Are you a sheeple read this article and find out

Started by Ross, February 09, 2013, 08:41:46 AM

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Sheeple: Another Look At A Sad Breed

Just a touch of the article there is so much more to read.

Never Questions The Professional Class

Sheeple are easily impressed by anyone with a nice suit, uniform, lab coat or an embossed diploma or title. They see and revere the costume, regardless of the man inside it. For sheeple, titles and positions of arbitrary authority make the opinions of a man more than opinion; his opinions suddenly become law.

While a liberty movement activist looks for the legitimacy within the individual professional, the sheeple place all faith within the institution that professional represents.  His personal character is of no consequence to them, and the idea that he may have no clue what he is talking about does not occur to them.

My words, my opinions from this point.

I use to fall into this category especially concerning doctors and nurses until my wifes life was on the line.
I have chewed out plenty of nurses and doctors.
I fired a whole hospital and three doctors all at the snap of my fingers and moved my wife to a different hospital.
Why would I do all this, to preserve my wife's life, that's why.
I also had the full support of my medical insurance when I did it.

Why do you think medical insurance companies sometimes require second opinions, because Doctors can not always be trusted.
Why, When these are people with diplomas and PhD's and revered in their professions.?

No having a title, a degree, a PHD or any other documentation does not make a person a God!
If a person owns a successful business, that does not mean they know more about everything else in the world, it does not make them an expert in governing or leading.

It does not give them the right to Lord it over you with their smooth talking and word twisting, do we?

Don't we hear about big shot elites going to jail from time to time?

It seems it is more frequent these days.


Because they break the law, right?

Isn't it time we all, each and everyone of us, me included, woke up?

Never Questions The Professional Class or The Business Owner, they only make their living off of your hard earned money.

They are only successfull because of you the consumer.

Diane Amberg

Interesting, Ross. Have you ever looked at the pedigrees of the people Red constantly posts and links. He obviously admires them..have you just labeled him a sheeple? ;)
Of course you can move your wife if you aren't happy with her care. Anybody can. I don't know why you would bawl them out though. How does that help? Flowers will get you a lot better help than vinegar.

Keep the nurses happy.They are the one who really know what's going on. Remember, everybody wants everything to be cheaper...and that's how corners get cut sometimes....lesser service.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 09, 2013, 10:18:05 AM
Interesting, Ross. Have you ever looked at the pedigrees of the people Red constantly posts and links. He obviously admires them..have you just labeled him a sheeple? ;)

No Diane I don't label someone just because I post something.
I try very hard not to judge people, especially on one or two events.
But as those events multiply. It gets harder and harder.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 09, 2013, 10:18:05 AM
Of course you can move your wife if you aren't happy with her care. Anybody can. I don't know why you would bawl them out though. How does that help? Flowers will get you a lot better help than vinegar.

What just because they are doctors they don't deserve an ass chewing?
I pay for what I get and I pay through the nose and I pay for the best in medical care and I don't pay with flowers. They get the vinegar for failing to provide the best I pay for.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 09, 2013, 10:18:05 AM
Keep the nurses happy.They are the one who really know what's going on.

That is your opinion! Nurses don't always know. And when the bitch is a lesbian trying to put the make on my wife she is in for pure hell. When nurses refuse to use the alcohol swabs when injecting I.V. lines, they get asked to do it properly and then if they don't they will be stopped by me and ran out of the room. No honey, No Flowers, she/he still gets paid on my dollar. When, I know more about the medical situation than the nurse and I have already spoke to the doctor, and the nurse tries to give me medical information that is contrary to both my and the doctors knowledge, she/he is not a good nurse.

I have also dealt with some of the finest Pharmacists, One in fact prevented a possible catastrophic problem a doctor would have caused with medications.

If a person with even minimal medical knowledge is not at the hospital with their loved one, that is when problems occur.
I once observed a nurse about to give a patient an insulin dose, when a family member just returned from the hospital coffee shop and stopped the nurse. The insulin dose would have been a second dose within 30 minutes. Not good, not good at all.

There are plenty of professionals that fail at their jobs, not just the medical field, but all fields, educational as well.

Sure, I have known and used some of the very best doctors and nurses in the business and they earned my respect and praise, even though they were paid by me.

Your answers simply fail.
Stories like yours are simply a sheeple story. Flowers and honey.
When in actuality they are doing it to earn my money
Accept the professional at his word because he or she wears a smock and has a diploma.
You just fail to recognize the facts of the overall picture.

