Will retention work for Kansas third-graders who can’t read?

Started by Ross, February 03, 2013, 04:00:50 PM

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Diane Amberg

Really, really? I don't make it a habit of telling people how stupid they are. It's usually very obvious without my help.

Diane Amberg

So who has the knowledge to answer the topic question? Plenty of sass but no answers?  ;)


Well Diana if the schools would would work with the kids a little better before third grade they may just be able to read better. When I was in school that was the main focal point besides learning to write. Now it is just get them through and into the next grade.  The kid should not have to stay in third grade just because they can not read very well. Some just have a harder time learning or are slower at it. Doesn't mean they can't. It is kind of like when some one is not very well liked and they just don't get it. ;D


       Why, she is a legendary poster here, with a majority of readers behind her,

              just ask her.  ::) ::) ::)

    Gives true meaning to the adaptation, " A legend in her own mind ".  ;)


Does she really have a mind. That is still in question. We could always take a vote and see who agrees.  ;D

Diane Amberg

I hope you are enjoying yourselves, and it's Diane, not Diana.
Rose, just how would you "work with them better,'' especially with kids who are absent most of the time. Truancy was always a problem with our kids who were behind.
I taught third grade more than any other. It is a pivotal grade for reading,and writing and spelling too. That's the year when ''learning to read" should start changing to" reading to learn." I found that some parents whose kids were behind wanted their kids held back and some just didn't care. ( Some were hung up on the social stigma.) Some didn't see education was important.
The great majority got it, and if their child was struggling they would ask for extra help, get tutors ,send their kids to summer school or both. Many of the kids would catch up eventually. I hate to say it, but the biggest problem we had was with transfers, who came in already behind. We changed classes for reading and math and it wasn't uncommon to have kids at different grade levels in those subjects.  A child might be in math at fifth grade level ,yet in second grade reading. Once a true learning problem was discovered, individual plans for that child were created.
No, not all schools just push the kids through.  It does happen, but those kids wind up as the 15 year old who can't read...very sad. They are commonly the discipline problems too and will quit as soon as they can. With the jobs situation now, I truly don't know what becomes of them. As far as not liking me...oh well. Nothing you have or do affects me in any way.So have at it.
Try reading what I write as just informational..as in verbal conversation, and stop adding things that aren't there or intended. I don't think any of you are stupid, never have ...anti social and narrow minded in some cases, but not stupid. Now some of you tease and torment each other by telling whoppers.That's fine. My experiences are all true, unless they are tall tales for humor. If you don't like that..DON"T READ ME!!!!!
I'll be going back to school on the 15th to start a big new project I've been asked to participate in. No, I won't share it.


Well Diane sorry I mispelled your name. But sometimes you going on and on and on does get on every ones nerves just because you stick your nose in Elk County business when you don't even live here. That is why so many people say something.  As for working with them better you might start trying to educate the parents and get it through their heads as to what is really going on. Don't let up until they do. True most parents don't listen, but when they find their child can not do the things that they want them to do they will be sorry that they did not spend more time with the kids.  I do agree that social stigma has a lot to do with parents these days and with the laws saying you are not allowed to make your kids mind like you were raised cause a problem with the child acting out. I also do understand that it could be a problem at home with abuse that can cause these kids to be the way that they are as well. 
As far as sharing the big project that you are going to participate in I really don't think anyone cares what goes on out there.

Diane Amberg

Thanks for your comments. I waqs nice to read something sincere and civil.
Yes, I know most people don't care what I'm up to, but there are some who are interested. They just don't post any longer. I'll be hearing from them to find out what's going on by e-mail or facebook and in one case perhaps even by phone. As far as Elk County business, of course I don't live there, but I do have ''interests" there, including family and friends. Remember, you don't have to ever read what I post.


Quote from: rosewolf on February 06, 2013, 11:44:29 AM
But sometimes you going on and on and on does get on every ones nerves just because you stick your nose in Elk County business when you don't even live here. That is why so many people say something...

Rosewolf... consider that Diana makes a nice tool.  Local elitists can feed her ideas via FB, email & even phone and use her to distract or present arguments that they know are unpopular, but that advance their local agenda.  As a self absorbed narcissist, she loves the attention.  As manipulative leftists, the local group love the opportunity to manipulate from behind the curtain.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

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