If you're gonna cheat, at least make the stories believable....

Started by Patriot, November 29, 2012, 09:52:22 AM

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Diane Amberg

Bull, I didn't miss the point. I get it.
Here, when people don't like the view onto whatever a ''neighbor'' is doing and it bothers them, it's called "borrowing somebody else's open space. They want a say in how the acreage is used, even though they don't own it. I do mean out in the country.
Some people here are horrified if an older farmer wants to sell the farm for housing.The existing home owners don't want to have to see those new houses. In some cases they do get together as a group and buy and manage a buffer.  Works well and all are happy. Most of our zoning and restrictions have to do with health and safety...as  MT said. Run off onto some on else's property or into water of any kind is a big one here, whether it's construction dirt, mushroom soil, fertilizer, chicken and cow manure or industrial chemical waste. Odors are another. The towns have more restrictions. Outdoor storage is very controlled. It's one of the reasons we don't have rat problems in most residential areas. People who move here are made knowledgeable about the rules. They are welcome to choose not to buy and live somewhere else if they don't like it.
True junk isn't allowed to pile up. But the city truck will come haul anything away. All we have to do is call, no charge.  Yes, I know you aren't interested, but I really didn't come from the moon. I lived in the country for 21 years and had Colonial Pipeline run right behind the our grapevines when I was a kid. Now that was interesting to watch.
  Red, you have a kind word for everyone doncha? ::)


       Diane, so you know. I have been in your area. It is a shame what people have done to that part of the country. Such beautiful country with such defamation. That is what the posters you dislike are trying to prevent here.


Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Now back up that comment! I never said I didn't like these posters.Like or dislike has nothing to do with these issues now does it?
I don't care for much that has happened here either ,but when the farmers have nobody who wants continue on ,they sell their land. That is their privilege also isn't it?   Should the Gov't interfere?
The population has tripled here ,or more, since I was a kid. Almost all the farms that were our neighbors growing up, have sold off to houses. In fact one of the biggest builders, Charlie Wilkinson, a friend and classmate, grew up on a huge dairy farm near me. It all started off with his grandfather, who I remember plowing with his team on the property, (which we later bought) that adjoined ours.  He would stop if I was outside so I could pet his horses. He had huge tracts of land that went back to Penn Grants.
Now his sons kept farming the old property. One grandson bought a huge dairy farm out near Gettysburg. The others didn't want to farm, so eventually they sold off their land to Charlie, who then developed it. So who is going to stop it? Without planning and land swaps, that is a natural progression.
My one girl friend, who grew up on a big farm near Smyrna is facing the same thing.
Her father died recently and the farm will be sold, hopefully to another farmer, but Pat isn't sure at this point. None of the 5 daughters married farmers.
 Now what would you do? Have Gov't interference to save the farm? That's not right either. But the quality of the land is much different here too. We don't have salt water underlying the ground that way it can be out there...We don't have the oil either. Except for the pipeline,which I could never figure out how to tap into. ;D ;D ;D ;D


I am not so sure that what is happening in Elk County is that:  They were against it, now they are for it.  (it being the topic of choice).
I see a wishy-washy spineless commision group that can't agree on what they want, then when they do it gets nderminded by  a directive from one ballsy comissioner. 
That is not a leading group for the whole of the county.   (don't get me started on Elk School System)

"Do as I say, not as I do"  come to mind?

Wow, either Elk county is going to hell in a hnd basket at the comissioner's vote, or else information on here is only 1/2 the truth. (There is your truth as you see it, my truth as I see it, and the facts, which may or may not encompass both or none.)

  >>>>>>flailing arms, "Danger Will, Danger!"
I would preferable like to read substantiated facts.
   ready or not

Diane Amberg

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.
  On the one hand people don't want any zoning or planning or restrictions of any kind.Then some are mad if a few people are able to make money off their land in a way other than what is "usual " in the area.
Then there are the ''borrow someone elses view" folks which seem to be springing up where you are. It smacks of all the growing pains we went through here. Eventually when it is all done, one group wins and one loses. Somebody will be mad regardless.


and the 'new/old' topics begins again!
Can't wait!   



Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 01, 2012, 12:47:03 PM
It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.

If the issue in this thread were about 'develop vs don't develop', you would be spot on.  But the issue here is really about self serving hypocrisy:  To develop (using the power of government & taxpayer money) and then work to control/limit others' opportunity to do the same vs individual liberty and equal opportunity for all to do the same.

You are right, I suppose... it will be interesting... locally, regionally & nationally.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Diane Amberg

There are always so many variables in land ownership, I don't think the opportunity for all to have the same equal chance will ever happen, no matter how it is done. There will always be people who will have more than others.

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