But you go ahead with the sheeple attitude and believe everything them elite educated professionals tell you.

Quote from: Diane Amberg link=topic=14991.msg204475 #msg204475 date=1360426685
Remember, everybody wants everything to be cheaper...and that's how corners get cut sometimes....lesser service.

There you go again. I just happen to carry the very best medical insurance that money can buy. And it sure as hell ain't cheap.  And when a prescription cost $1000.00 a month, that sure ain't cheap. I am anything but cheap concerning the health of my family.

Haven't you heard that medical costs are out of control? I wish everyone that doesn't have medical insurance, could afford to buy what I have.

Hope you have a good weekend. I am.

Diane Amberg

My goodness! Money sure is important to you isn't it? Have you ever asked for a discount? It's not hard to get. Many fees can be negotiated. I have good insurance too ,but I promise you, even the kind of splint a person gets depends on what insurance people have. You have Medicare and I assume a good suplimental policy. You seem to have a very hard attitude about it though.
Yes, people do need to keep track for their family members when they are in the hospital. I've done it also and have caught errors too. I never felt it necessary to be nasty to anybody though. They'll correct the errors just as easy with a nice word as a sharp one.   (Ya know if you are too nasty, you can be asked to leave by the charge nurse, or attending doc and be escorted out by security.) You can always hire a private duty nurse for the times when you can't be there. I have done so for Al.
One morning Al was NPO before surgery and he was brought a full breakfast tray. I enjoyed it while he was having his operation. ;D As always, you do your things your way, and I'll do things my way.They must run when they see you coming.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 09, 2013, 02:56:13 PM
My goodness! Money sure is important to you isn't it? Have you ever asked for a discount? It's not hard to get. Many fees can be negotiated. I have good insurance too ,but I promise you, even the kind of splint a person gets depends on what insurance people have. You have Medicare and I assume a good suplimental policy. You seem to have a very hard attitude about it though.
Yes, people do need to keep track for their family members when they are in the hospital. I've done it also and have caught errors too. I never felt it necessary to be nasty to anybody though. They'll correct the errors just as easy with a nice word as a sharp one.   (Ya know if you are too nasty, you can be asked to leave by the charge nurse, or attending doc and be escorted out by security.) You can always hire a private duty nurse for the times when you can't be there. I have done so for Al.
One morning Al was NPO before surgery and he was brought a full breakfast tray. I enjoyed it while he was having his operation. ;D As always, you do your things your way, and I'll do things my way.They must run when they see you coming.

You ass/u/me far too much!
And i definitely don't need the advice of a sheeple that belongs to so many organizations she only believes what she is told.
I have done quire well for my family with out some smooth talking word twisting professional trying to control me.
When an ass chewing is necessary I am not fearful of giving it.
I'm as big a smart as as the folks with those slick twisted words.
Thank You


QuoteAnd when the bitch is a lesbian trying to put the make on my wife she is in for pure hell.

wow, just wow!
No wonder your insurance didn't have a problem switching. 


QuoteHaven't you heard that medical costs are out of control?

That statement I can agree with you.  which has nothing to do with your frustration of 'suits'


Quote from: readyaimduck on February 09, 2013, 04:47:36 PM
That statement I can agree with you.  which has nothing to do with your frustration of 'suits'

Hi Ready.
It's been a long time.
I hope all is well with you.
It is good to hear from you.


Quote from: readyaimduck on February 09, 2013, 04:36:38 PM
wow, just wow!
No wonder your insurance didn't have a problem switching. 
Well, I never told the insurance about those incidents.
But i spoke with them about major medical (for lack of a better word) infractions.
Strange thing was they were already aware of our problems.

I really do not enjoy problems of this nature one little bit.


nor should you enjoy problems like that...and I am fine, thank you for asking.
The infractions are happening more and more, and I am not surprised the insurance is not aware of the problems.   
Sheeple are people (like sheep) that follow others around blindly with no other information than what the leaders tell them??? A societal groupie, if you will?
If that is so, then Fred Philps, some churches, Politics and the Boy/Girl Scouts fall into that category?

1.  education
2.  ethics
3.  morals

A fine line is drawn here.  I detest bottom feeders.  Yet, 1 bottom feeder does not equate to the fresh water trout?

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