Guns - American Style

Started by Warph, December 28, 2012, 10:09:45 PM

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Australia Bans Guns, Crime Rate Increases | Gun Control Fails

Like giving salivating coyotes the key to the henhouse... Journal-News, you suck.

If home invasions and burglaries in those NY counties suddenly skyrocket, it will be interesting to see if robbed and/or assaulted homeowners press charges against the newspaper.

The Journal-News map is also reportedly being used by prison inmates to threaten prison guards and their families... "We know where you live."

While there are no national statistics on how many times American police officers' guns are taken away by criminals, the FBI reported in 2005 that of the 616 law enforcement officers killed on duty by lawless scumbags from 1994 through 2003, 52 were killed with their own weapon, a disturbing 8 percent.

Additionally, word is out that Barry Obama and his anti-Second Amendment henchmen are racing to overwhelm the NRA and shove through massive gun reform legislation before the nation's outrage over the Sandy Hook school shootings wanes.

Anti-gun, hate-spewing liberals must be ecstatic.

Must-read at Russia's Pravda about that nation's historic bloodbath and rise in government mass repression, mass arrests, mass deportations, mass murder, mass starvation — unbridled government tyranny — over the Russian citizenry following implementation of gun control — Americans never give up your guns. Yes, Pravda — seriously:

Australia's gun ban, which outlawed weapons such as semi-automatic rifles and pump-action shotguns not only failed to reduce crime, it actually increased major crimes significantly.

From Freedom Network last month, FAIL: Australian Gun Ban Yields Higher Major Crime:

Chicago has one of the nation's most oppressive set of gun control laws, yet has one of the highest violent crime/murder rates in the United States. Gun laws don't stop criminals from procuring and using guns, but do leave non-criminal citizens much more vulnerable to gun assaults. Cautionary tale here in Australia:


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Oh no, those liberal sons a bitches would'nt lie to us to help their agenda would they ?


I just love a story with a happy ending. :)

Georgia mom home alone with kids shoots ex-con intruder
Published January 06, 2013

A Georgia mother shot an ex-convict six times to protect her and her children after he apparently forced his way into the family's home.
The mom heard knocks on her front door Friday and assumed it was just a solicitor, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

She told her 9-year-old twins not to answer the door and, when the visitor began repeatedly ringing the doorbell, she called her husband at his job and he told her to gather the children and hide.

"He opens the closet door and finds himself staring down the barrel of a .38 revolver."
- Walton County Sheriff Joe Chapman

According to the Journal-Constitution, the father then dialed 911 and his wife, who works from a home office, hid with the children in a crawlspace.

By that time, according to the paper, the intruder had used a crowbar to forcibly enter the home, and made his way to the home office.

"He opens the closet door and finds himself staring down the barrel of a .38 revolver," Walton County Sheriff Joe Chapman told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

The woman fired six bullets, five of which hit Paul Ali Slater in the face and neck area, Chapman said. But Slater, who has arrests dating to 2008 and was released from jail in August, was still conscious.

"The guy's face down, crying," the sheriff said. The woman told him to stay down or she'd shoot again.

While down, the woman and her children ran to a neighbor's house, and the injured intruder made it out of the home and into his car, the paper reported.

Authorities found Slater a short time later bleeding profusely in a neighbor's driveway.

"I'm dying. Help me," he told them, according to Chapman.

Slater was transported to Gwinnett Medical Center and is expected to survive, the sheriff said.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 03, 2013, 01:48:08 PMArming everyone is not a comfortable solution for many people.

Because the anti-gun crowd made it that way.

