Youth Development Program

Started by Janet Harrington, February 10, 2013, 03:51:00 PM

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Janet Harrington

This is to Ross.

Have you not seen any positive things come from this youth development program? Any at all?


I was wondering what would keep Ross quiet.

Diane Amberg


I have been exceptionally busy with personal business.
Besides, I had not noticed this thread.

I do believe Janet that i have covered your question quit extensively on the following thread:,11780.0.html



What is the point repeating?

Ya all said you were tired of reading the repeated stuff on the other thread!

Are ya all to lazy to go over there and read or to remember?

I personally have trouble remembering some of it myself, an old man problem don't ya know? LOL

Janet Harrington

Here is what I was looking for.   

  They abolished the Youth Development position that provide very little for very few youth on a very sporadic basis. Which was very expensive to the taxpayer. This came from your post on the Elk County Handout page which I can take as reporting to us (the people), that the abolishment of the Youth Development was for the good of us (the people).

Now, my question to you, Ross, is this...wasn't your son one of those very few youth that benefited from programs associated with the youth development? Did your son receive any positive benefit by going to Lawrence for the camp thing that was sponsored by the youth development and grant money? If I am mistaken about your child being a receipient of this camp (I think it was an art thing, I'm not sure), then I apologize for my intel being incorrect.

Didn't you write a positive letter to Jennifer Montgomery about this camp?

Just asking.


I forgot to say thank you Janet.


Diane Amberg

My goodness Ross, did you want those kids sent off with no chaparones at all? Fancy babysitters indeed! I just can't believe your black attitude about so much.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 12, 2013, 09:41:55 AM
My goodness Ross, did you want those kids sent off with no chaparones at all? Fancy babysitters indeed! I just can't believe your black attitude about so much.

Diane, I did say I would try to avoid offending you further by trying to reason with you.

I good for my word.

You are sick!
You need help.

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