How's them public schools working for ya?

Started by Varmit, January 18, 2013, 03:05:03 PM

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the shadow

To categorize this young ladys' actions of wanting to have a shootout with another young lady as terroristic threat or act, they may be onto something. My own grandchildren wear what is called urban camo. Were these little girls wearing a form of urban camo, maybe pink? The type of Hello Kitty gun, myself I'm unfamiliar with, is it the assault Hello Kitty gun?  Does it have a high capacity magazine? Is it a semi-auto bubble maker or a fully-auto bubble maker? Can they drop a clip and reload with at least 30 bottles of soap? Did the Hello Kitty gun have laser sights, maybe a scope, for long distance bubble shooting? These guns could be dangerous in the hands of untrained professionals! My own experience with soap is that it burns the eyes on contact, unless they are using a baby shampoo type soap. Do these girls have the skills for making Hello Kitty hand grenades, pipe bombs, propane bombs or maybe a Hello Kitty Molotov Cocktail? And has anyone checked the trunks of their electric Barbie cars to see if they have any Hello Kitty bubble rifles? Questions that should be asked: Do we need to raise the terroristic threat level from purple polka-dotted level to perhaps sunflowers with glitter or even the highest rating of pink Hello Kitty?

Kent                           The Shadow.............KNOWS that Liberals are stupid and paranoid!
The Shadow knows!


I wish you had addressed Diane with all them questions. She gets pissy if you don't answer all of hers but shy's away from answering any asked of her. Great questions, by the way. ;D

Diane Amberg

I already said the whole business was ridiculous.  I'd share some personal experiences but you 'd just call me a liar.


Uh Diane---could you go back to my reply # 4 on this thread. That is the question I have been asking for a week now


'Paper Gun' At School Prompts Suspension Of Philadelphia Girl

"Fifth-grader Melody Valentin was punished and traumatized by her
Philadelphia school for having this so-called paper 'gun.'"

Check video at:

Someone has GOT to stop this growing madness in our public schools.  Another elementary school child has been emotionally brutalized by authoritarian adults who are over-zealous in their zero tolerance of anything that can be perceived to be a gun.  This time, it's over an innocuous piece of torn paper that vaguely resembles a gun.  Liberal zero tolerance rears its ugly, thuggish head once again and another child is primed for years of psychotherapy.

Because these PC-driven monsters publicly searched and threatened young Melody Valentin with ARREST over this small scrap of paper, her classmates are now taunting her, calling her a "murderer."  She's understandably devastated and traumatized and, according to her mother, is having nightmares over the ordeal.  Being a fifth-grader generally sucks, having its own set of awakening angst and insecurities and emotional social struggles.  But for this fifth grader, fifth grade has become a living hell, having been exacerbated by Gestapo-esque school officials who have turned an innocent little girl into a freak-show leper amongst her peers.

Over a %#$%&# ripped piece of paper!!!  

Uh, oh... Idaho looks like a gun... when will the Obuma-liberal $#!%@%* freaking school officials ban it?

I hope that a comprehensive investigation ensues and that some academic clown-heads at Newlin Fell Elementary School will roll.  Figuratively, of course.


'Paper Gun' At School Prompts Suspension Of Philadelphia Girl
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

