Why you don't see school shootings in Israel

Started by frawin, January 06, 2013, 10:00:53 AM

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       Too bad you won't see this picture on the nightly news, or even Yahoo for that matter.

Diane Amberg

There was a bad one on May 22, 1970. A couple of school buses were attacked and a number were killed. i don't recall how many any more. I would hate to have to see our kids live that way. Kids killed just for political reasons.


Just gonna throw this out there..but...um...it's 2013, not 1970.  Kids ar killed here everyday for political reasons.  Of course, we don't call it "killed", that wouldn't be P.C., we instead use the word "abortion". 

On a different note, I for one would like to see expirenced armed guards at every school in america.  It would certainly cut down violence at schools.  Better yet, people in this country need to wake up to the fact that we need armed citizens to help secure our public places.  Instead of taking away peoples rights to bear arms, we need to take criminals right to breath!
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


All the hate Obama seems to have for guns is hypocritical. If he hates them so bad why does his daughters not only have armed Secret Service agents with them while they are at school PLUS that school employs 11 armed guards ?


Liberals Who Cling to Their Guns
By Aaron Goldstein

Next thing we'll learn is that they're big on designer guns.

Few things animate the ire of liberals more than the right to bear arms. Liberals loathe the Second Amendment and when horrific tragedies like the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut rear their ugly head, they are quick on the draw to call for more gun control. But just don't ask liberals to practice what they preach.

Senator Dianne Feinstein of California is readying legislation to re-introduce a ban on assault weapons. Yet, as Mark Levin pointed out, Feinstein owned a concealed firearm. She said, "If somebody tries to take me out I'm going to take them with me."

When NRA President Wayne LaPierre called for armed guards to be placed in schools late last week, an irate David Gregory derided the idea during his interrogation of LaPierre on Meet the Press. Yet Gregory's children attend the same school in Washington, D.C. as President Obama's daughters. And yes, Sidwell Friends, a Quaker school, employs armed guards.

Of course, such sentiments are hardly new amongst liberalism's leading lights. Back in 1981, the late Washington Post columnist Carl Rowan argued that anyone who wasn't a law enforcement officer who committed a crime with a handgun should be sent to prison for ten years without parole. However, in 1988, Rowan would run afoul of the law when he shot and wounded an intruder at his D.C. home with an unregistered .22 caliber pistol. Well, Rowan didn't acquire a badge in the intervening seven years.

So why is it liberals abhor the right to bear arms unless it concerns their right to bear arms? Why is it liberals ridicule the idea of an armed guard protecting the children of others but don't give it a second thought when it comes to the protection of their own families? Because liberals believe that if only the world was as wonderful as they are there would be no problems. They see themselves as being in possession of enlightened, progressive virtue and that gun laws should be used to keep arms out of the hands of uncivilized, uncouth conservatives or anyone else who has the temerity not to share their worldview. It is the same sort of thinking that allows liberals to own SUVs, send their children to private schools, and obtain waivers from Obamacare without batting an eyelash.

On a personal note, I do not own a gun nor do I plan to purchase one. Nevertheless, I respect the rights of other Americans to make their own choices when it comes to protecting themselves and their families. I say this because I know most Americans are not Jared Lee Loughner, James Eagan Holmes, Wade Michael Page, or Adam Lanza. As such, the federal government and the mainstream media should not treat us as if we are.

With this in mind, I do not begrudge Senator Feinstein for carrying a concealed weapon to protect herself against those who had threatened her life. Nor do I begrudge David Gregory for sending his children to a school that employs armed guards. Nor, for that matter, do I begrudge Carl Rowan for brandishing a weapon when he found an intruder on his property all those years ago. But I do quarrel with Feinstein depriving other law abiding Americans of the right to defend themselves. I do quarrel with Gregory mocking the NRA for trying to protect all schoolchildren, not just those whose families can afford to send them to Sidwell. I also quarrel with Rowan for suggesting Americans who possess firearms should go to jail when he did not go to jail after he breached the law. Above all else, I object to liberals, living or dead, who engage in a policy of "do as I say, not as I do."

So the next time you hear a liberal call for yet more gun control or decry a proposal from the NRA, there's a good chance that liberal either owns a gun or has seen to it that his children are protected by, as LaPierre put it, "a good guy with a gun." If liberals are honest with themselves they would tell you that they too cling to their guns.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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