How's them public schools working for ya?

Started by Varmit, January 18, 2013, 03:05:03 PM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 25, 2013, 10:04:39 AM
Just my opinion, as asked for...accept it or not.
According to how you talk and slam me, you (plural) apparently love your weapons more than anything else in life, including the whole of this country...

    Just because people talk to you in a certain way, you can not tell if it is "apparently because they love their weapons more than anything else in life." That was a statement in which its' soul intent was to start an argument. And it's one of the dumbest statements I've ever heard in my life. Because I bitch at someone or because I'm nice to them has NO bearing on my love of weapons. Ever hear the saying, my level of sarcasm is based on your level of stupidity? If i'm bitching it's because someone is being stupid. If i'm nice, they are being good. It's not because, Hey, I LOVE MY GUN(S)! Also, people wouldn't talk to you the way they do if you would answer their questions once in awhile instead of deflecting and changing the subject. Just sayin....and that's MY opinion, accept it or not.---Jennifer



Diane Amberg

I answer plenty of questions, y'all just want to hear different answers. I just did write a big long answer about assault weapons, but for some reason it vanished, so I'll have to start over. GRRRR.
I'm also a lot more likely to answer questions when I'm not being called rude names.  That "statement" by the way, was something I extrapolated from an unknown writer of a larger piece, can't lay claim to it, but for some it does seem true....which is more important, your kids or your guns? If you had to choose which would it be?  and how can anyone compare protecting your home with being in combat? Talk about a questionable comparison! See, I'm trying to be polite! I didn't call anyone stupid.
    But you're right, when the 500 rabid skunks come swarming over the ridge to get you, ya want to be ready with that assault weapon. 8) ;D ;D ;D
I'm not sure who you are to be judging anyone, but knock your socks off, if it helps. :(


When you don't lay claim to a statement you should start out by saying "I don't know who said it, but" or put down who actually said it. You did neither!

With your superior knowledge of weaponry, or maybe you have someone close at hand that you can ask, WHAT CONSTITUTES AN ASSAULT RIFLE? The fact that it has a pistol grip? Flash suppressor? A vented forearm? Or a magazine larger than 10 rounds? All these "cosmetic" items can be purchased and added to just about ANY rifle from a .22 to a .50 cal. The question is again, Diane Feinstein Amberg, WHAT CONSTITUTES AN ASSAULT RIFLE, especially one that was not used in Newtown's school shooting. That as we all know was 2 9mm pistols.---Robert




       Diane Amberg, aka, secretary of the Harper Valley PTA.  ::) ::) ::)


Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 25, 2013, 06:49:19 PM
I answer plenty of questions, y'all just want to hear different answers. I just did write a big long answer about assault weapons, but for some reason it vanished, so I'll have to start over. GRRRR.

No one asked for a big long answer, just your definition of an assualt weapon.

Actually, a straight up answer would be nice, instead of going off on a long rant that either A) has nothing to do with the questions being asked or B) is an attempt to redirect the conversation because you cannot answer the question.

QuoteI'm also a lot more likely to answer questions when I'm not being called rude names.

I haven't called you a single name, either rude or otherwise, in this thread.  The only question you answered was about hunters or collectors

Quote...which is more important, your kids or your guns? If you had to choose which would it be?  and how can anyone compare protecting your home with being in combat? Talk about a questionable comparison! See, I'm trying to be polite! I didn't call anyone stupid.

What does the question about kids or guns have to do with anything.  In the general context of this thread that question makes no sense and doesn't apply.  However, for the sake of argument both are important to me.  If I had to chose between my kids or guns, of course I'd pick my kids.  I can always purchase new guns.  But why even ask that question?  What point are you getting at?  As far as the comparison between protecting my home and combat, that is actually an accurate comparison.  In combat a person is trying to kill you, when defending your home that distinction is not always clear, I want the weapon that is going to be the best possible option.  A combat ready rifle would fit tht description.  Given that criminals are likely to be as well armed as the police I want a weapon that is superior thus giving me and my family a greater margin of safety.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Hmmm, let me try this again.I didn't say or mean that YOU had called me names....recently....but many do, it was a general state ment. Varmit, and KS you are right,I should have attributed that one statement some how.It wasn't completely a direct quote, it was just part of a longer piece.
Now you do know that asking me to give a SHORT answer is like asking a cat to be a dog! ;D I had answered but it vanished when I posted it and I had no time last night to redo it.I don't deliberately try to misdirect questions,honestly,but some times I do wander off,I admit. I'll try to do better.
I already said I'm no weapons expert, but I do have friends who are. The back room at the fire house often hosts many conversations and debates and the weapons thing right now is a big one.
To me an assault weapon is one in use by the military in combat. It isn't in regular use by civilians. Yes, they are often equipped with larger magazines. They are auto or semi auto and have what ever adaptations give the military an advantage. You asked for short so I won't list them. Is that enough? I'm not sure how my only permitted conversation is to answer questions fired at me. Maybe that's a local thing out there? (By the way Varmit,I do not know what an "aasult" weapon is.poke,poke)
One other question that was asked, that has no short answer, had to do with what difference does it make where people live. The amount of available population has a lot to do with the person's chance of encountering a violent situation where self defense might be necessary. fewer people,fewer chances. In inner cities....big time chances, especially of being an injured innocent bystander during the hot summer months. I'm sure there are areas of Wichita that sensible people just don't go. I'm sure you must teach your kids about that. There are times when just avoiding situations can be a life saver. I don't care how good your weapon is, when the bad guy shoots first because you didn't know he was a bad guy,you are likely to be at a disadvantage.
Now for those who DID make unnecessary smart you feel better now? Ya sassed the old lady. Big whoop.... real high class behavior. How does that move a real debate along? Go to your room.
Now I 've got a little snow to sweep. We got some beautiful fluffy stuff last night. Try to have a nice day.