Jar, I don't know what you are up to, but you know I don't trust you any longer. But ,fool that I am, and generally a cooperative sort, I did as you asked and went back to your number 4...which led me to change to a different thread entirely, and looked at number 77. So, after reading a whole bunch of hurtful posts...again...I was not referring to you. If I was, I would have used your name. Why are you are so hung up on it?
. There is also a big difference between conjecture, writing situationally, rather than personally and third party writing. A number of posters don't seem to understand how those work.   For the last time ,and off subject, but you caused it...I am not for total gun control. I do not want it so that just anybody can go out willy nilly and buy whatever they can get their hands on. I'm for gun registrations ,like many states already have, back ground checks, like many states already have and some sort of registration at gun shows and the like.Somehow we can't just shrug off the Sandy Hooks and try nothing. True hunters and true collectors should not be interfered with, but they need to understand  the need for some record keeping. State level is fine with me...just like getting a driver's license as far as I'm concerned....accountability surely means something. Also, I never said I was going to shoot anyone if I were in Elk County. That was said for me not by me! >:(. You come here and threaten me,that's a whole different story...and not just hot air, believe me. As far as my ' tales,'  That's true of any state that has some population...including Kansas. The emergency services people in more populated areas of Kansas have similar training and stories to tell, as here .
In fact NCC has a drunk with a gun call as I write this. He's smashed, has a gun and is threatening to kill the people in the house and anyone who comes near.  There is a premise history on the address. What would you do?


Gun Registration??...The gov't at any level has absolutely no right or business knowing what type of firearms I own.  I am a law abididng citizen and its not any of their business.  As for Sandy Hook, no assualt weapons were used, only pistols, that were obtained illegally.  Thats the thing, it doesn't matter how many laws are put into place, criminals are not going to follow them. 

What exactly is a "true hunter" and a "true collector"?  What about those people that purchase a firearm for defense, that do not hunt or collect weapons?  Why is it okay for others to tell me what I "need"?  For example, the argument from pro-control crowd "average citizens don't need to own high capacity magiznes or "assault rifles".?  Being in favor of "some sort of control" perhaps you can answer my questions.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

True hunters actually hunt, for game to eat, they don't just talk about it or hunt and leave the kill for the vultures. I have many friends here who hunt duck, rabbit, dove, goose and deer every year and don't mind at all having their arms registered. They are much more self confident and not at all worried about any of it. One even has a good game dinner annually for the rest of us who don't hunt but like his results.
True collectors have many, many weapons in cabinets, on display and will show them off to anybody who is interested. They are usually well educated on the history and maker of each piece and can talk at length to anyone who is interested. I know several of them too, including some police officer buddies. They have very confident personalities and don't hide their gun passion.
As far as assault weapons, I don't know why the non military needs them, but I'm not sure how I really feel about them.
The Delaware constitution allows for weapons of self defense,sport and hunting...or words to that effect. I don't know about Kansas. Weapons for self defense makes sense, but if you do shoot, it's going to get complicated. Will you still be considered a law abiding citizen,especially as we know how much you hate  Gov't. Out where you are, where there are few people, according to you folks yourselves ...who ya gonna shoot? Ya'll brag about not even having to lock your houses! I actually think we are less spooky here! ;D
As far as what you "need?" I guess that's just personal choice, depending on the state. If you don't attract negative attention to yourself, I can't imagine anyone cares how many guns you have. Now start calling the police or family members and making threats, that's another story. I wish you could talk to Greg, who is one of our wouldn't believe the calls they get from real crazies. Now what would you have done with the drunk with a gun call we just had?


Quote from Diane:
Also, I never said I was going to shoot anyone if I were in Elk County. That was said for me not by me! . You come here and threaten me,that's a whole different story...and not just hot air, believe me.

Diane I believe that statement is an equivocation. What you said on Jan 6th was---

"I'd shoot any of you dead in an instant if necessary, and since I am who I am I'd never be charged"

It wasn't until the next day that you gave us clarification by saying----

"Jar, if you showed up beating on my house and screaming and yelling and broke in, and you were a stranger to me, if I thought you meant me harm, I'll shoot to kill, with no second thoughts."

No mention on the 6th about anyone coming to Delaware . I'm not "up to anything" and no idea what you mean when you say you don't trust me. It is you that keeps flip flopping on what you have said

Diane Amberg

Jar, for goodness sakes...get off it! I never said I was going to Elk county to shoot anybody.You chose to make it so! If I'm here of course I'd be talking about here.I only rewrote it because you didn't seem to understand me.DUH! My house is here in Delaware!!!!!

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