
Started by Growit1, February 12, 2013, 03:58:44 PM

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We put our tomatoes in late this year, simply because the frost fairy just wouldn't go away. But now we have TONS of tomatoes. Big beautiful perfect red and yellow tomatoes. We probably just got lucky that they are turning now after the huge amount of rain that we got here in Butler County earlier in the season. But I've never raised prettier ones. I've canned over 100 pints of salsa and am going to start canning the stewed ones today. It almost hurts to blanche and stew perfect tomatoes, but the only ones with blemishes are the ones near the bottom of the cages where the chickens have done their pecking. Feeling Blessed for sure!


Not sure what happened to the message I did a couple days ago.   Hadn't been able to get into the forum for over a month.  Put my electric fence back up yesterday as the coons found my late corn.   They didn't do too much damage but would have done more.   My dog can testify that the electric fence works.   Some animals are eating my  apples that have fallen from the tree.   Have made a couple gall on of cider and have more to make if I can find room to put it in the freezer.  Trying to finish up selling watermelons.   After the long rainy time the melons really set on but were smaller than some have been.  My turnips are getting about ready to eat. 


About time to rest the garden.  Hope I can remember what I did wrong.   Still have winter radishes, turnips and parsnips.   Also have pears.   Have the electric fence up to keep the pears from being  chewed on.  Had to lower it really low as something was getting under it.  I guess they could have jumped over.   Made several gallon of cider and have it frozen in the freezer.  My pecan tree had one pecan on it and when I went to get it, it had gone.  Found two honey dew melons along side of a cattle panel that cucumbers  climbed.   Not sure how that happened but the first one I cut was the best I have ever raised. 


my surprise lillys are coming up should I put some hay on 'em?


They should be okay. I have some spring bulbs coming up too. Nice!  :laugh:


The snow finally melted enough for me to see that the Snow Drop is up, altho not blooming.  I am pretty sure that some crocus is up, too.

Diane Amberg

That's wondeful. Aren't those little hints of what is to come reassuring?


I just made a quick trip to the mail box to mail some letters and lo and behold, there on one side of the walk was a lonely little crocus in bloom and on the other side of the walk is a lonely little snow drop in bloom.  They are much braver than I, as I came back inside out of the cold.


The crocus has been joined by about twenty others, but the snow drop is still lonely.

How much rain did we get last night?  I heard that water was over the road somewhere south of Howard.


Did anyone plant potatoes yesterday?

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