The Personification of the ELITE. Presenting Mr. Trump

Started by Ross, March 15, 2013, 09:22:20 PM

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The Personification of the ELITE.
Donald Trump Just Gave A Nonsensical Speech, And Even Conservatives Were Dumbstruck

Donald Trump gave his highly anticipated speech at CPAC Friday morning, and all anyone is talking about now is how confusing and terrible it was.

Trump said he was upset that President Barack Obama did not return his calls about a free ballroom he offered to build. He said that he offered between $50 million and $100 million to the White House to build it but he never heard back.

He also made a strange statement about how he wants the U.S. to go back to Iraq to take some oil.

"That's the problem with our country," Trump said.

He also said he was only for the Iraq War because he was under the impression that it was fought for oil. Now, he wants to go back to get oil.

"I say we should take it and pay ourselves back," Trump said.

Read more:


I Wonder if Sarah was standing beside him, and I wonder how fast she ran away. ROFLMAO.

I'm glad I am not part of the elite.


Our Republican Party continues to steer a rudderless ship into the dark of the ocean. Donald Trump instead of Chris Christy. Sarah Palin instead of Chris Christy. Neither Palin or Trump are electable. Just paid spokes persons for their own media shows.


Quote from: jacksonpollochjr on March 15, 2013, 11:26:27 PM
Our Republican Party continues to steer a rudderless ship into the dark of the ocean. Donald Trump instead of Chris Christy. Sarah Palin instead of Chris Christy. Neither Palin or Trump are electable. Just paid spokes persons for their own media shows.

The whole system has became a bad joke that is hurting our country as a whole.
And if it continues it will be the downfall of our nation.

The so-called elite, our elected officials and the leaders are failing our constitution.
They are failing to obey  everyday laws.

There are no more ethics, no more responsibility for personal actions amongst the elite.

Forget the money, forget the food none of it will be there anyway if the corruption does not stop.

And the only way for corruption to stop is if the elite are held responsible for their actions and their lies.

If our news media actually reported the truth and added some shame into their articles.

Listen to the fact that the super wealthy are fleeing the US with their money to avoid taxes and others have pulled their money out of the stock market and yet the stock market is reaching new highs. Where is all that money coming from? Is it perhaps the Federal Reserve feeding market to keep it from crashing. Really there is no real money involved, just electronic digital messages, backed up by what? Remember the dollar used to be backed up by Gold, not any more. So what backs up electronic digital pulses? Someones word? Who's word is of that kind of money.

The media and the government say unemployment is down, another lie. They don't count the people that have used up all their unemployment benefits, they don't show the increase in Welfare recipients due to no jobs available, do they? Every day I read about more people being laid off and people being scheduled to being laid off. And they just told us the unemployment rate is down while telling us people are losing their jobs due to Sequestration (castration) which is it. Do you really believe they are going to tell us the truth?

Let's look at food for a moment! Do you trust what you by at the grocery store? Practically everything is adulterated and you will find that is true if you look closely. A can of tuna is not all tuna! It's not just the preservative added to food, try milk with artificial sweetener and honey which is just corn syrup with flavorings and color added.Beef full of hormones.  Calamari you order at the restaurant might pig bung (a**hole).

I'm fortunate I have my own cow to butcher. I buy my honey from a local bee keeper. The honey I buy frpm him tastes so much better than that corn syrup that is made to taste like honey. I happen to like corn syrup, I was raised on it, used it on pancakes. (We were to poor to afford that expensive pancake syrup).

Isn't it time to stop believing the so-called elite and leadership of all industries and all walks of life. Isn't ot tome to get back to individualism and believing in ourselves?

Isn't it time to get back to helping your neighbors with out some organization of elite telling you how to help, while they sit back and  say let the less fortunate do the work?

Isn't it time to say shame on you to the wrong doers until they straighten up?

Isn't it time to back up your neighbor when he stands up and shames someone.

Isn't it time to stop being ostracized by the elite?

I'll stand with you for individualism and free speech. Why ?

Because that is what will heal our country and stop the lies heaped on us daily.



Quote from: jarhead on March 16, 2013, 09:33:18 AM
Telling it like it is, you ol sailor  :)

Here is yet another gimmick for you to pay for with your hard earned tax dollars.
All while we have financial crisis after financial crisis is happening.
Where's the money coming from this gimmic:

President Obama discusses the need to harness American energy in order to reduce our dependence on oil and make the United States a magnet for new jobs. He highlights his all-of-the-above approach to American energy -- including a proposal to establish an Energy Security Trust, which invests in research that will help shift our cars and trucks off of oil.

More money for industry, that's economic development for ya. Taxpayers dollars for industry!

They haven't learned a damn thing from the renewable energy industry.


There's a whole lot of "Al Gore" types in the Republican Party and you've got 'em right there in
Elk County along with the Democrats.  We can call them 'nuts or whacko's".

Their agenda is to steal our liberty in America with government favortism and money for their corporate projects.

Ross, you're not in with the Bolsheviks in Elk County and you don't play along with their socialist causes and
their Progressive Community. 

Stay right in there and stay on 'em.

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