Your 'Community Leaders' & temper tantrums

Started by Patriot, February 17, 2013, 11:59:45 AM

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The new Board of County Commissioners has taken actions to place more control in the hands of individual taxpayers and voters by trying to curtail non-essential government spending, reducing the tax burden on citizens, and two of our commissioners have become more personally involved in county government management & direction in the full view of the public.  These actions tend to support individuality & the right of the individual to be free from overburdening government control in their lives.  The new board appears to be moving away from the liberal, progressive model that says government is the solution to all of our wants and needs and toward a model that more closely resembles that embodied in the ideas of the founders of this country.  One that relies more on individual responsibility and accountability & less on an all knowing government.

In light of these moves to simplify our local government, and given the subsequent public outbursts from what appears to be a local group of elitists supported by the editorial efforts of a local newspaper, and given that that these tantrums have extended themselves even to this forum with such vigor, it might be time to look at the reactions of what have been labeled our 'Community Leaders" by that same newspaper (and their followers) in light of the following:

From Liberalism: Psychosis, evil or ignorance? by psychiatrist, Dr. Lyle Rossiter, the author says,

The adult drive toward omnipotent control of others, in any arena whatever, is rooted in fears of separation, abandonment loss or abuse--the residual effects of early attachment gone wrong. The need to dominate others arises from the tyrant's need for absolute assurance that the catastrophic loss of dependency or the pain of abuse so devastating to him in his earliest years will not be repeated."

"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave..."

From non-targeted tax rebate programs designed to reach only a few entitled members of their clique to child entertainment programs run by a government overseer and promoted by these same few who now so vigorously protest, there seems to be a core group who are addicted to government being involved in every conceivable area of the lives of our citizens. From protests to petitions, to salivating over county spending on city streets the impassioned pleas of these self proclaimed 'community leaders' indeed look a lot like spoiled, angry children.  At first pleading their case with tears of emotion and, when rejected by the valid authority, throwing themselves to the floor, holding their breath and kicking their feet.

A link to the rest of the story:,14673.0.html

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


It seems to me that the real purpose of these people protesting the loss of certain benefits to the children of our county is personal.  Personal in the fact that anything that brings parents bringing children to free entertainment, brings those parents to the businesses on main street.  Those parents acquaint themselves with what they can find iin Elk County without going off to Independence, Eureka, El Dorado, Winfield or even Wichita.  Why wouldn't our business people want to keep something that brings strangers to our fair cities and to the amenities that we can offer?  Who knows what strangers might take a liking to our simpler life and move themselves and their children to a better living standard.  Who knows what these strangers might impart to their relatives and friends who are also looking for a better life.  Isn't that the whole purpose of trying programs that haven't been done before.  To promote our county and to entice more new citizens.  I guess it doesn't really make a difference if Elk County is never heard of again.  We can just remain a wide spot on Highway 99 where you can get gas on one side of the highway and a hamburger on the other side.  Gads, we don't even have a big sign on the north side of town proclaiming that you are now entering Howard, a beautiful place to be.  I don't think there is one on the south side of town, either.


I think the crux of the whole shebang is HOW they did it....and for that, I do beliieve it was underhanded and unethical.
The thought was there as you said, however the method was not okay for me, if I was a  taxpayer in your county


Janet Harrington



Yes, there is a Howard Chamber of Commerce.  It is composed of the same people that have to do everything else, too.  Besides, their funds are limited. 


Ready, would you explain for me and to anyone else just what you mean by the way they did it?  Maybe I don't know as much about it as I think I do.


Via the past Commission's handling of the Youth Developments position.
The idea of  coordinator is a good idea to coordinate all Youth groups:  4-H; Church; Scouts,etc.
The person was paid by the taxpayer's obligations, and then were dispersed to  a specific cause, one of which was highly recognized as a member of said cause.  That is a conflict of interest as well as underhanded.

If the Chamber would have hired this person, I wouldn't be so leery.



That explains nothing.  Be specific in who did what and why it shouldn't be done with tax money.  I can't see how promoting the county is misusing tax money.


QuoteI can't see how promoting the county is misusing tax money.

In that I agree with you.  HOW they promoted, and that was from within.  I am speaking of 2 out of 3 commissioners voting for something that they themselves were invested in.

Yes, the county needs to promote growth.  Yes, the taxpayers should have a say in it.


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