
Started by indygal, December 20, 2006, 04:34:11 PM

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I know there is a recycling truck/wagon that comes around on Saturdays from 10 a.m.-noon, but which Saturdays are they? It never seems to be the Saturday I'm in town! I have some plastic bottles and cardboard piling up and want to contribute to the "Do A Good Thing for Mother Earth" (aka recycling) program.


The recycling trailer is parked at the intersection of Wabash and Washington from 9:00 to 11:00 A.M. the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month.  Some people like me who have a problem taking their recycling to the trailer can arrange to have their recycling picked up if they have a good friend like  I have.


  I just found out myself.  They come on the 2nd and 4th Friday & Saturday both, from 9 to 11 o'clock . In plastic they only take the HDPE 2 like milk cartons & detergent bottles; and PETE 1 like clear juice & pop bottles.  Glass they take clear, brown and green (remove lids).  They take tin food cans, aluminum, newspapers & magazines (separated) and corrugated cardboard boxes.  It also lists mixed paper like junk mail & office paper as one category.   All the metal, plastic & glass needs to be rinsed out but you don't have to remove labels, and the paper should be clean & dry. I got a list from the Treasurer's office in the courthouse.
  I plan to get in the swing of recycling when I get a little more organized here ~ my family isn't too excited about it but the've learned to let me have my way most of the time. :laugh:  Right now all we manage to get saved are aluminum cans, but it's a start.
  PS...  I picked up a copy of the SEK Living magazine for my husband.  We have a subscription, but with moving things got a little behind.  He wanted to read about the fruitcakes.  He pointed out to me your name in there though!  Great!
   I see Wilma beat me to the answer.  I had a little of that AAADD myself and somehow ended up moving furniture in the middle of writing my post.  HA!


You, too.  I am surprised you can remember anything, having just moved.  I am still wondering about some things.  Can't remember if I moved them or if they were put in the auction I had before I moved.


Thank you, Wilma and Joanna, for the info. Maybe I've been missing the truck because I've gone after 11 a.m., thinking it was there until noon. I hope Knute is there this Saturday.

QuoteHe wanted to read about the fruitcakes.  He pointed out to me your name in there though!  Great!

Joanna, I laughed and laughed at this! You mean your hubby already knows I'm a fruitcake???!!! You're too funny!

We're planning to be there for a long holiday weekend, so maybe we'll get a chance to meet some of you folks while we're out and about. I've been introducing myself to just about everyone I come across, but if you all see a couple you don't recognize, don't be afraid to say howdy. He's tall and I'm not! I have hair and he doesn't! (Ouch....he's gonna zap me for those zings!) It would be great to see you. Even if you say hi to someone and it isn't us, it's still a fun thing to do.


Oh My!  I didn't mean it like that.  I just meant that Marty knows the Jinks family that makes the fruitcakes; and wanted to read about it ~ that's why I bought the magazine.  Then...  later... he pointed your name out to me.  HA! I've been acting more and more like my Grannie lately.  Not good.  Not good at all! :o

One of my husband's favorite pastime is saying "Hi" or waving to everyone he passes.  He waves at almost everyone he passes in town, and lots of folks on the highway.  He says it's either a friend, or he can enjoy making them wonder "who was that?" for the next little bit...  Ornery guy and our boys both take after him, too! 

Anyhow, there's lots of folks here I don't know (or remember that I know), but everyone seems to know me!  I'm short too, and blond(ish) and usually can be identified by the paint stains on most of my clothing!  So if you see me, don't be shy.  Or just come by the house for coffee & a visit.  West on Randolph past the park.  The only "live-able" house on the right side of the block. (getting better every day!)

I'm hoping to get my daughter-in-law to take a pic of me over Christmas to put on my profile.  If I ask my husband or youngest son to do it, I'll have bunny ears or some other interesting background object.  Couple of clowns.

Glad I made you laugh.  I unintentionally keep my family entertained 90% of the time!


I like your sense of humor, Joanna. I knew it was not an intentional act...I just love word play, and that leaped right out at me. Kind of like the old "you set 'em up, and I'll knock 'em down" ... you just play a great straight (wo)man!

Hope to run into you soon (not literally, of course!)

Bonnie M.

This takes up quite a lot of space, but here is information I found on recycling:

Steel/Tin Cans
Products made from steel cans: new steel cans; vehicles; oil filters; bicycles; paper clips;
steel beams; and other steel products. Steel is used in the remanufacture of many new products.
Much of this product is used on the east coast of the U.S. and in Canada. All steel contains a
minimum of 25% recycled content.
Aluminum (Used Beverage Containers)  Products made from aluminum: new cans; rain gutters; window frames. Most of the aluminum that gets recycled is made into new aluminum cans. Producing new cans from recycled aluminum saves 95% of the energy and emits 95%-97% less air and water pollution than producing cans from ore, known as bauxite. Maine's aluminum
is shipped out of state and used primarily to make new cans.
Glass Bottles/Jars
Products made from glass: new glass containers; "glassphalt" for highway construction; fiberglass. All
types of used glass containers can be reused indefinitely to make new glass products. The containers are crushed into small pieces called cullet. The cullet is then processed to remove any contamination and melted down to make new bottles and jars. Brown (or amber) and green glass present more problems in recycling than clear glass (or flint) since it is difficult to control color of the mixture, and appearance of the final product dictates the market.
Plastics can often be confusing because there are so many different types of plastics on the market, and these different types cannot be mixed for recycling. In addition, sometimes even products made from the same type of plastic cannot be recycled together because they are produced by different processes. For example, laundry detergent bottles and shopping bags may both be HDPE #2, but cannot be recycled together. The most commonly recycled plastics are "blow molded" HDPE (milk jugs, laundry detergent bottles) and PET (soda bottles). Colored
plastics are less versatile for recyclers and therefore may fetch a lower price in the recycling market.
• PET (#1) - Plastic Beverage Bottles
Products made from PET: carpet fibers; pillow/sleeping bag fill; drainage pipes; clothing; polar fleece;
and luggage.
• HDPE (#2) - Plastic Bottles & Jugs
Products made from HDPE: toys; traffic cones; new bottles; flower pots; trash cans; recycling bins; and drainage pipes.

Once you get used to recycling, it becomes part of "what you do!"


Thank you.  I knew some of this but most of it was news to me.  I wonder if more information were made available if more people would recycle.  I don't mind saving it as long as there is a place for it to go on a regular basis.

Diane Amberg

 Thank you Bonnie. I got a lot out of reading that.

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