
Started by Growit1, February 12, 2013, 03:58:44 PM

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Took a risky step today.  Removed the heater from the bird bath and put the rain gauge out.


Wilma, the rain guage is probably a good idea.  The heater I think you will do fine.  Although I took a picture of snow on the pear blossoms in April!
   Calling Lowe's to see if they have grape starters in!

Don't forget to plant potatoes this weekend!!!!


Dee Gee

I got my bird bath and water dish for the pets unplugged.
I planted potatoes, Kohlrabi, lettuce, carrots and radishes today.  The tomatoes and peppers are growing in the greenhouse.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself

Judy Harder

I just started some peppers and tomato's. Will see if I can get them up in the apartment and maybe this year they will transplant better. My green thumbs are itching and yesterday I started working in the yard and cleaning up my patch of it. Found out I am not as young as I thought I was. Slept well last night and today, Praise the Lord it is cool enough I do not care to work out......LOL.......maybe Monday I can get back there or one day next week.  Oh, I am using a pot as a rain guage for now. I am ready for spring!
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Judy, I found out that I am not as young as I used to be, too, and the leaves are still in the yard to prove it.  Have to leave something to go back to, you know.  I looked out a bit ago and my windsock is standing straight out.  Too windy for me.


      Where do most of you get your starts,seeds, sprouts or whatever.


I like to go to Arnold's up by Leroy.  It is a long drive up there, but the country is so pretty that it is worth it.  Otherwise, Lowe's in Wichita is the easiest for me. 

Judy Harder

For me, I shop Independence.........any garden shop. Add my own green thumb......yes sometimes it is all for naught......LOL, but, I enjoy all of it and guess in a previous life I was a farmer/gardener. Or, my grandpa gave me his talent. I like it.
I got a little more done in the front till the chill put me back in. Need to start prunning at the church. Depends on the weather. And my stamina.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Janet Harrington

Judy,  do you help at the town garden in Longton? I know Steve Fielder starts alot of those plants in his greenhouse. I love to read about it in the Longton News.


You all do know we are about to get sleet/snow/cold this weekend in SE Kansas? 
Watch your 'little bloomers'   ;D


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