50 Predictions For 2013

Started by Warph, January 26, 2013, 06:12:06 PM

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Psychic Predictions for the Year 2013
(if you believe in this crap)

Politics and the Economy

- More states will try to implement the use of RFID chips – watch within the public school systems. Controversy arises as many students refuse to wear them. More in the schools: many will begin to see more and more "security cameras" being installed – even on the buses and in the bathrooms. While this isn't enough, further "instructions" are given to parents regarding their children's health and eating – to a point where it may come to be that parents will not be "allowed" to pack their own children's lunches and will instead get their lunches from the schools.

- FEMA and the TSA will begin to receive hot scrutiny from the public and media. The TSA may actually dissolve – or become less of – especially within airports should the scrutiny truly escalate to the levels I am feeling. However their presence along major highways at check points seem to take a dramatic climb upwards alongside militarized police. Watch for "military presence" in major cities – Washington is sticking out here as being one.

- While it has actually already begun, outright war in the Middle East will be known to the world come January or February. Russia and China will stay out of the conflict for the most part, however secret arms shipments will be revealed. But eyes need to be centered still on China and Russia for I feel that the war in Iran, Israel, Syria may be a diversion of some sort. That China and Russia are planning for "bigger fish to fry."

- I feel there will be a thwarted plot to hit Chicago by terrorists towards the summer months and more mass shootings/killings. We may also hear of some form of cyber-attack. Google, Facebook, Youtube and other big-name/widely-known websites seem to really stick out like sore thumbs in all of this where they will experience a heavy impact as a result of the attack. As a result of the cyber-attack be ready to hear news of the government trying to impose yet more restrictions or Bills to be given more control over the Internet as a whole (i.e. another SOPA or PIPA). Boulder and/or Denver, Colorado seems to hit the major news quite a few times as well in terms of possible threats, conspiracy theories, etc.

- Unemployment will continue to be a problem for most and may in fact continue to actually rise. However on the up side of things, it seems that you will see even more and more folks venturing out on the path of starting up a business for themselves as the number of employers drop in relation to the number of people needing work.

- America is in for economic collapse in 2013. As mentioned unemployment will rise again, but the housing market will drop again, and groceries, gas , home heating , electricity, will sky rocket. Things will get bad in the early part of the year – mainly due to the war in the Middle East, however the economy will slowly get a bit better towards the middle to end of summer of 2013. It will not make a full recovery, but the sense is that of a slight easing. While there will be a slight positive change here, for the most part the economy itself will as a whole continue to struggle for another year or two. Gold may hit close to or just above 3000 an ounce by the end of 2013 to very early 2014. Silver will also see all-time highs and will run parallel to gold in terms of time frame.

- New and very strict gun legislation in the States passed by Obama will cause a major upheaval throughout society – major revolting to a point of angry rioting. Civil unrest as a result of economic collapse on top of everything else (I.e. higher prices, higher taxes and more taxes, lowered employment, etc). The national ATTITUDE felt surrounding the circumstances of and pressure for the new gun legislation feels a lot like the "icing on the cake" so to speak.That enough is enough – frustration and anger. New legislation will start out "small" – targeting higher end assault rifles (those you see the military handling mainly). Over the course of the year, due to more mass shootings/killings as well as possible newly alleged "terrorist attacks", legislation will once again be changed to include more guns. At the end of it all – if not by the end of 2013 then certainly by mid 2014, America may in fact face a TOTAL gun ban – including single shot rifles. If not a total gun ban, then the legislation will be so strict that many folks will find it extremely difficult to keep their gun ownership rights.

- Two major names will announce that they will be possibly running in the 2016 american presidential election: Jesse Ventura (WTF) and Hilary Clinton.

- In early to late spring, Obama or someone in the US congress may try to get rid of legislature that limits the number of presidency terms. Therefore trying to enforce indefinite terms being served consecutively (i.e. instead of only being allowed to serve 2 terms consecutively there will be no limit at all). (Good luck with that, BO) This most certainly implies changing of the Constitution. I do not feel that this will be successful however. Furthermore, more secret directives/executive orders being signed by the President without the public's knowledge throughout the year – at least not until after they've been signed – beginning as early as January/February/March 2013. Examples such as cyber security, Homeland Security, gun legislation, and the likes.

Weather/Earth Changes:

- I predicted in 2011 that in 2012 we would not only see continued natural disasters and their escalation, but what particularly drew my interest was that a lot more volcanic eruptions would occur – and they would occur in the most dormant of volcanoes. This has come to pass just as I had predicted – with the latest occurring on Dec. 12th in Russia as well as Nov. 20th in New Zealand. I continue with this prediction – watch for more volcanic activity throughout the world and pay close attention to those that were thought to be dormant. More will seem to awaken. Keep a close eye on Mt. St. Helen's in the north-western States as well as in the Pacific Rim & Hawaii.

