Doesn't Make Sense!

Started by Varmit, December 06, 2012, 08:40:49 PM

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Holy buckets just sounded like Ross!!!!!!!!!!    :o
I don't know what is going on.  I am an educator am trying to give the benifit of the doubt.  Unfortunately, wolves come in  with sheeps clothing, as the adage is.

I have learned long ago that the uneducated, abused, and uncaring will eat anything you give them.
Just asking.
Keep quiet?  okay, I will give you that. 
Listen...yes we should.
Perhaps this is not the venue (internet) to prove anything, I am thinking!


I know I sound like Ross on some things, but I promise you that I won't keep repeating it.


So what questions would you want asked?

What points do you think should be brought up?


1.  What is the percentage breakdown of the actual 2012/2013 budget?
2.  What percentge is spent for athletics, music/arts, science/technology, Administrative costs?
3.  What are the (next 5 year) concerns of the our full time instructors? What are their limitations due to the budget? 
4.  What are the present concerns of our parents?
5.  What are your (Admninistration) goals to include parents in the educational process?



(cont)  Based on projected budgets, which department(s) failed to operate within their budget, and what was the breakdown of monies spent for what area?
  What differences have been implemented to assure this deficit is not a reoccuring issue?

What is the ratio of techer to pupil?  What is the sq ft ratio of pupil to room? 
Do you as an instructor feel you have adequate supplies?
Do you as an instructor supply your own supples?  What % of your salary?

ready stop



Again some reallly good points!  I think that I would start a discussion by asking the teachers, school board members, and faculty, just what they thought that we could do better?  I agree that an "outsider" might be able to see things more objectievly but at the same time they wouldn't really have a feel for our community.  I think that is important espcially when making decisions that will affect not only peoples jobs, but our children as well.

I bring up the topic of facilitators because of the recent conterversy over our Community Conversations.  I am in no way trying to belittle anyone, I would just like an honest discussion about some of the things that our county is facing.

For example, shouldn't school board officals keep themselves up to date on the latest trends and challenges of the education system?  Granted, they may have accepted the job without fully realizing what it entailed, but if they fell they cannot do the job then shouldn't they admit that and step down?

Again, I am not saying that any of our officals met that description, its just a question.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I don't believe that the "outsider" would be making any decisions.  Just collecting information and thoughts for the local officials to act on and offering advice from their knowledge and experience.

Yes, the people that make the decisions should keep themselves up to date, but sometimes they don't have the time to find all the up to date information and digest it. 

A facilitator woudn't have a feel for the locals, but on the other hand, they don't need to as they don't make the decisions that affect the locals.  The recent controversy over the Community Conversations was only a lot of malarkey started by a dissonant just because of his own unpleasant experience.


QuoteI don't believe that the "outsider" would be making any decisions.  Just collecting information and thoughts for the local officials to act on and offering advice from their knowledge and experience.

Wilma, you are spot on with that statement, if and only if the facilitator is there to help. 

Since I have been out of the field of education, and not as a 'hired gun' for nursing homes, are the School Boards required to attend and 'update' so to speak as to ways and means of the new trends and practices like the teachers are?  (ongoing educational credits)
Is the board comprised of people of whom have been there forever and ever or are they relative recently elected?



Quote from: Wilma on December 09, 2012, 04:04:56 PM
The recent controversy over the Community Conversations was only a lot of malarkey started by a dissonant just because of his own unpleasant experience.

Or, perhaps, your rigid analysis comes from a lack of fact and factual analysis.  Rather than simply labeling someone a dissonant, you could refute their analysis with fact and not your personal conjecture.  'Malarky' just seems to lack any measurable substance.  Do you have some supportable facts from which others could benefit?

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