Sandy Hook weapons used

Started by indygal, January 26, 2013, 01:58:30 PM

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The State of Connecticut web site states that these guns were found inside Sandy Hook Elementary School:

#1. Bushmaster .223 caliber-- model XM15-E2S rifle with high capacity 30 round magazine

#2. Glock 10 mm handgun

#3. Sig-Sauer P226   9mm handgun

The medical examiner stated all fatalities inside the school (with the exception of Lanza, whose autopsy had not yet been conducted at the time of the press conference I saw) were caused by the Bushmaster ("the long gun").

I've seen numerous references made recently that the shootings were committed with the handguns. Has there been an official update or retraction of some kind that I missed?

Site last modified 1/23/13:


Don't believe what you see on t.v.

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


It all depends on who they talk too and which report you read. The day it happened they all said the killer had two pistols and the AR-15 was still in the car. Then a couple days later that "thing" they called the coroner came out and said the 8-9 children he autopsied were all shot with a "high powered rifle" which by most definitions a .223 caliber is not consider a high powered round. Since then there have been people close to the investigation that say 4 pistols were found inside the school and no rifle. So who are we supposed to believe ?
Have you watched any videos of the coroner when he gave press interviews ? He comes across as a complete idiot and acts like he is auditioning to star in a comedy movie.
If we are to believe that web site you posted it says there was the AR and a "high capacity 30 round magazine" NOTE---not magazines--plural
Even though a magazine holds 30 rounds most people do not load them to full capacity---weakens the spring and causes more jams. So lets say he had 28 rounds in the magazine and the coroner said the children were shot 11 times per child ---then the math still doesn't add up.
I wonder if we will ever know the truth.


I'm aware of the conspiracy theory. I agree there were a lot of holes in the story (and still are), butI don't buy the entire "hoax" argument either. The site is the State of Connecticut web site.

I'm referring specifically to Robert's comment in a different thread, that states:

"WHAT CONSTITUTES AN ASSAULT RIFLE, especially one that was not used in Newtown's school shooting. That as we all know was 2 9mm pistols.---Robert"

I was questioning the "as we all know" ... because I certainly didn't. So I'm asking. :D


Thanks for posting that video, Varmit. There are so many unanswered questions. On the day of the shooting I was telling my wife how strange it was that for a city block cars were parked everywhere but it looked like to me the ambulances were at least a block away from the school. Shouldn't they have left a path for the ambulances to get closer?
Was it only two or three people that even got loaded on to ambulances to get rushed to a hospital ? Wouldn't you think that every victim would have been loaded up and taken to a trauma center to try and save their life ?
Then there was that part where the bodies of the children laid inside the school for at least 24 hours while they did their investigation.  As a parent and grand parent if my baby was there they would have to kill me  before I would allow that

Diane Amberg

Jar,why would you believe they left those dead kids in the school for 24 hours? That has to be wrong. Scenes just aren't worked that way, unless it's a cave in or some situation where the bodies aren't easily accessible. No family members would be expected to wait like that and there are medical reasons too. If you don't want to hear from me,I'm sure Janet could explain it.


I also heard that some of the bodies were left in place until the following week so that the scene could be processed. Lots of misinformation around, almost like the Kennedy assasination.  :P


Its called a Red Flag ya'll.  Fact of the matter is that we will never know exactly what happened and how.  The current adminstration needs to disarm the american populace.  The easiest way to do this is to have a hash of shootings that shock the public into going along with their plans.  First, it'll be an assault weapons ban, then registration for all weapons, then confiscation.  There is more to this than simple gun violence.  Ask yourself why China would be calling for the disarming of the american population?  Why, in Gods name, would the POTUS continue implenting policies that are killing this country's economy?  Why would the DHS be gearing up for massive "civil unrest"?  Its all part of a bigger picture.  When you look at all of it combined it comes together. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Six, I heard the same thing, but didn't believe it. I know some of the injuries were incompatible with life, but between cameras and tape, there was no reason I know of professionally to leave those poor kids there for more than a few hours to make morgue arrangements for so many bodies..with the families frantically waiting.  That's awful.
Varmit, you make it sound like somebody was hired to kill those kids for political purposes. If so, then why those kids?How did some one choose?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 27, 2013, 09:58:34 AM
... like somebody was hired to kill those kids for political purposes. If so, then why those kids?How did some one choose?

While I don't subscribe to the conspiracy theory in this case, you're silly question deserves an answer...

The same way the attackers on 9/11 chose their victims, the same way any terrorist (political or otherwise) chooses their targets/victims... based on the softness of the target and the likelihood of producing the desired results:  terror, confusion & distracting knee jerk responses.  If, and only if, this were a 'planned' operation, it was a success based on those desired outcomes.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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