
Started by Growit1, February 12, 2013, 03:58:44 PM

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Tomatoes finally growing.  I don't like humid weather but the tomatoes do.

Judy Harder

I think, for now, we have caught up with our moisture count. My how the green stuff is growing.
I can just stare at the grass and swear I see it growing. Love it. Oh, my produce is coming up for the sun
to increase the growth and show blooms and tomato's and squash and cukes and flowers I planted.
Sure love the blue sky today......enough gray for now.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


i need to pull weeds!  :P :P


Myrna has been working on her flowers for a month now and things are beginning to look good. My tomatoes are about 2+feet tall and covered in blossoms. They are going to be late this year. The plastic covering really helps them to grow, kind of a greenhouse effect.


About gave up on my watermelons and cantaloupe coming up but good news most are up.  I like the cool weather but takes longer to get things to come up.


Did the wind get any gardens?  Sure hope not. Finally have little green toms growing.  Usually there'd be a few actually getting ripe by now.  Going to get down into the low fifties this next week. Going to slow things down even more.


         No real wind damage. Got blooms on tomatoes , jalepenos, and little bell peppers forming. Will have to thin radishes and carrots soon. Temps are obvious from day to day growth. Surprised the cukes , cantaloupes, sqaush and watermelons are doing great.


Janet took these about a week ago before the roses reached their peak.  They don't look so good today after being rained on this morning.  They and the other flowers have really outdone themselves this year.




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