Dear Elk County Commisioners and concerned citizens

Started by jprxmkt, January 27, 2013, 07:50:16 AM

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Dear Elk County Commissioners and concerned citizens,
I am writing as a concerned citizen and business owner.  I am deeply troubled with your recent cutting of the Youth Development position.  This will result in us losing our Economic Development Department which is my greatest concern.  When you took away her full time status, she lost her insurance and benefits.  She will probably no longer be able to stay in the Economic Development position which I believe is a detrimental loss to Elk County.  In addition to losing the youth engagement in our community, we will also lose the first person an interested business would go to for networking.
When the Wind Farm came to town, they went to Jennifer.  Unless people were directly involved in this process, I don't think many people realize what a huge asset she is to this county.  She worked extremely closely with the job managers to compile a list of all their needs, which included lodging, office space, and food among many other needs.  She scoured the county for any available house, apartment, trailer, and office space that was livable.  She worked to coordinate food service for them onsite since it was a remote part of the county and the crew would not be able to leave the jobsite for meals.  She let them know where they could find the many amenities that outsiders might not know we have, including local shopping.  She kept a huge amount of money in the county that could have been spent elsewhere.  Squeezing her out of her position is the "thanks" she gets?  She is constantly going to other counties and promoting our beautiful community.  We need her!
Every progressive community has an Economic Development Department.  That person is the contact point for the whole community network.  I hear a rumor you are talking of hiring a County Manager for $60,000 a year (which is a great deal more than you have eliminated with Jennifer).  In this time, when we need less government and administration, what are you thinking?  You were elected to be our "County Managers."
Elk County population is shrinking at an alarming rate.  Our businesses that remain need local government to help keep people in the county or we will not be able to stay in business.  Businesses need population to survive.  By eliminating the Revitalization Program and Youth Development and Economic Development, I am greatly troubled by what our future holds for business owners in our community.  
   How many businesses have we lost on our main streets in the last 20 years?  How many more can we afford to lose?!
   Please don't use all of the wind farm money just getting us by for now.  Some of it needs to be invested in our future.  The businesses depend on it!

Julie Perkins


Awesome, Julie, you probably have more invested in elk county, than almost any non-land owners. Hopefully the more levelheaded powers will listen to what you say. Julie, Howard, and the surrounding communities are so fortunate to have you, a Pharmasist and your Pharmacy and grocery store, the only ones in the area. Your store is so well stocked it is like a mini-Walmart. 


Quote from: jprxmkt on January 27, 2013, 07:50:16 AM
...This will result in us losing our Economic Development Department which is my greatest concern....
Your statement is unsupported.  While the 'body' may choose to leave, the functions of economic development are not necessarily at risk.... stop with the fear mongering, please.

Quote from: jprxmkt on January 27, 2013, 07:50:16 AM
Every progressive community...

When one reads history, they will realize that the Socialist Party in America changed their public persona to 'progressive' decades ago.  Are we sure that 'politically progressive' is what we really want?  Let's ask the really progressive communities... Chicago, New York, Los Angeles... or how about modern day Detroit.  These are locations that increasingly adopted 'progressive' economic development.  Based on outcomes and the real results of the unintended consequences, are we really sure progressivism is what we want?

Should we promote Elk County?  No doubt.  But at our current levels of taxation, which are the result of 'progressive' management, we don't have much to offer.  

With all due respect, much of what you say sounds like sour grapes.  We had a decade or more of 'progressive' leadership.  What do we have to show for it?  Declining population, declining school enrollment, outrageous property tax mill levies, degraded road infrastructure.  Perhaps it's time to 'progress' in a different direction.

As evidence of the 'wonderful exposure' Elk County gets from our current program, look at our presence on the web for starters...

Impressive?  Not really.

Youth engagement?  As of this moment, our county website displays an amateurish poster for the Outhouse Feestival from LAST November.

Engaging?  You decide.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Patriot, whose side are you on?  Elk County's?  Oh, yes, you are one of the fear mongers, aren't you, by continually telling us what our government is doing wrong.  Now, when we have one of our successful business people telling us what is helping keeping her business successful, she is a fear monger.  Maybe, just maybe, she knows more about what Elk County growth needs than a recent transplant from Sedgwick County knows.

Thank you, Julie, for putting into words, what I felt when I first read about the first actions our new commission took.  I just don't have the ability to say what I feel.  I hope the rest of our business people will back you up on this.  We need someone promoting our county instead of continually tearing it down.


You are seriously comparing us to Chicago, New York and LA?  I'm not talking that progressive but I'd like to see something more than just getting by until we can no longer live here.  It is not sour grapes, I am not a socialist, and I am truly concerned for our futue and I am NOT a fear monger!


Quote from: Wilma on January 27, 2013, 08:18:21 AM
Patriot, whose side are you on?  Elk County's?  Oh, yes, you are one of the fear mongers, aren't you, by continually telling us what our government is doing wrong.  Now, when we have one of our successful business people telling us what is helping keeping her business successful, she is a fear monger.  Maybe, just maybe, she knows more about what Elk County growth needs than a recent transplant from Sedgwick County knows.

Here we go with that 'outsider' nonsense again.  I thought we might have outgrown that silliness, Wilma.  Guess I was wrong.

Perhaps if some 'outsider' perspectives were invited & welcomed, Elk County would be growing rather than shrinking.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: jprxmkt on January 27, 2013, 08:23:54 AM
You are seriously comparing us to Chicago, New York and LA?  I'm not talking that progressive but I'd like to see something more than just getting by until we can no longer live here.  It is not sour grapes, I am not a socialist, and I am truly concerned for our futue and I am NOT a fear monger!

My apologies if I've misinterpreted your intent.  All I know is that numbers don't lie, and the numbers for Elk County have been declining for years.  Maybe a new approach will produce better outcomes.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Do tell us what your big plans are.  I see nothing but cutting taxes and services on your agenda.


       Ms Brummel was contacted by me, offering trailer space and housing for wind farm workers, I never heard a thing back from her. Guess I didn't measure up to her little group.  :P


Quote from: jprxmkt on January 27, 2013, 08:32:59 AM
Do tell us what your big plans are.  I see nothing but cutting taxes and services on your agenda.

First, it's disconcerting that you seem to think reducing the tax burden on our citizens is a bad thing.  I suspect a majority of taxpayers might disagree.  As  might a significant number of folks who might otherwise consider relocating here.

Second, I've never advocated a reduction in government services that measurably enhance the fundamental qualities of life and are functions of government... efficiency and cost control in government operations, highly trained, professional & responsive personnel, better roads & infrastructure, better law enforcement, the best fire protection, excellent ambulance services and the best teachers & curriculum... and the projection of our positive attributes to the outside world through an effective & professional presentation.

Third, I do suggest that government should excel in providing those basic functions, and the private sector needs to work harder at providing the other things that attract positive attention... shopping, dining, entertainment and housing opportunities, etc.  Call me old fashioned, but I don't think government makes communities.... people and communities make communities.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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