Diane Amberg

Might I ask why Warph dragged my name into this? You all know I'm not for gun control. I am also not for innocent people getting shot.
We just had another one near here, Elkton Maryland. A family was visiting outside in the yard of a friends house at midnight on New Years Eve. as they walked back to their door,the 10 year old simply dropped without a sound. To shorten the story,she was struck straight down through the top of her head by an errant bullet that some dummy had fired straight up at midnight. Gravity took care of the rest. They had heard shots being fired and the police are investigating. She couldn't be saved. That's the second such tragedy here in just a few years. The other child did survive.
Other than some of you military people, do any of you really know what it's like to be on the wrong end of a weapon, with no gun, and have an angry victim aiming his weapon at you? I do....more than once. I'll not share details because you won't believe me, but I always carried a big folding buck knife in my equipment holster along with the other stuff we used often. We also had a side door at the head of the cot as a bailout door if needed. It did get used from time to time.
I just don't know why my name was included in  those previous posts. Why was I supposed to pay attention? I have no children here to protect. I'd shoot any of you dead in an instant if necessary, and since I am who I am I'd never be charged. :angel:  ;) :police:
i'm not as brave as my friend Gladys Fisher,who has since died. She heard glass breaking and saw an arm come through the side "lights' that most of is have on our doors hear. he thought he could reach around and open the door...nope ,double dead bolt. She grabbed his arm,hung on, and pulled down as hard as she could onto the broken glass. She severed the radial artery and ripped him open but good.. He eventually was able to pull away and ran, bleeding like a stuck pig .The police had no trouble following him to where he was hiding, weak from blood loss The guy was very embarrassed when he found out she was in her upper 70's. ;D


I can't answer for Warph but I would guess he mentioned your name because you made the laughable statement that "hardening" the building would stop school shootings
I feel like a fish taking the bait but it's a slow afternoon, so just for grins and giggles will you tell us what you mean by this quote of yours--------

I'd shoot any of you dead in an instant if necessary, and since I am who I am I'd never be charged


Quote by Diane   "I'd shoot any of you dead in an instant if necessary, and since I am who I am I'd never be charged" Diane that is the dumbest statement you have ever mad and believe me you have made some dumb ones. I am contacting your City Council and warning them that you are a danger to others. Do you realize how full of crap you sound making all of the 100s of statements of everything you have done. You need counseling in the worst way.

Diane Amberg

People here know me well enough to know, after all my years in medical services, I'd never shoot anyone without due cause. It would always be in self defense. After all it was the Newark police chief who taught me even more details to good shooting than I had ever had. after he retired he went on to do research with bullet proof materials and layered polymers. It looks like the fire service may have to be next.
Like I have always said, you have no clue as to who I am around here or what the rest of my history is. Want to call my Council
man? Luke lives two doors up from me and is a very good friend. I'd give you his number, but he'd write you off as a loony, and perhaps ask me if I wanted you charged with harassment. ;D ;D ;D
You don't believe my stories? Your loss. I wasn't awarded a fire service Jefferson Award for nothing... and the four plaques on the stair case wall, and two upstairs and a couple at the fire station. Why and how are you so sure I'm not who I say I am? Can you prove that I'm not? I wouldn't say much, but you are accusing me of telling lies and I don't like that. it's all true.
What pray tell is wrong with hardening public buildings? It has the potential of being a very inexpensive fix, if one adds the proper security guards, police officers and check points as necessary. We are very aware of secondary targets and what pulling alarms will do. We're looking into hardening the front doors and first floor windows of the new charter high school right now, while it's being built.  The nice thing about having public safety people whose kids go there, they are very willing to help us with their own expertise.


Excuse me, but... is that ol' jarhead out there fishing for those rainbows with Teddy... LOL ???

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Interesting article and videos from InfoWars...

Editor's note: The caller in the video below identified as Lt. McCoy of a North Carolina police department told Pastor Butch Paugh on December 28, 2012, that police are training for martial law this year. Paugh hosts the GCN radio show Call to Decision Monday-Friday 8:00pm-9:00pm Central Time. He is a highly credible source of information and released the clergy response story.

In this broadcast of the Cybertribe News Network, a North Carolina Police Lieutenant calls in to give his first hand knowledge of preparations being made within his own department to train and prepare for martial law in the United States, possibly in the coming year.


Many similar reports are starting to trickle in from all across the country, through various independent media resources and even organizations like Oath Keepers.

The consensus is that a major economic event is expected, and that it will be used to provide cover for the institution of draconian policies being readied behind the curtain.  The exact timing of this event is not clear, but we do know the planning is being done, and that provisions are being put in place.

The following officer's admissions are another startling indicator of just how close to the precipice we really are...[/font][/size]

North Carolina Police Lieutenant warns of Martial Law in Early 2013.[/font][/size]

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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