Diane, us poor old dumb conservatives out here in the Bilbe belt. Realize that military and civilian guns are different. Military has full auto, civilians cannot own or posses without a class 3 FFL license, meaning we have semi auto. The rifle may look the same, but IT IS NOT! All of the attachments and up grades to make it look more menacing, Does not change the characteristics of that rifle. It is what  it is. To make it easier for you, and put it in layman term. Something that you can relate with, it's like putting lipstick on a pig.




Diane, Thanks for explaining what you think an assault weapon is and I am really trying to understand your gun stance but I just keep getting confused. You say---and I fully agree-----
"To me an assault weapon is one in use by the military in combat. It isn't in regular use by civilians"
But previously you said--
"As far as assault weapons, I don't know why the non military needs them.",

The true assault weapon--in your words "is not in regular use by civilians" Civilians are the non military.
Am I so dense I can't understand or is it you----and I don't mean that as sarcasm.


Diane, thank you for clarifying your answer on what an assault weapon is.  By your own admission and definition you openly stated that the only firearm you feel civilians or "non military" should own are old school black powder weapons.  Hence, you are in favor of gun control as it is defined by the current adminstration.  More so in fact, at least for now they are still going to allow civilians to own single shot rifles and shotguns that fire modern ammunitions. 
Also, how do your law enforcement friends feel about being limited to black powder weapons?  How many do you think would be in favor of turning in their standard issue Glocks and AR-15's for colonial style muskets?  Afterall, using your logic our law enforcement, which would be included in the "non military" populace would not qualify to use the same weapons our military does.  You are aware that there isn't a single weapon in production that our military doesn't use to some extent or another aren't you?  Hell, some of our Special Forces sniper will use a .22 caliber air rifle for close in work. 
Being in such close contact with law enforcement as you say you are then you are also aware that the thing that makes a criminal, a criminal, is the total disregard for laws?  So how is passing new laws going to help?  What makes you think that criminals are just going to start following the law because a new one is passed?  Those "bad parts" of town wouldn't be so bad if the criminals know that the general populace is armed and will use deadly force if attacked.  That is a proven fact.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

KS.I was asked to give a short answer, so I tried to do so. Now don't swat me for what I didn't write! I know not all mean looking weapons are assault weapons...I do know the difference, the AR15 for example.  There is the auto and the semi version and the M-16 from the same parent. (I'm glad only the experts have to keep all these variations straight.)  Why do you play the dumb old hick routine? What is the intent?
I still say I don't understand the civilian attraction to military assault weapons. Do they want tanks too? mines? rocket grenade launchers? How about APCs? Is it a "wanna be" thing? I'd be afraid of having it stolen and getting into the wrong hands.
The ex Marines here don't seem to miss them, and they had the real thing. ''Pugs'' just went duck hunting...I'll have to ask him why he didn't pine away for an assault weapon to bring those birds down. ;)
To use a dreaded analogy... why aren't professional fireworks available for general home use? Duh! How dare "they'' put restrictions on them and demand that only trained people set them off. Why, it might even be unconstitutional! :angel: Yes, I know it's not quite the same thing. powder? Where are you getting all those unbased conclusions? I never said any such thing and you know it. It is absolutely NOT fact that areas with weapons have less violence.They know they are all armed and they have gun fights any way. That's how so many innocent people get shot. They get in the way of the gangs and drug toughs. Ya really went off the deep end misinterpreting what I wrote didn't ya? so much for my giving honest answers. No more. Now take your .22 and go home.

Jar, I'm sorry if I can't quite get my point across, but since every word I say is picked apart, I'm not free to just free association write.I'm not sure why you care about my opinion anyway. You usually don't. What are you really up to?  ???

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