- The Eastern and Western coasts of Australia seem to catch Mother Earth's "eye" and will receive their own "share" in earthquake activity. Melbourne seems to stick out as a major focus point for the media due to fires.

- Fewer tornadoes for the USA, but those that do hit will be much more devastating in their power. A possible large one for western Ontario in late April.

- We will see rising sea levels throughout the world – affecting all coastal/low lying areas; however I am unclear as to the exact cause. I do not feel that it is global warming – not entirely. I feel Miami and other areas within Florida will be amongst the first to experience the rising sea levels.

- Continued devastation worldwide in terms of flooding, landslides (pay particular attention to the English Coastline – major landslide I am feeling will occur here), and record numbers of earthquakes. The New Year may be kicked off with a relatively large earthquake on the western coast of Canada; between 6.5 and 7.5 magnitude with tsunami warnings; but I do not see any major damage or actual tsunamis occurring. May be the strongest quake felt in Canada's history. Japan will continue to experience large ones as well. There will be a recorded 8.5 – 9.0 earthquake – this is a very large one I know. But I'm sorry unfortunately the location is not being divulged to me ... but I will take a guess and say either Japan or California – somewhere within the Ring of Fire. And there will only be the one of that magnitude – feeling earlier months of 2013. Large numbers in terms of loss of life; and yes a major potential for aftermath tsunami and large scale aftershocks. The coastline as a result will forever be changed.

Celebrities in the News:

- Kate Middleton will give birth to a baby boy and he seems to want to have a slightly early arrival, while Prince Harry will unfortunately continue to be "made fun of" by news/media. I am further feeling major concern for the health of the Duke of Edinburgh. News of the Duke and His health will come shortly before or just after the news of the baby – making the news of the baby unfortunately somewhat overshadowed.

- Sadly I feel we may lose – or come very close to losing – one of the best musicians in history – namely Jerry Lee Lewis.

Other Miscellaneous Items of Interest:

- Thinning of the veil will greatly continue throughout 2013: Someone might die on Wednesday and you see them on Saturday. The spirits will have the energy to manifest much more often and more profoundly.

Ying/Yang-a doodle

Paranormal activity increases. Psychics will get clearer messages and those unfamiliar with this will be asking a lot of questions. The higher vibration affects our dream life and it becomes more active.

- Power outages for many over long periods of time. Try to be prepared with some emergency supplies and maybe a generator if you can. These are going to be due to a combination of 1. Hydro providers upgrading their systems/grids, and 2. Solar flares/storms.

- April 2013 feels like a very significant month for some reason – something major will occur – that the day it falls on will "go down in history." I cannot put my finger on what this may be. I'm not getting any further information regarding this month. I am also being drawn to the area of the 7th to the 12th as being a more pinpointed time period for this.

- Massive food inflation will occur beginning in February or March – perhaps even as late as April. The droughts of 2012 will be felt via sticker shock at the grocery stores beginning in the first 3 to 4 months of 2013. Watch for not just price increases on most products made with wheat and corn, but also shrinking food package volumes so that manufacturers deliver less food in a similar-looking package. Manufacturers will "downsize" their packages, in other words, while keeping prices the same. This is another way food inflation hits home.

- Starting in the middle of the year and continuing throughout the rest of the year, a new attitude and energy is felt where it seems that the material isn't as important as the spiritual will be – family, love, and being in service to others, acceptance and love unconditionally, finding our true selves and true purposes towards the Earth and mankind, coming together as one. There will be a great heightening in the more spiritual – and in all things related to the heart center. Therefore the strongest love vibration ever will be felt throughout society as a whole – more concentration on spiritual matters, caring about and for other people rather than ourselves, the "little things" in life will take on more meaning with less concentration on trying to gain materially/monetarily all the time. A very strong term comes to mind from my native guide, "Less means more." The value of unconditional love and acceptance of others, helping others, being in service to others, giving without conditions of expectations or personal gain, stronger family values, extended family (close friends, etc – family isn't always that of blood I am being reminded at this time) becomes a major focus too than in the past, learning the true value of self and what we're truly "supposed to do" in this lifetime. All things material will be placed on a backburner as we come together as one and concentrate more on the emotional and spiritual aspects of self/society.

Around New Year's and even months thereafter unfortunately expect to hear news of yet again massive amounts of different animals mysteriously dying (i.e. birds falling from the sky, fish/turtles, etc being washed ashore dead) throughout the world. And still no answer is given to us as to an exact cause.

- An animal removed from the endangered species list this year. I hope it is for a positive reason.

- Watch for news of a mine disaster in China within the first 3 or 4 months of 2013. Many deaths.

<< FINIS >>
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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