
Started by Growit1, February 12, 2013, 03:58:44 PM

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This probably isn't considered gardening, thundered in February.  According to old time farmer's tradition, thunder in February means that it will be a good year for corn.  My problem is that by the time the corn crop becomes good or fails, I have forgotten if it thundered in February.  Maybe someone can remind me in June and again in July and August to check the corn fields.


The ole gal down the road told me a couple years ago if it thunders in feb. it will frost in may. I was out may 3 that year putting buckets over my tomatoes and peppers ,the racoons always eat my corn so i can't say about the other. 

Janet Harrington

Wow, Growit1,

You have been busy. I hope you have a garden plot big enough for all those tomatoes.


Aren't these pretty?


What kind of tomato  seeds did you plant?   I had ordered pepper seeds but had a back order I guess.


They're all OP/Heirloom toms.
Cherokee Chocolate
Omar's Lebanese
Ozark Pink
Cherokee Purple
Amish Paste
Illinois Beauty
Dixie Golden Giant
German Giant
Red Brandywine
Great White
Principe Borghese
Mule Team
Tommy Toe

Along with those I started these peppers
Scotch Bonnet
Jalapeno M
Emerald green giant
Poblano L
Numex Big Jim
Red Marconi
Ancho 101
California Wonder

Had it a little too warm where I started the toms and they got leggy within a day. Have moved them and hope to keep them going until they have true leaves and I can transplant them into larger containers. Delbert  - I have some extra pepper seeds if what I have interest you I'd be glad to share.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Wilma on February 21, 2013, 08:41:28 PM
Aren't these pretty?

Mother, where did you see these tulips? Did you go somewhere this week because I know those aren't in your yard.


Gotcha.  That is an old photo of the tulips that we had in the back yard in Sedgwick County.  The ones that your sister rescued and we planted.  I wonder if they are still there.

Janet Harrington

I just don't know. Probably never will.  ;D


Got my pepper seeds in the mail but had substitued for another pepper.  I planted them.

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