surprise shower for her already, but it was snowed out. Now it's going to be at her Mom's house on Saturday, still a surprise.... we think. My house is the hiding place for all the decorations and "stuff." The mother is a professional baker and worked for a bakery for many years. She has trays of beautiful cupcakes hidden in the freezers of the neighbors' houses. The cake here is just for decoration. Her daughter's theme? Yup, peacocks.
I got her a beautiful peacock feather pin with swarovski crystals in blue, green and purple, some silly kitchen gadgets and a gift card to Bed, Bath and Beyond. She is such a sweet girl.I've known her since she was born.  Have a wondeful day everyone.

Diane Amberg

I'm finally getting to do my baked corned beef with cabbage, carrots and potatoes.It's sure starting to smell good.I can't believe we are on deck again for another nor'easter to come up the coast on Tuesday intonwednesday.This is just unreal.So far they are calling for one to three inches of snow here but it's really too soon to tell.
I do remember another late big one though. On March 20, 1958, Landenberg PA, where we lived then, got 40 inches with another area in PA getting 50. There were lesser, but big amounts all around this area. We were off school for a week and had no electricity because of all the lines being down. The National Guard was even called out to help. We lived in the dining room with the fire place and melted snow for water. It was quite an adventure. The huge drifts looked more like Colorado than PA.

Diane Amberg

OK, I giv up. My hands r in the are and this pour ould teecher has had it. I tried for many many years to teech reeding and riting and all that silli stuff, so peeple their wood continu to bee able to comunecate, accuretly and bee undurstud. i feel very sory fo any 1 triing to lern english as a secund launguag.
i was very gud at it end got hi marcs from mi teeching evaluaters becuze of it.
So now any vowel can be stuk any ol' where and that's ok, Like hoarse shoos ,cloase is gud enuff. Lets pretind ther are no posssessifs that need apostrophee's, or better yit, toss aprotrophe's on everthing.
Sew what's upp? I made a commint about the missuse of Captial and Capitol and got swaated for careng.
Jane, i appoligiz.Bake croe will be serve at my table to-nite.
  i have found three more missusse's of Capitol and Capital in three different news' paper's!  Even the pros have gived up. know ewe can forgit silent vouls and figer if some pour sole kin figger it out, its' gudd enuff..especilly on legel paper's.
  We can saf moni by closing doun the burro of waits and mesur's and clos will be gud enouff fo' all. After all, if you by a pownd of meat: and its onle 14 ounses...who cares? ...were all frend's hear.
Ros, yer saf. If u-in don't kare, I do'ntt eather. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D.

Diane Amberg

What a shame...no joy in Mudville tonight. :'(


No, but it was a wonderful ride.  KU lost, too, today and North Carolina lost just a little while ago.  Wonder who will be next.

Diane Amberg

I can't imagine. All my favorites are gone now.
Can you believe we are setting up for snow again? I do think this time we just may be sideswiped with about two inches or so, but up in New England they may get many inches again, unless this thing swings east off the coast.
Mom's birthday is April first. I always take fresh hyacinths, lilies,or tulips to her grave and then plant them in our flower bed once they have gone dormant. This year there are just none to be had anywhere. The cemetery doesn't want artificial flowers after the first day of spring, but I think this year I have no choice.  April Fools! No spring this year. HA!
The bridal shower I went to on Saturday was so much fun. She is a lovely girl (23) and her friends are so sweet.
I had a tall Lenox Victorian bride doll that I got for my 20th anniversary, which was also Mom's 50th. We shared her for awhile and she was borrowed for several friends' showers and wedding decorations. I decided it was time for her to move on to another generation, so I passed her along as a surprise for Kathleen's shower.
Her grand mom thought she was so pretty. She burst into tears that I would give her up for Kathleen. It was the right thing to do.  The doll  will now go on to another nice home and will probably see many more showers as Kathleen's girlfriends get married.  I told Kathleen that her younger sister Alison must have borrowing privileges some day if she wants to use her.

Diane Amberg

One last little 2 inch snow yesterday. The kids from the Delaware School for the Deaf cancelled their fire house trip for the day and will try again next Tuesday...April first  ;D  .UMMM..I wonder.
Some of the kids have multiple handicaps, so bringing them out in even a little snow isn't safe for them. Now we have a lot of rain coming on Saturday. RAIN, not snow.Whooppee

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