Our 'Kommune-ity' grows...

Started by Patriot, February 23, 2013, 04:12:48 PM

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Janet Harrington

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 25, 2013, 09:26:25 AM
What in the world does the Catholic church have to do with your"kommune-ity"? Also, my thoughts on on pedophile priests would be off topic here....and you would lose that bet. Homosexual leanings in the Catholic Church go back as far as the church does (Ya have to read history)....and has nothing to with Elk County, now does it?
So you are saying that the  EK County Commissioner are all really Catholic homosexual big city elitists?. My, my.(Sorry Janet)

This posting about the Catholic Church is really interesting, is it not! The Catholic Church does have problems, big problems, more so than any other denomination, I am sure. But don't fool yourselves if you think this is just a Catholic problem. All you have to do is read the news and see that pastors, church leaders, youth leaders, etc., of all denominations are being arrested and charged with the same tyhpe of activity. For some reason, main street media focuses on the Catholic Church. I know of about 2 ministers that are in the court system right now in Montgomery County going to trial for these same type of problem. And it is not just a religious problem. Schools, jails, prisons, all walks of life are having the same criminal activity. Saatan is alive and doing well in our society, people. Keep praying that our country, our society, and this world will see the evil that lurks in the hearts of men.


     If some of you would read , and attempt to comprehend, what those here like Warph and Patriot are trying to bring to light, instead of posting just to put in their "two cents", they would see that our society and country are being attacked from within.

   " Evil triumphs when good men do nothing."

Diane Amberg

You are so correct Janet. Many people will say that if God was let back into schools it would solve the problem. I wonder. When I was a student, there was a short prayer read by the teacher each morning followed by the Lords Prayer and then the salute to the flag.Took about 10 minutes, tops. That was it for the day. Did it really make that much difference? I'll never know.
Out of wedlock pregnancies were not tolerated like they are now and there are so many other influences that weren't so prevalent or obvious back then.
I know this is off subject to a certain degree but I'm going to continue anyway
Kids just didn't come to school drunk or high in my day.They didn't have easy access to drugs until much later. Even then it was on weekends only. Then the huge period of "anytime any place"...the counter culture taught kids that responsible adults were trying to not let kids have fun,et al. Now it's gang influences that schools can't begin to do anything about and kids want to be adults younger and younger but don't know how. Just look at the suicide rate. These troubled kids just can't cope.
That's where having small schools is a huge advantage. Kids don't fall though the cracks or keep one step ahead of the teachers like they can in the huge schools,which are cheaper to run but personal attention disappears.
I still think TV and the video games and now face book,  cell phones, twitter and texting have hurt kids more than some realize and the lack of parenting has added to it in some cases.
Even the way some parents allow their kids to dress has an obvious bad influence...and  kids who will sneak improper clothes to school and then change...and then dare a teacher to do anything about it! I'm even surprised when I see how the young ones dress for job interviews... even the young teacher wannabe's!
Teachers don't get the respect they need to succeed in some cases and some parents have double standards when it comes to others' behavior V. their own child's behavior.
Put it all together and it conspires to hurt us. We are our own enemies!.
      Bull, again with the unnecessary put downs. Open forums are exactly where people ARE supposed to put their two cents worth in. That's the whole point. But when your friend says he's just an "uneducated hick",why would anyone take what he has to say seriously? ;D ;D ;D ;D Make up your minds folks.


I agree with you about the Teachers, Diane and Janet about the Catholic Church and other denominations.  Do you really want to know why that is happening?????

Read: http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,15067.0.html
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


      Again, totally off topic.  :o
     Again, totally clueless.  ::)

    and AGAIN, telling everyone all about how things are in your little world, as well as assuming the people on here haven't made up their own minds and your wisdom will bring them light. Gag me with a spoon.

Diane Amberg


      I read many threads, expecting to find intelligent opinions and facts. Unfortunately, too many times, we are subjected to your drivel and off topic bloviating.


This stuff not only happens in the churches, yet in our own small communities two fold. 
Bull:  How old are you???????



Good men?   These were from our own community and supposedly respected. 
Tell me I am off topic, then we can talk.



     Now , now, Ready.

    Take a guess, I'll let you know if you're close.

    Not as young as I'd like to be, physically. Though I would have liked being young in the late 1700's and known the true freedom.

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